Why Can We Not Unite?

Why Can We Not Unite?
by Qoldor

We are an intelligent nation with diverse views. Why can we not recognize diverse political views are beneficial for the common good, agree to disagree, form a united front, topple the mollas, and establish a true democracy?

Why is it that the only correct way is "our personal opinion"?

Why is it that the only true religion is "our personal belief"?

We all strive for democracy, freedom, and equal rights for all. But why can we not use these elements to form a unity, and save our country?



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Dedicated to Iranians and our beloved Iran

by Qoldor on


This song moves me to the deepest depth of my soul. I made this artwork to express how I feel inside. I dedicate this video to all Iranians, and to our beloved Iran.

Dorood bar Irani

Payande Iran


@AK69: Re: Small Variations

by Qoldor on

AK69 JooooooooooooooooN,

OK, so let's talk Control Theory :-)

What you said is quite true, but it depends on the "gain factor"!

The elephant we are dealing with is a very large beast, and very difficult to make it get up. But, once it does get up, a small poke in the right spot will make it run and flatten all obstacles. The poke I am referring is the UNITY I alluded to earlier :-)

PS: You're the best


PPPS: Qoldor Rules!



by AK69 on

- Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


@Che Khabar (MSG #2)

by Qoldor on

Dearest Compatriot,

As individual Iranians we represent one out of seventy million, which is equivalent to 14PPB.

If 0.5% Cr (Chromium) is added to Iron, a very strong steel is obtained. If the concentration of Cyanide (CN) exceeds 200PPB in the drinking water it will be deemed poisonous.

Our love of the country (yours, mine, all Iranians) is certainly no less potent that Cr to Iron, or CN to water. With all due respect to our countrymen, it is our teamwork and management skills that lacks, and not our love for the country.

We are passionate people. Full of life. We are so sensitive that we can feel the joy of a sparrow as it cuts through thin air. We are so proud that a lion remains silent when we sing our anthem. We are so brave that we defeat our enemies with our bare hands. Yet with all these celestical traits, we fail to act as one family. That is sad.

As intelligent as we are; As cultured as we are; As deep as we are; yet we fail to see facts of life as a whole, and do not entertain pragmatism.

I am not putting down our people. I am one of us. In sociology there is no good or bad, right or wrong. People form a society as they please. A culture is what it is. However, I hope you agree with me that our culture fails to be pragmatic.

We down played the threat of the Arabs, when we were warned that they're attacking us 1400 years ago. We failed to see the invasion of cursed Alexander. With all our might we failed to properly organize and defend against the Moghols. With all this history, we failed to learn from our past mistakes and gathered around the first person that offered a different path. For the past thirty years we have paid dearly for allowing to be fooled.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. The first time around we got fooled. May be it was our eagerness for a quick solution that betrayed us. But either way, the end result does not change.

We constantly blame the others for our miseies. The Russians, The British, the Americans, The Jews, The Arabs. We blame everyone one on the face of the Erath, yet we fail to identify the real party at guilt: OURSELVES.

If we had teamwork, if we were pragmatic, if we acted with balance and not out of passion and anger, if we treated ourselves with the same eye as we look upon our immeidate family, we would have not been were we are.

The foreign powers do what they do. They constantly influence to advance their nations' interests. If we were truly united, there would not have been a betryal from within, and hence no one would have had the power to bring misery to us.

We need to build upon what we have learned, as opposed to throwing everything away and re-inventing the wheel. This is why I promote love and camaraderie. We have mastered these two elements and sacrifice, what we need to do now is use these three elements as a platform and add teamwork, pragmatism, and top-level vision. We need to learn to see the big picture. We need a balanced view if we are to survive as a nation.

We need to entertain diveristy in all facets of life, and nourish it. We need to become so good at it, so that become the leading edge of diversity. Over two thousand-five hundred years ago we introuduced Human Rights to world, and now many centuries later we seek it for ourselves!

Last but not least, I did not take the word "naive" the wrong way. I believe you meant to say "innocent", or may be "pure hearted". If that's what you meant my dear compatriot, first I say to you thank you, and next I shall say what you see is intentional. It is by design.

It is my life objective to truly become innocent and pure, stay that way, and leave this Earth as such. Now mind you, innocence and intelligent can co-exist. One does not need to be a shady character, or a schizophrenic, in order to be safe from evil people. There is always an opportunity to destroy, but there is only one chance to leave in harmony.

I pray, we as a nation become so self-confident that we abandon the need to mistrust all time, and treat everyone (foreignets and compatriots) with trust; under a pargmatic and law abiding system. We can always pulvarize those who bite our hand of friendship.

To teamwork to unity, to honor, to duty, to country.

Dorood bar Irani

Payande Iran

PS: I'm too lazy to go back and check for my spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Please accept my apology in advance if you should see any errors. It is Saturday and I'm completely out of it :-)


Agree with you all

by javaneh29 on

For once ak  I agree with you even...! As che khabar wrote there are many variables and as a people we  are so deeply resentfu, injured, insulted, disappointed .... it comes out in anger for each other.

