Islamo Fascist Paedophiles in London.

by Roozbeh_Gilani

The following video clip, shown proudly on Islamist regime’s TV network, shows a “Taklif ceremony”, held in London for the 9 year old daughters –who have by shiat sharia law become women- of the Lovely Islamists who had stolen enough money to abandon the islamist hell hole republic of Iran for London and all the goodies that the kafir yet Liberal England has to offer, such as affordable food, free healthcare, education, housing, freedom of speech ….basically all the goodies that the rest of Iranians left behind back home can only dream of.

Now, I always thought that it was against the laws of any western society to groom 9 year old children for sex. But looks like that is not the case in England anymore. What a shame indeed for a country which once proudly declared itself as the heart of Western democracy.


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Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
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by mohsenrahimi on

You picked Salmon Rushdie because he is in line with your thoughts. So stop crying and answer the questions. Lying is not going to help you.

قطعا بدترين جنبندگان نزد خدا كران و لالانى‏اند كه نمى‏انديشند (۲۲)


و اگر خدا در آنان خيرى مى‏يافت قطعا شنوايشان مى‏ساخت و اگر آنان را شنوا مى‏كرد حتما باز به حال اعراض روى برمى‏تافتند (۲۳)


State of ignorance and stupidity is exactly what IR has done for

by Zendanian on

33 years.

I mentioned three other scholars besides Rushdie, very much doubt you've heard or read anything from any one of them.

However, the fact of the matter is that, whatever Muslims don't agree with they decide to kill; Rushdie himself is a great example of this practice.

It is Islam and its supporters that are full of hatred and violence towards "non-belivers," as the history of Islam amply demonstrates, not the other way around.

Political Islam is the school of thought hell bent on monopolizing political power. Opponenets of political Islam have no inclination to monopolizing anything. Check yourself. 

It wa your "prophet" that admitted to being "fooled" by the Devil. Of course in 21st century, now, we all understand that all of this had nothing to do with anything other than Mohammad trying to win support amongst idol worshippers.

And you Muslims decided that Slaman Rushdie should die just because of pointing out to that historical fact. Again, hate and violence are all attributes of your man made religion.


azizeh deleh baradar

by mohsenrahimi on

Again, you started bad mouthing and jumping from one branch to another like your ancestors. You asked questions, I gave answers. Just answer my questions so we get some positive results. The problem with you is that you are loaded with hate and instead of asking your questions from proper  experts, you look in all the wrong places such as Salmon Rushdie. This way not only you don't get correct answers, you dig yourself deeper into Hell. Hell here means the sate of ignorance and stupidity.




Of course Muslims are always right, and if anyone disagrees, he

by Zendanian on

Becomes eligible to be killed by fatwa,or without! Like hundreds and thousands of Iranians that have opposed IR and Islam.

What arrogant ignorant Muslims don't comprehend is that their phony religion, like any other phony religions is man made.

Religion is only an expression of human alienation.  Until human beings are alienated from this world, there will be room for such nonsense.

All you 'moderate" muslims on this site are, most probably, part of the Mashaiey, AN team. Originally betting and planning on "a coup within IR," but now kicked out of power.

Nah dar ghorbat delat shad o, nah royie dar vatan daried.

Now all of a sudden, all of you becoming 'reformers' and 'moderates.' Whatever your origin, you're not fooling anyone except yourselves.

Political Islam in Iran is over, and the only thing keeping it in power is bayonet.

But remember:

Your could rule by bayonet, but you can't live on bayonet.



Firstdayofmylife, RE; "Reason, Education, open mind"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 Excellent comment. However, it is hard to ask from the victims of this islamist practice of child sexual abuse, "Taklif",  for "Reason, Education, Open mind", when you see them defending their own Islamo fascist abusers! In my opinion these poor souls need psychiatric help more urgently than "Education, Reason and open mind"! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


zendanian jaan

by mohsenrahimi on

 عزیز برادر٬ این آیه دقیقأ سلمان رُشدی و امثال تو رو توصیف مکنه.

