My mysterious love of China Part three


My mysterious love of China  Part three
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

My mysterious love of China Part three

As I wrote before there is other problems for us the Middle Eastern people who are living in the west. Most of us who came after the so called Islamic revolution cannot find the same job and have the same income. So our family will be upset. And sometime the wife will go after the divorce. Or by accident we lose our family and we as a man are forced to marry again. A man without wife is not complete, as a woman without husband is not complete, too. But the society here is different and they do not accept us generally. In Europe if you know the language and you respect the culture you are accepted and the people have interest to know about you and your culture. But here they people do not care and they have no interest to be with foreigners. The German professors are willing to help you and correct your mistakes, but here the American professors do not show any interest. The culture here is to ignore and to be indifferent. Now you can see why the Middle Eastern people are attracted to the foreigners who live here.

The only Americans who have interest about us are they who want to introduce their religions to us, because they think we will pay later to their church. Many people say American came to you for sex or business. I was teacher in the American school in Tehran, and the American there were very nice and friendly. I had a lot of American friends in Tehran, but here I tried very hard to have one good American friend, and I could not find it. So you can imagine if a China professor shows interest, the person who live here isolated and alone will be attracted to her/him. But there is a mystery about the Asian or China people that they do not get very serious, especially if they are academic people. So Sasan was in the same position, he lived here about five years completely alone. He tried to have some friends, but it did not work. Now a beautiful smart and very intelligent China woman showed interest about him and filled the missing part of his life. She was his family and she alone has covered the whole family of his. He told me that he was there after the accident and could not move, because he was injured, he saw that the car and his five families, the wife and his all children burned in the fire. Even after six years, in the time he remembered the accident he got very upset and cried loudly. It is not easy to lose all your family one time and in few hours. But what can we do that happened and we should accept it. He went to a lot of doctors and used a lot of medicine, but still he was very upset about the situation. So Lee was a light of hope in his life. They were the whole time together and they spend their time together and
Sasan was in a very deep love with her. She was like a very good friend or family to him, but Sasan wished more than this.

Lee was all my family what I had. I saw my two daughters, my wife in her. She alone could replace them for me. I saw in her face the face of my beloved daughters who were not with me any more and they burned in the fire. In the time I was with her all my gram and pain have gone, she was bringing with here new face and new action love and hope in my life. I thought I know her as I was two years old. But sorrowfully she could not feel or understand how deep I am involved with her. Sometimes I thought that she thinks, that is a normal like or love and it does not have any route in my mind or heart. She told me if she feel in love with me that is a problem for her. Sometimes I could not understand why she does not feel my deep love, that is burning me. I could not imagine to live any more without her. She told me Sany you should forget me. I will be like a dream for you. Please, do not hate me. I wished she could feel my deep love and I hoped that one day she will understand this. Burt our love was a love between two kids. We could not enjoy the real love with each other. More than kiss and hugging, she did not want. We slept many days and night with each other in the same bed, but she did not want to love me completely, something very strange made a wall between us. If she loved other persons why she kissed me so deeply, is she did not love me enough why she stayed the whole day and the whole week or month with me. That was something very strange in her. May be she afraid from me that I love her so much. She knew that I lost all my family in a terrible car accident. She afraid that I will be to connected to her. But still I could not leave her. It was any minute I was with her enjoyable. Even I knew that she will not be mine at the end of story. She said in the very beginning that she cannot be my wife and she cannot have a baby born for me. But I thought maybe she will change her mind.


I tried to be very nice to her. I did whatever she wished. I derived her where ever she like and the whole day she kissed me and with love and passion, but she have always a distance with me. She looked at me for a long time, than her beautiful eyes were full of tear and said Sany I love you so much, I think soon I will go to a trouble. I said but love is not a problem. We can marry. I can come with you to anywhere you like. I do not have any family any more. She said that is also a problem. I cannot accept so much love. You have nobody and you will give all your love to me. That is too heavy for me to carry. She was so indigent that she spoke English without any accent. Her ears was so perfect like a child. She just listen one time to a word and then she could repeat it. She asked me one time what does check cash mean? I explained just one time to her and she could pronounced the words and she knew the meaning, she said you are a good teacher, but in reality she was a very good student. She knows English from the book only, but after few months, she could lecture English for her students. She was nice humble , very smart, intelligent, beautiful, friendly and… she did not want to marry me. I remember in the time I was student in Europe a very beautiful girl wanted to be with me and have sex with me. She was very beautiful, but she did not love me. She wanted to have me until she can find another European better man. She wanted me for a short time or something as reserve for her sex needs until she find another man. I run away and told him, I am not horse or roster. Forget it. But Lee was different she did not want sex, she was just a very good friend and very closed one. But she did not want to be also my wife. In that case I could not run away.


more from Sahameddin Ghiassi


by yolanda on

Thank you for the story.......I hope they can work it out......both of them are very nice people......I hope they are happy!


Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear Representative Mr. John Mica

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Dear Representative Mr. John Mica


My name is Sasan  J. and I am a university instructor from Iran and a college and high school teacher in Florida. I have been persecuted in Iran, because my mother was Bahai and most of my capital is taken by my Bahai family and Moslem friends.  You helped me here to be a US citizen and I would like to work for the people and be useful. I know many languages and I can teach eight languages and I am fluent if four languages. I was teacher in Oviedo High for German and Latin and at Seminole Community college for Arabic, German, Persian, and Politics. Orange County told me if I buy houses in county they will give me the permission and occupational license for a boarding school.  I bought the houses and they gave me license. But sorrowfully after three years of operation they told me they did a mistake and they cancelled my occupational license.  With their mistake I lost more than 800,000 plus many years of activates I did in the boarding school. I told them how can I pay my loan about 800,000 to the bank and I lost also all my down payments. You know the price of the real states also came down and I could not sell the business and give the money back to the people and bank, credit cards. 


As I had no other chose I rented the houses to regular people and they did not pay , took material which I bought for the boarding school and destroyed the building and robbed what ever they could for three times. I had to go to the court, pay court and sheriff to take them out of the house. But the process is long and it gives to the tenants enough time to destroy the house and take what ever they needed. In the time the police came they already gone with my materials.  Because they robbed me, because the Orange County makes mistake, because the insurance companies did not pay the damages, I could not pay the bills and they destroy my credit scores. I wanted to work in Iraq or Afghanistan as supervisor, but they do not clear me, because I could not pay the credit cards and mortgages.   The interest rate is now 2% and the bank wants about 9.3 % and the prices of the houses are low, but the bank want high price. I have been persecuted in Iran, because my mother was Bahai and I am a victim here, because the other people make mistakes and did not pay me. Also I should be punished. I think that is very unjust. The people who rented my house took my furniture and materials, the police three times did not act seriously.  The insurance company took thousand of dollars for insurance and one time I needed them, they did not helped and should take attorney for their payment. The Orange county people were not smart enough and made mistake and I have to pay for their mistake and I have been punished for their mistake. 


I hope we can remove these mistake and unjust.  For having a better country, I am willing to work and cooperate. I have a lot of skill, but now because of the situation I have to sit at home and wait. My boarding school is eight acres and the students can work, live and study there. I saved a lot of young people in that way and this is my reward.


Yours truly  Sasan J.


Sahameddin Ghiassi

The car for a wedding party

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

They did in Tehran.