The Dark Route

by Raven

Cold, bitter pre-dawn darkness,

A biting wind over thin snow,

Hard shoes and a heavy bag,

To school through blackness.

The teeming streets of noon a dream,

The darkness a playground for predators,

I quicken my pace passing faceless forms,

Wicked eyes reflecting flames.

My bag, fat with untouched homework,

To be done frantically by dawn’s first light,

Weighing heavy on my fluttering chest and conscience,

A swollen insect, its poison anxiety, crushing my breath.

Dark, twisty paths lead through orchards' courtyards,

To a street wide and grey in the pre-dawn light,

The school’s light a beacon through the biting darkness,

I fly above the final stretch of street, the wind in my ears.


Recently by RavenCommentsDate
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wonder ...

by BNob (not verified) on

I just wonder how come you "belonged to the latter group" of Mohsen Namjoo's haters when your own poetry resembles his works more or less closely?

"Love & hate are either sides of the same coin!" - old saying


awesome, I like this poem

by peymun (not verified) on

awesome, I like this poem ,you can feel the sense behind that words


Nice poem

by Abarmard on

Let me guess, you didn't do that well in high school ;)

Thanks, nice poem. I assumed it was going to be a fun memory but I was wrong. Keep writing.