 اى پيامبر كسانى كه در كفر شتاب مى‏ورزند تو را غمگين نسازند [چه] از آنانكه با زبان خود گفتند ايمان آورديم و حال آنكه دلهايشان ايمان نياورده بود و [چه] از يهوديان [آنان] كه [به سخنان تو] گوش مى‏سپارند [تا بهانه‏اى] براى تكذيب [تو بيابند] و براى گروهى ديگر كه [خود] نزد تو نيامده‏اند خبرچينى [=جاسوسى] مى‏كنند كلمات را از جاهاى خود دگرگون مى‏كنند [و] مى‏گويند اگر اين [حكم] به شما داده شد آن را بپذيريد و اگر آن به شما داده نشد پس دورى كنيد و هر كه را خدا بخواهد به فتنه درافكند هرگز در برابر خدا براى او از دست تو چيزى بر نمى‏آيد اينانند كه خدا نخواسته دلهايشان را پاك گرداند در دنيا براى آنان رسوايى و در آخرت عذابى بزرگ خواهد بود (۴۱)



by mohsenrahimi on

Why do you ask for the truth, when you cannot handle the truth?



Your lack of comprehension

by firstdayofmylife on

Your lack of comprehension does not make me a liar. I don't want to sink to your level and insult your understanding of 'science'. I thank you for proving every one of my points. There is not point in talking to an impervious wall.

I wish you reason, education, and an open mind.



by mohsenrahimi on

You wrote;

Religious supremacists are always contemptuous of critics ; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the illegitimacy of their dogma.

You did ask for science!  You are a liar.

My question was not about physics, I asked if Muhammad was fake, how did he know about the barrier between two seas that meet and that they do not transgress 1,400 years ago, what you didn't know till today?


No, I did not ask for

by firstdayofmylife on

No, I did not ask for science. Re-read what I said. Your non sequitur, also indicates your lack of comprehension (resulted from cognitive dissonace) as I stated earlier in my comment. I will also add 'common sense' to the list of cognitive deficits of a religiously programmed mind.

You should probably read Paul Davies' book "The Fifth Miracle". The search for the origin of life.Davies pursues the mother of all questions "What is life?"...It's a joyride..fuzzy concepts,such as order,organization,chance,randomness and so on are investigated.
Davies is the author of 2 other remarkable books "The Mind Of God" and "God And The New Physics".



by mohsenrahimi on

You asked for science. Here is one for you.

Now the question is: How did Muhammad know about that 1,400 years ago? 

Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and density.
(Principles of Oceanography - Davis, pp. 92-93)

For example, Mediterranean sea water is warm, saline and less dense, compared to Atlantic ocean water. When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1,000 meters with its own warm, saline and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth (Principles of Oceanography p. 93).
The Mediterranean sea water as it enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill with its own warm, saline and less dense characteristics, because of the barrier that distinguishes between them. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius (C).

Even in depths (indicated here by darker colors) up to 1,400 meters and at distances ranging from a minus -100 to +2,500 meters, we find that both bodies of water maintain their individual temperatures and salinity.
Although there are large waves, strong currents, and tides in these seas, they do not mix or transgress this barrier.

The Holy Qur'an mentioned that there is a barrier between two seas that meet and that they do not transgress. God said:

{He has let free the two seas meeting to gather. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.} (Qur'an 55:19-20)

But when the Qur'an speaks about the divider between fresh and salt water, it mentions the existence of "a forbidding partition" with the barrier. God said in the Qur'an:

{He is the one who has let free the two bodies of flowing water, one sweet and palatable, and the other salty and bitter. And He has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.} (Qur'an 25:53)

One may ask, why did the Qur'an mention the partition when speaking about the divider between fresh and salt water, but did not mention it when speaking about the divider between the two seas?
Modern science has discovered that in estuaries, where fresh (sweet) and salt water meet, the situation is somewhat different from what is found in places where two seas meet. It has been discovered that what distinguishes fresh water from salt water in estuaries is a "pycnocline zone with a marked density discontinuity separating the two layers." (Oceanography p. 242)