I would love to think that one day it would be possible to truly come together, level the differences and move forward in unity  for the love of Iran. It's the logical thing to do. I absolutely see your point of view and agree 100% Qoldor.

Che, I did write that religion in the wrong hands becomes evil, I dont believe that religion is evil in itself. Its what men twist it to become that makes it an evil tool.  


che khabar e

no worries!

by che khabar e on

Lecturing?  Qolder aziz!  We are all speaking the same language here... love for Iran!!!  I would never call such a heartfelt passion such as yours "lecturing"!!!  And even if you were, I accept it.  :-)

Can I use the word "naive" without offending you?  I understand what you're saying and I wish to God that "love" was all it took to unite all Iranians against the oppressors.  But I really believe that too many emotions are influencing us right now.  This anger and resentmet that I feel we've lived under for so long. 

Giving up your life to defend your country or save your child or whatever is an individual decision.  An act by one person to achieve an end.  Now we have 70 million individuals who have different goals in mind.  How to unite them?  How to convince the "whole" of a common goal? 

I would further add that it will be people like you who will lead Iran into a new era.  You're young (at least younger than me :-) and idealistic.  And I congratulate you on that!!



Che Khabar

by Qoldor on

Che Khabar Joon,

Howcome the "love of country" is enough reason to give up our lives for defending it, but is not enough to unite us in order to save it?

I am not a religious fanatic. I do not follow any religion but I love and respect God. This platonic love is a good reminder for me to remain good, and reject evil.

Here is another angle; we all love our parents, spouse, children, and best friends. Again, since we love them we are willing to do anything for them.

Therefore, my dear compatriot, we should not under estimate the power of love. Obviously, "love" is powerful enough to convince us to give up our most precious belonging: our very life.

And now I submit the same question to you: Why can't the love of country unite us all? I believe in the former cases it was an unselfish love, and when it comes to the country some inject their personal-taste. In other words, those who mix love of the country with their personal views, at best, have a "conditional love" for Iran.

Conditional love is not love! It is better to call it greed. If one accepts a marriage proposal based on the size of the stone on the engagement ring, then all they have is "conditional love"; if any. I would not marry such person. I'd want to share my life with someone who'd love me for myself, and not what I can afford to offer. This same analogy goes for the love of our beloved country Iran.

che khabar e

Suffice it to say that

by che khabar e on

Suffice it to say that common love of vatan is not enough to bind us.  There are too many variables.  But I like your question and I like that it proposes unity.  Iranians have lived under oppression and false hope for so long that it makes it difficult to sit and discuss these issues rationally.  The anger we are expressing is not really directed at one another but at the indignity and injustice our country has suffered.  It's like a wounded animal who strikes out against anyone who tries to help it.  I think we sense a bit of hope for once and it's bringing out all these emotions we've been suppressing for so long.  AK69 makes his point in a very brash and sometimes abrasive way, but he's right. 

Javaneh.  Religion isn't evil.  Actions taken by MAN on behalf of religion is what is evil.  :-)


Two birds with one stone

by Qoldor on

AK69 Joon,I tried to kill two birds with one stone. Please see my combined response to both Javaneh and yourself.

PS: bache porroo haalaa baa man safsate mikoni? loooooool



two birds with one stone

by Qoldor on

Javaneh Joon,I tried to kill two birds with one stone. Please see my combined response to both AK69 and yourself. xOx


Response to AK69 & Javaneh

by Qoldor on

AK69 & Javaneh Joon,

The common objective is the love of our country, and achieving freedom. This is the common denominator. No where in this equation is there an influence of "one's personal agenda", such as race, color, sexual orientation, political view, etc.

I hear you both. You're both explaining why at the moment we can not have unity. But to all fairness these are the obstacles we need to overcome. These are issues we need to identify, anlayze, and resolve. These are "man made" problems. These things you mentioned are no different than "prejudice (for a lack of better term)", and are a reflection of the need of a society to better educate herself to appreciate the true meaning of freedom.

If we as one People, do not subscribe to diveristy, and do not appreciate diveristy as a natural part of our culture, then we will never free ourselves from the evil of dictatorship. We end up replacing one brutal leader for another.

Can you really see my point of view? I'm not trying to force the issue, but bringing consciousness to the fact that we need to coexist under diversity. There shall never be a 100% harmonious society, never.

In essence, democracy is the umbrella that provides a virtual harmony, in order for the people to move forward in a single direction. However, within it, and under the umbrella, there is no limitation to the direction people take, as long as they're within the footprint of the umbrella. Otherwise, there would be only chaos.


That's a good question !

by javaneh29 on

And not one I can answer.

It made me think though.. where else in the world has that ? And I came to the conclusion that no where trully has that ideal but at least some countries strive towards it or have aspects of it to a greater or lesser degree. Or, at least dont have political and religious leaders, policies and laws that prohibit that ideal altogether.

These things prevent Iran and Iranians from being united. Look at any moment in time any where in the world and you will see that where there were religiously run and biased govt's, there was tyranny.

Religion is evil in the hands and hearts of the wrong people. Unfortunatley it nearly always end up in their hands.
