New BMW model "Christina Aguilera"

New BMW model "Christina Aguilera"
by radius-of-the-persian-cat

The more I read short-stories in the more I got the impression that there is a deep-rooted love for BMW cars among many iranians. Sometimes the cars from Munich are adored like a beloved person. The more I was amused to see a red 1980 model slowly vanishing in the sand at the caspian sea side, probably one of the most funny pictures in the amazing movie "Darbareye Elly".

The recent yet unreleased type3 BMW above might look like a "Christina Aguilera special edition", but in fact it is the typical view of test cars with camouflage cover you frequently see on Munich roads. To be honest, when I first saw them I found it a cool design, not knowing that it is just sticked-on plastic film. But I could imagine that soon the customers will ask for their new BWM in exactly this style.


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