تسلیت از دست دادن هموطنان ایرانی در ابهای اندونزی

Saead Soltanpour
by Saead Soltanpour

انا لله و انا الیه راجعون - دوباره ده ها ایرانی و افغان مهاجر در ابهای اندونزی در مسیر پناهندگی به دنیای بهتر ، جان خود را ازدست دادند. سال گذشته هم در همین روزها، حادثه مشابهی جان این هموطنان اواره مان را گرفت. نمی توان جلوی اشک ها را گرفت. به امید روزی نه چندان دور که کسی مجبور به انتخاب کشور زندگی خود، از راه های قاچاق و خطرناک نشود.

Purwanto said that around 60 rescue officials had been deployed to comb the sea to look for the passengers still missing from Saturday's disaster.

Survivors said that they and the other passengers came from Iran and Afghanistan, and they had paid agents between $2,500 and $5,000 to seek asylum in Australia, according to Purwanto.

"According to them, they had flown from Dubai to Jakarta and took buses to an unidentified location in Java to board the boat. They said they were heading to Christmas Island," he said.

"They had been out at sea for 23 to 25 hours. They might have washed up on nearby islands, so we must try to rescue them as soon as possible," he added.


more from Saead Soltanpour

Not Hitchen, No comments, no sympathy

by darius on

I was expecting more comments in here , at least an apology from the

"Anghelabion" Irani of 1979 .

These Iranian do not count, they are not  Hitchen, Bolton or Rajavi's to  rise any curousity.

Thanks Mr.Sultanpoor for bringing these to our attention.

Our condolences to all the families who lost their loved ones.


آفرین به شما......احسنت.........




به دل‌ نگیرید، دوست گرامی..............برخی‌ از دوستان مقیم این
سایت، فرزندان راستین کوروش و داریوش، رفته اند یکی‌ از همپالکی‌هایشان را
بگذارند توی گور.........حالا اگه فرصت کردند و مقتضی بود به اینجا هم سری
میزنن........بعضی‌ هاشونم با اون انا لله و انا علیه راجعون مشکل
دیالکتیکی دارن، عین جنّ و بسم‌الله، وگرنه اونا حتما میامدن...