This partition (zone of separation) has a different salinity from the fresh water and from the salt water (Oceanography p. 244 and Introductory Oceanography pp. 300-301)

This information has been discovered only recently using advanced equipment to measure temperature, salinity, density, oxygen dissolubility, etc. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet, rather the two seas appear to us as one homogeneous sea. Likewise the human eye cannot see the division of water in estuaries into the three kinds: the fresh water, the salt water, the partition (zone of separation



by mohsenrahimi on

Salmon Rushdie is a Novelist not a Historian. He takes the History and manipulates them into a Novel for fools for cash. I had to rewrite you Master's trash to comment on them.

Salmon wrote about Muhammad:

As a teenager he began to journey with that uncle, Abu Talib, on his trading journeys to Syrian. On those journeys he almost certainly encountered his first Christians, adherents of the Nestorian sect, and heard their stories, many of which adapted Old and New Testament stories to fit in with local conditions. According to the Nestorians, for example, Jesus Christ was born in an oasis, under a palm tree. Later, in the Qur’an. The Archangel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad the sura known as “Maryam,” Mary, in which Jesus is born under a palm tree, in an oasis.

There is a lot more than the birth place of Maryam in Quran.  Muhammad couldn't read or write, let alone to write so much so elegantly.


Muhammad ibn Abdullah grew up with a reputation as a skilled merchant and honest man and at the age of twenty five this brought him a marriage proposal from an older, wealthier woman, Khadijah, and in the next fifteen years he was successful in business and happy in his marriage. However, he was clearly a man with a need for solitude, and for many years he would spend weeks at a time living like a hermit in a cave on Mount Hira

Here Salmon Rushdie  tries to portrait Muhammad the successful business man's solitude for God to what most people are familiar with today and sell as anxiety, mental disorder, etc.

When he was forty years old, the Angel Gabriel disturbed his solitude there and ordered him to recite. Naturally, he immediately believed he had lost his mind, and fled. He only returned to hear what the Angel had to say when his wife and close friends persuaded him that it might be worth a return trip up the mountain, just in case; that it was probably a god idea to check if God was really trying to get in touch.

Here Salmon is being sarcastic. That is not History!

It was easy to admire much of what followed as the merchant transformed himself into the Messenger of God; easy to sympathize with his persecution and eventual flight to Medina and to respect his rapid evolution at the oasis community of Yathrib into respected law-giver, able ruler and skilled military leader.

Here he used word easy to downgrade Muhammad's achievements.

Here was a fascinating paradox: that an essentially conservative theology, looking backward with affection toward a vanishing culture, became a revolutionary idea, because the people whom it attracted most strongly were those who had been marginalized by urbanization- the disaffected poor, the street mob. This, perhaps, was why Islam, the new idea, felt so threatening to the Mecca elite; why it was persecuted so viciously; and why its founder may- just may- have been offered an attractive deal, designed to buy him off.

He attracted people from different backgrounds, from elite, from poor from rich, white, black, brown, etc.  Here, Salmon  is representing the dictators as elite and those seeking justice and  freedom as mobs. This  contradict what you stand for, Azizeh deleh baradar, but you agree with it


This much was known: Muhammad wanted to be accepted by the people of Mecca. “He longed,” Ibn Ishaq wrote,” for a way to attract them.” And when the people heard that he had accepted the three winged goddesses, the news was popular. “They were delighted and greatly pleased by the way in which he spoke of their gods,” Ibn Ishaq wrote, “saying, “Muhammad has spoken of our gods in splendid fashion.’ ” And Bukhari reported, “The Prophet…prostrated while reciting An-Najm, and with him prostrated the Muslims, the Pagan, the jinns, and all human beings.”

Muhammad was offered to accept their gods along with his God and they will give him anything he wanted, but he replied, if they put the sun in his right hand and the moon in his left hand he will not accept. After that they attempt to kill him and he left to Medina. So if he did accepted the idols, as Salmon and his followers on IC claim, they wouldn't have fought so many wars.

