La ley de retiro ! (Spanish music)

La ley de retiro ! (Spanish music)
by Reza-Rio de Janeiro

Just thought of sharing this beautiful song with everyone here! This song was used in Woody Allen's film : Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona! As for photo, I took it during my very recent trip to Porto Vecchio/ Corsica (what a beautiful little town and magical Island....)

Giulia y Los Tellarini - La Ley Del Retiro

La ley del retiro
The law of retirement
Y en el olvido olvidé
And in oblivion, I have forgotten
qué yo habia sido, dejé
what I had been, I consented
callar mis sentidos después
my senses to silent after,...
después del silencio impusto por ley.
... after that the silence was legally imposed
ley del retiro.
The law of retirement
Secreto castigo.
A secret punishment
La ley del retiro
The law of retirement
que doblega a los míos
that compels my folks/peers.
La ley del retiro
The law of retirement
y sus grandes motivos.
and its contemptible aims(she must be using irony here)
La ley del retiro
The law of retirement,
de secretos prohibidos.
retirement of forbbiden secrets
La ley del retiro.
The law of retirement

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Red Wine


by Red Wine on

I travel a lot to Spain for what i am doing (read my profile) .

Spanish ppl are strange (sometimes wierd !!!) ppl, you should live with them many years for knowing them good !

They are very very sensitive about their music,special this kind of music !

And now in actual spain,you can find many and many bands,singing in this way and believe me,is repeting all the time !

You sould go there and check it by yourself... spanish music is the best .

De nada Señor :=) .

Reza-Rio de Janeiro

Vino Rojo

by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

It wouldn't surprise me that this song is not popular in Spain as the Artist is a local one and was not well promoted commercially even in Spain... I heard during Woody Allen's Radio interview that had it not been for a spontaneous short meeting between the band member and him, it would have not been in the movie! The CD was gifted to Woody Allen in his Hotel lobby during the shooting of his film in Barcelona. Fortunately, he liked the song and used it in his film. I found both the Film and its Soundtrack spectacular. Of course that was my take... By the way, do you live in Spain?

PS. I attched the Youtube clip properly this time! 

Gracias amigo... :-)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Esta cancion no es tan popular en España como la gente piensa ... No esta mal !

Y la pelicula tampoco ha sido atractiva como otras peliculas de Señor Allen !