a report from Beheshte zahra

Saead Soltanpour
by Saead Soltanpour

 was at Behesht e Zahra a couple of hours ago for Neda's Cheheleh. Attached you will find a couple of photos and films. It is now 7:19 Thursday July 30th. Here is a little report:

1- At 3:00 there was a crowd of about 50 to 60 around Neda's grave. Sohrab's grave was only a few meters from hers.
2- There were a few police cars and police men
3- the day was hot and dusty
4- gradually people came. I think at around 4:30 (that's when I left) there were several thousands but it was difficult for me to get a good estimate
5- police also increased quite dramatically. A helicopter was hovering on top of us. I am sure there were tens and tens of police men around.
6- At least one police man got really mad and with his baton attacked everybody quite aggressively with a few of his colleagues following him.
7- One police man slapped a man his face and a small crowd gathered around but dispersed quickly. the man was not arrested.
8- a young man was arrested and pushed into a van.
9- at least 3 times a group of policemen attacked the crowd and chased them for at least 40 to 50 meters. the crowd was too big and dispersed for me to see what's happening in other sides.
10- I left at 4:30 but in the metro station I noticed people were getting out of the metro to go to new Ghat e (I think the number was 57)
I will try to send you more of my clips. Unfortunately for technical reasons almost all my photos were over exposed. I was not also happy with my video clips but the reason for that, I hope you understand, was the fear of the police catch me filming and as a result I had to shoot without looking into the camera.
Take care


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