The prophet came down from the mountain one day and recited sura (number53) called an-Najm, the Star. It contained these words: “Have you heard of al-Lat and al-Uzza, and al-Manat, the third, the other one? They are the exalted birds, and their intercession is greatly to be desired.” At a later point-Was it days later? Or weeks, or months?- he returned to the mountain and came down, abashed, to state that he had been deceived on his previous visit; the Devil had appeared to him in the guise of the Archangel, and the verses he had been given were therefore not divine, but Satanic, and should be expunged from the Qur’an at once.

Here is Soreh Nazm. It is nothing like he describes. It is beautiful. Read it! It is good for your soul!




Religious supremacists are

by firstdayofmylife on

Religious supremacists are always  contemptuous of  critics ; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the illegitimacy of their dogma. Impervious to facts, they are always on a  collision course with reality. Authoritarian followers are highly suspicious of their many out-groups; but they are credulous to the point of self-delusion when it comes to their in-groups.

“A people that has remained convinced of its greatness and invulnerability, that has chosen to believe such a myth in the face of all the evidence, is a people in the grip of a kind of sleep, or madness. ”
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses

“faith without doubt is addiction”
Salman Rushdie

The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes.
Salman Rushdie

 What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.
Salman Rushdie

“When a reader falls in love with a book, it leaves its essence inside him, like radioactive fallout in an arable field, and after that there are certain crops that will no longer grow in him, while other, stranger, more fantastic growths may occasionally be produced. ”
Salman Rushdie

"If Woody Allen was muslim, he would be dead by now"--Salman Rushdie

salman farsi

You proved NOTHING brother Zendanian

by salman farsi on


Is this the best you could offer (especially one written by the culprit Salman Rushdie)? None of the names you have mentioned were regarded a major this. or major that.


But as your knowledge is copy and pasted, let me direct you to a resource from which you can copy and paste easilyj;






Authenticity of the event


The event is considered to be weak, by the standards of Hadith authentication. This is because of the problems with the chain of narrators of the events. Ibn Kathir, in his famous Quranic exegesis, says the following, with regards to the event:

"...these reports all come through Mursal chains of narration and I do not think that any of them may be regarded as Sahih"


vassalam v alaikom v rahmatollah.  




For an Islamic democracy


At least three major scholarly readings of Satanic Verses affair

by Zendanian on

Exists, to my limited knowledge of the field, expert historians probably could come up with more.

First two are by Western scholars Maxim Rodinson (some of his books have been translated into Persian) and W. Montgomery Watt. There's also the works of Prof. Sadik Al-Azm ( a distinguished world renowned Syrian scholar).

However I don't like the writing styles of any of those three.

For the purpose of this session we shall chose the version told by one and only Salman Rushdie, in his latest book Joseph Anton. Below is a rather long excerpt from that book, dealing specifically with Satanic Verses Affair.

RG jan, sorry for the long comment, but these arrogant, ignorant Muslims need to be educated. I'm sure you'll agree. Cheers






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"They were nomads who had just begun to settle down. Their cities were new. Mecca was only a few generations old. Yathrib, later renamed Medina, was a group of encampments around an oasis without so much as a serious city wall. They were still uneasy in their new urbanized lives, and the changes made many of them unhappy.

A nomadic society was conservative, full of rules, valuing the well-being of the group more highly than individual liberty, but it was also inclusive. The nomadic world had been a matriarchy. Under the umbrella of its extended families even orphaned children could find protection, and a sense of identity and belonging. All that was changing now. The city was a patriarchy and its preferred family unit was nuclear. The crowd of the disenfranchised grew larger and more restive every day. But Mecca was prosperous, and its ruling elders liked it that way. Inheritance now followed the male line. This too, the governing families preferred.

