The Italian Bloggers go on Strike!

Reza Hiwa
by Reza Hiwa

For the first time in very active Italian Blog world, the bloggers go on strike against a law-to-be called Alfano. If this law is passed, in Italy, the bloggers will have to provide the evidence to what they write, otherwise they’ll be condemned and forced to pay high penalties. This covers the amateurs blogs too.

Today, 14 July (BTW, the Bastille Day) is chosen by the Italian bloggers to stage their action.

They need support from the bloggers all over the world.

Here is the site (in Italian) where they make their point:

The freedom of speech is undividable. If Berlusconi succeeds imposing its law, the first one to follow would be his cousin Sarkosy and then...

Let's denouce this move wherever we can.

Sostegniamo la liberta di espressione dei nostri amici italiani


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Reza Hiwa

Here's the site's missing address!

by Reza Hiwa on

I'm so sorry! It's the age effect guys!

This is the site: //
The good news, for those who don't read Italian, is that there's the translation of the thing in English too.

We shouldn't under-estimate the danger of Berlusconi for Democracy. Actually he opens the way for others.

Buona lettura!

ex programmer craig

Can't find...

by ex programmer craig on

Any information on what this "Alfano decree" actually is. All I can find in google are blog posts which ridicule it. It seems to be some sort of "Obligation to Rectify" which applies to all media in Italy. I interpret that as an obligation to retract/correct mis-statements of fact. If so, I don't really see anything wrong with that. There was an Italian documentary released a few years ago that absolutely appalled me with the number of outright lies they were telling about the US military and the war in Iraq. I've never been so outraged by something I saw in the media, before or since. As far as I know, the maker of that documentary was never held accountable, even though he accused the US military of specific war crimes, and accused the US Government of Crimes Against Humanity. That kind of unsubstantiated accusation may be OK for coffee table gossip, but it's not OK for an internationally shown program that labels itself a "documentary". It's not OK at all. So, sorry... the Italian bloggers don't ahve my support on this one, unless this law is more intrusive than what it seems to be. It isn't a big burden to expect people who work in the media to be truthful, to the best of their ability, and to correct the record when they have published something that turns out to be false. That's responsible journalism.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

I found the link thanx for the news any way.  Maziar

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

eh allora dove e' il sito in italiano ?

where is the site in italian? you forgot the link      Maziar