Canada: What a nice Democray

Saead Soltanpour
by Saead Soltanpour
 for alomst  2 months Canadian do not have any power on the government Since Sep 6, 08 that Mr. Harper called an early election that cost $300,000,000 Canadian tax payers money . So , we do not have any power on the government since they there is no Parliament in session. What a nice democracy ?

Harper is not in rush to call the Parliament since it is economic crisis and he does not have any plan to overcome the crisis . Also, Harper with a minority governemnt as much as the Parliament delays , it is good for conservative to run their country on their way.

the other party seems are not in rush to push PM to call the Mps to work.
by the way, you add summer Holidays from July 08 , then assume that how politician are getting money for the jobs they have not done .


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Hajiagha hurry up!

by Kablammad (not verified) on

حاجی آقا بدو! بدو تا تنور گرمه بچسبون! ببین تو این کانادا چیکار‌ها که نمیکنن. استخفرالله و ربعی وتوبعله!

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