At the gates to the city stood temples to three goddesses. Al-Lat, Al-Manat, and Al-Uzza. Winged goddesses, like exalted birds. Or angels. Each time the trading caravans from which the city gained its wealth left the city gates, or came back through them, they paused at one of the temples and made an offering. Or, to use modern language: paid a tax. The wealthiest families in Mecca controlled the temples and much of their wealth came from these “offerings.” The winged goddesses were at the heart of the economy of the new city, of the urban civilization that was coming into being.

In the building known as the Cube or Kaaba in the center of the town there were idols of hundreds of gods. One of these statues, by no means the most popular, represented a deity called al-Lah, meaning the god, just as al-Lat was the goddess.  Al-Lah was unusual in that he didn’t specialize, he wasn’t a rain god or a wealth god or a love god, he was just, vaguely, an everything god. It may be that this failure to specialize explained his relative unpopularity. People making offerings to gods usually did so for a specific reason, the health of a child, the future of a business enterprise, a drought, a quarrel, a romance. They preferred gods who were experts in their field to this nonspecific all-rounder of a deity. However, al-Lah was about to become more popular than any pagan had ever been. The man who would pluck al-Lah from near obscurity and become his Prophet, transforming him into equal or at least equivalent, of the Old Testament God I Am and the New Testament’s Three-in-One, was Muhammad ibn Abdullah of the Banu Hashim family (which had fallen, in his childhood, upon hard times), an orphan living in his uncle’s house. As a teenager he began to journey with that uncle, Abu Talib, on his trading journeys to Syrian. On those journeys he almost certainly encountered his first Christians, adherents of the Nestorian sect, and heard their stories, many of which adapted Old and New Testament stories to fit in with local conditions. According to the Nestorians, for example, Jesus Christ was born in an oasis, under a palm tree. Later, in the Qur’an. The Archangel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad the sura known as “Maryam,” Mary, in which Jesus is born under a palm tree, in an oasis.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah grew up with a reputation as a skilled merchant and honest man and at the age of twenty five this brought him a marriage proposal from an older, wealthier woman, Khadijah, and in the next fifteen years he was successful in business and happy in his marriage. However, he was clearly a man with a need for solitude, and for many years he would spend weeks at a time living like a hermit in a cave on Mount Hira. When he was forty years old, the Angel Gabriel disturbed his solitude there and ordered him to recite. Naturally, he immediately believed he had lost his mind, and fled. He only returned to hear what the Angel had to say when his wife and close friends persuaded him that it might be worth a return trip up the mountain, just in case; that it was probably a god idea to check if God was really trying to get in touch.

It was easy to admire much of what followed as the merchant transformed himself into the Messenger of God; easy to sympathize with his persecution and eventual flight to Medina and to respect his rapid evolution at the oasis community of Yathrib into respected law-giver, able ruler and skilled military leader. It was also easy to see how the world into which the Qur’an was revealed, and the events in the life of the Messenger, directly influenced the revelation. When Muslim men were killed in battle, the Angel was prompt to encourage their brothers to marry their widows, in order that the bereaved women might not be lost to the faith by remarrying outside it. When the Prophet’s beloved Aisha was rumored to have behaved inappropriately while lost in the desert with a certain Safwan ibn Marwan, the Angel of the Lord came down in some haste to point out that no, in God’s opinion, the virtuous lady had not fooled around. And, more generally, it was evident that the ethos of the Qur’an, the value system it endorsed, was, in essence, the vanishing code of nomadic Arabs, the matriarchal, more caring society that did not leave orphans out in the cold; orphans like, for example, Muhammad himself, whose success as a merchant, he believed, entitled him to a place on the city’s ruling body, and who had been denied such preferment because he didn’t have a powerful family to fight for him. 

Here was a fascinating paradox: that an essentially conservative theology, looking backward with affection toward a vanishing culture, became a revolutionary idea, because the people whom it attracted most strongly were those who had been marginalized by urbanization- the disaffected poor, the street mob. This, perhaps, was why Islam, the new idea, felt so threatening to the Mecca elite; why it was persecuted so viciously; and why its founder may- just may- have been offered an attractive deal, designed to buy him off.

The historical was incomplete, but most of the major collections of hadith or tradition about the life of Prophet-those compiled by Ibn-Ishaq, Waqidi, Ibn Sa’d, Bukhari, and Tabari- told the story of an incident that afterward became known as the incident of the satanic verses. The prophet came down from the mountain one day and recited sura (number53) called an-Najm, the Star. It contained these words: “Have you heard of al-Lat and al-Uzza, and al-Manat, the third, the other one? They are the exalted birds, and their intercession is greatly to be desired.” At a later point-Was it days later? Or weeks, or months?- he returned to the mountain and came down, abashed, to state that he had been deceived on his previous visit; the Devil had appeared to him in the guise of the Archangel, and the verses he had been given were therefore not divine, but Satanic, and should be expunged from the Qur’an at once. The angel had, on this occasion, brought new verses from God, which were to replace the Satanic verses in the great book;” Have you heard of al-Lat and al-Uzza, and al0Manat, the third the other one? They are but names that your forefathers invented, and there is no truth in them. Shall God have daughters while you have sons? That would be an unjust division.” And in this way the Recitation was purified of the Devil’s work. But the question remained: Why did Muhammad initially accept the first, “false” revelation as true? And what happened in Mecca in the period between the two revelations, Satanic and angelic?

This much was known: Muhammad wanted to be accepted by the people of Mecca. “He longed,” Ibn Ishaq wrote,” for a way to attract them.” And when the people heard that he had accepted the three winged goddesses, the news was popular. “They were delighted and greatly pleased by the way in which he spoke of their gods,” Ibn Ishaq wrote, “saying, “Muhammad has spoken of our gods in splendid fashion.’ ” And Bukhari reported, “The Prophet…prostrated while reciting An-Najm, and with him prostrated the Muslims, the Pagan, the jinns, and all human beings.”

Why, then, did the Prophet afterward recant? Western historians (the Scottish scholar of Islam W. Montgomery Watt, the French Marxist Maxim Rodinson) proposed a politically motivated reading of the episode. The temples of the three winged goddesses were economically important to the city’s ruling elite, an elite from which Muhammad was excluded, unfairly, in his opinion. So perhaps the “deal” that was offered ran something like this: If Muhammad, or the Archangel Gabriel, or Allah could agree that the bird-goddesses could be worshipped by followers of Islam-not as equals of Allah, obviously, but as secondary, lesser beings, like for example, angels- and there already were angels in Islam, so what harm could there be in adding three more, who just happened already to be popular and lucrative figures in Mecca?-then the persecution of Muslims would cease, and Muhammad himself would be granted a seat on the city’s ruling council. And it was perhaps to this temptation that the Prophet briefly succumbed.

Then what happened? Did the city’s grandees renege on the deal, reckoning that by flirting with polytheism Muhammad had undone himself in the eyes of his followers? Did the followers refuse to accept the revelation about the goddesses? Did Muhammad himself regret having compromised his ideas by yielding to the siren call of acceptability? It was not possible to say for sure. Imagination had to fill in the gaps in the record. But the Qur’an spoke of how all the prophets had been tested by temptation. “Never have We sent a single apostle before you with whose wishes Satan did not temper,” it said in Sura 22. And if the incident of the Satanic Verses was the Temptation of Muhammad, it had to be said that he came out of it pretty well. He both confessed to having been tempted and also repudiated that temptation. Tabari quotes him thus: “I have fabricated things against God and have imputed Him words which He has not spoken.” After that the monotheism of Islam, having been tested in tested in the caldron, remained unwavering and strong, in spite of persecution, exile and war, and before long the Prophet had victory over his enemies and the new faith spread like a conquering fire across the world.

Shall God have daughters while you have sons? That would be an unjust division.”

The “true” verses, angelic or divine, were clear: It was the femaleness of the winged goddesses-the “exalted birds”- that rendered them inferior and fraudulent and proved they could not be the children of God, as the angels were. Sometimes the birth of a great idea revealed things about its future; the way in which newness enters the world prophesied how it would behave when it grew old. At the birth of this particular idea, femaleness was seen as a disqualification from exaltation.

Good story, he thought when he read about it. Even then he was dreaming of being a writer, and he filed the good story away in the back of his mind for future consideration. Twenty years later he would find out exactly how good a story it was."



Salamn: You have been given

by firstdayofmylife on

Salamn: You have been given a generous opportunity here to explain and even prosetylize your superb faith/religion by refuting and taking to task those who "disparage" your religion?  Why are you refusing to shine some light on the "misguided"?

salman farsi

Don't be afraid brother Zendanian. You are not on trial here

by salman farsi on

I asked you to show us your proof of authenticity of Satanic Verses. If you have no answer be brave and admit you know nothing about Satanic Verses and whether they are authentic.

You claimed brother. You provide us with the proof.

 For an Islamic democracy


You request for enlightenment on Satanic Verses is taken as an

by Zendanian on

Admission to the fact that you don't have a clue as to the origins of Isalm.

If you did, you would have written about it, instead of asking for more info.

salman farsi

Why don't you enlighent us Brother Zendanian?

by salman farsi on

You claim Satanic Verses are authentic! The onus of proof is on you brother.

For an Islamic democracy


Wasn't al-Lah just another idol in Arabia along with al-Lat,

by Zendanian on

al-Manat, and al-Uzza and all other idols in there.

How did all of a sudden al-Lah became "Allah" and all the rest were forgotten?

Why is it that all you muslims are so scared shi.less when it comes to the history of Satanic Verses Affair?

Could it be that it proves that Muhamad was a fake prophet, his religion a fake one, and practically all his followers, messengers of a man-made doctine?

Isn't that why you condemend Salman Rushdie to death?

A "moderate" muslim by definition would respect other people with other views. You're used to IR's thuggery for so long, that you even can't understands what moderation means.

Since you're so informed and knowledgeable about Islam, why don't you enlighten us about Satanic Verses Affair

So far all your 'brothers' have refused to do so. Could it be that none of you know what you're talking about?


salman farsi

Brother Zendanian I pray for you again

by salman farsi on

I can see two of our brothers, Smotaghed and MohsenRahimi, have offered you every opportunity to open up your eyes and see how damaging your rants are for the cause of democracy that you claim to follow. Each of the words that you wrote here can provoke even the most moderate of the Iranian muslims to react aggressively. Is this how you want to promote democracy brother?

besides there is not a shred of truth in your words. You are just shouting abuse in the most uncivilsed manner at a faith that is followed by thousand of millions of people.


I can see you with a machine gun in your hand ordering the slaughter of all the Shiite followers. The anger and venoms that coms from your words are sensed even throught the screen of a computer.


I pray for you and all the misguided.

For an Islamic democracy


I know enough about Islam to see that IR is a Fascist state,

by Zendanian on

Mohamad is a fake prophet.

Islam is a fake religion.

And "Shiaism" as the stupidest 'intrepetation' that could have come out of Islam.

And you as a permenant defender of all four above.

What does that make you?

A shameless defender of ignorance and fascism?

If you know so much about Islam and its history, why don't you enlighten all of us on the Satanic Verses Affair.

P.S. It's interesting that NV, and Demo don't have a word to say on the context of all these early age coverings? Could it be they're living in a world totally detached from everyday realities of women's rights suppression in Islamic Republic of Hell? Probabaly.




by mohsenrahimi on

نه عزیز دل برادر٬ شما ۱٪ هم از اسلام و فقه و فلسفه نمیدونید. فقط ادّعاتون میشه.

نیکی چو ازحد بگذرد٬ نادان خیال بد کند.

شده داستان من با تو٬عزیز برادر


Namotaghed, Fesenjon is actually correct on Allah being an idol,

by Zendanian on

And origins of Islam, the entire Satanic Verses affair, and what that means for Islam as a whole as a religious doctrine.

So sillyness all belong to you for defending a fascist state, a fake religion, and displaying a vast amount of ignorant arrogance. Shame, shame.



by SMotaghed on

تو بازه حتی دو تا خط از اصول کافی ننوشتی که ثابت کنی اون رو خوندی. باز حواله کردی. من آنقدر دروغ گو مثل تو دیدم که دیگه رو هوا میزنمتون.
اتفاقأ میخواستم به همین بلاگت// برای یک نمونه دیگر اشاره کنم ولی نخواستم از مقوله این بلاگ اگر چه مسخره٬ خارج بشم. حالا که خودت بلاگ مسخرت رو ضمیمه کردی باید بگم باز این بلاگت هم هیچ محتوایی نداره. یک مشت نوشته های دیگران رو هی کپی و پِیست کردی که بگی اسم الله به نوعهای مختلف قبل از اسلام وجود داشته. خوب داشته٬ که چی؟ الله هم اسم بت بوده؟ خوب بوده که چی؟ همینه که میگم شماها اونقدر دِسپرت و کانفیور هستید که به هر حرف نا مربوط و مزخرف و هر کس و ناکسی متوسّل میشید. درست مثل یک آدم گرسنه که دیگه تحمل نداره و هر آشغالی رو میخوره و به هرذلّتی تن میده.  



by Fesenjoon2 on

لازم نیست برای خوندن اصول کافی و دیگر کتب شیعی علامه دهر بود. تو هم میتونی. برو اونها را بخون بعد بیا با هم حرف می زنیم. در ضمن این مقاله را برای تو نوشتم. بدردت می خوره:




"that has happened to many americans"!!!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 s maghadeh: boyo, even for a cyber Agent of islamist regime you sound dumb! And no unlike you I was not trained in the back room of a hozeh and was not taken to a "taklif" ceremnoy. So no molestation for me boyo. Come to think of it, the sympathy you show towards  this Islamo fascist child abusers  and your fascination with this blog, could be a clear sign of stockholm syndrome! But I'm not gonna excuse your stupidity with your  "taklif day experience" !

now go google it! 

Fesenjoon: Be patient with this new boy maghadeh. He is a bit slow, even slower than the rest of them!. But on the bright side, I believe that i am getting to the bottom of his problem :)

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Roozbeh Gilani

by SMotaghed on

No one looking at these kids would have jumped into the things you are discussing and used the words you use here, other than someone who has probably been molested and his/her mind is occupied with such memories. That is OK. Let them out.  That has happened to many Americans by catholic preachers and Mormons,etc.



by SMotaghed on

بنده مثل تو به دروغ هیچوقت ادعای علامه دهر بودن نکردم.  تو هنوز هیچ جمله ای از متن هیچ کتابی ننوشتی که بعد به درست یا غلط بودن اون بپردازیم. جز اینکه یک لینک طول و داز رو میزنی که هیچ سر و تهی نداره و هیچ چیزخاصی رو مطرح و بحث و ثابت نکرده و فقط به کتابهای دیگران اشاره کرده. و تو هم فقط به اسم دو تا کتاب اشاره میکنی که به احتمال قوی هیچ اطلایی از محتوای اونها نداری.
همین که سوال ازدواج رو مطرح میکنی و وقتی جواب منطقی می شنوی و بخاطر بی اطلاعی خودت از اون مسئله به مسئله دیگه میپری و مغلطه میکنی نشانه این هست که واقعأ هیچ چیزی نمیدونی.
اینکه از کجا میدونم سنّی هستی.
از کامنتهای ضد شیعه ای که میدی و عکسی که به شیعه احانت میکنه و نشانه های دیگه.



"I am begining to think you have been molested"!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Says as a form of insult,  the latest manifestation of islamo Fascism  hate , ignorance, and thuggery on this site, this time hiding behind the name  "smotghed", in a blog dedicated to highlighting the plight of innocent kids being molested by Islamo fascists!!!

hardly surprising a statement coming from a shameless cyber mercenary of the islamist regime which has systematicaly used Rape as a tool of terror against defenceless political prisoners. Men, women, children...

Surviving Rape in Iran's Prisons. Witness Statement of Saeeda Siabi