Why we are in this condition?


Why we are in this condition?
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

Why we are in this condition?


The whole world is going forward and we are going also forward?  Some people say the whole problem is because of religion or because of Islam.  Some people say the greed and money brings us to this condition.  The foreign powers want or oil cheap or free and they want to sell their productions to us more expensive and take as much as possible money from our country.  Why they do this?

We are proud and selfish and live dictators, we build easily from a normal man a huge dictator, so that he does not even believe that he had this position.  A thirteen years old boy about sixty years ago wrote that the people made from a normal man, a worker a huge dictator so that he did believe in himself as a God.  In the Middle Eastern countries now we do the same. The sheikhs of Arabian countries have billions of dollars in the foreign banks and the Arab child has no water, not food and no school. The rich people do not care about their own people; they gather the money in their own account which is belonging to the people.  They sell the oil to West and the little money they get for it, put in their account.  You know that they change the oil in their factory petrochemical factories and sell its products hundred times back to us? That is their business.  The leader of the Oriental countries should listen to them if they do not they get angry and remove them by the people or by themselves.


The West wants we should have not enough education so we are disabling and need them always. If you compare the USA with Iran, the high school is a mass production, every American will finish the high school and after that they have two years of Associated degree program in that course they learn how they can work properly, we do not have this type of school enough and our people should learn by themselves these type of work or manual skills.  The government help the people that all people can get sort of scholarship to get their BA or BS. After that they can get loan and not free money.  

For their president they have just one title. Mr. President. But we have at least twenty titles for our kings’ leader or president. The president there is limited and the congruous or parliament   control him, but the dictators in the Middle Eastern countries have the absolute power and after a president for the life his son will be president. The name of dictator is changed to president only.  We love to make dictators or the people who have enormous power.


We are not united with each other and we do not listen to each other words and explanations.  We have right always and we think the other people have no right or they are stupid or ignorant. We think we are unique and the best and we are not willing even to listen to other and will destroy or at least make fun concerning them.  If we are after our benefits we make a man or woman like God or Goddess, but in the time we do not need him/her the same person can be the worst person in the world.  We misuse the love for extra benefits.  We do not respect each other, for example a man with six grade education does not agree or respect a professor of university and he says he knows much more than him. We want to make him little and we think in this way, we are more than him/her. As a child it is the same situation, we do not respect other children, because their fathers or mother have a different jobs. We build a group of people and make fun of other children or if we can we fight with them. Later is the same we want to have all the benefit for ourselves and if we can we want to send everybody out of the work.  we are badly influenced by the society and our environmental condition, if we are in a Shia religion, we think all other religions are wrong and only we are right. (Shia is a religion or a school of Islam that believe after Mohammad his family, his grand children should be the leaders of Islam)  The other Arab Moslem killed the family of Mohammad in a very treble manner, they cut their heads and put their head on the top of stick and cut their bodies in pieces.  These Moslems said they believe in Mohammad and killed his family. I cannot explain this? We did not learn to work cooperative and we want to destroy other people who do not have the same ideas as we, if we can. We say the great powers did all these troubles in Middle Eastern countries.  But even if they did it is performed by local people who think about their own benefit more than the benefit of their society.  We are jealous and we cannot see other people are better than us or happier.  We try to damage their luck. If we help the people they said we are ignorant or stupid and the people who are helped by us are against us. If we are indifferent they say we are money minded and do not help other people.  Whatever we do some people do not like it. Because the people are self-centered they think they know everything better than the others.  The people if they can say their critics by a different name, they do not have courage to write their own name. We do not learn to cooperate with each other, and if we do that because of fear. If we are nice and friendly the people misuse it to bring us down, so we have no other choice in the time we have the power use the force.


We want to be respected without learning. We do not want to learn properly and listen to other ideas. We know everything without even reading and learning.  The God gives us such a talent, that without learning we know everything.  A child in Iran knows that the people need universities, colleges, work, a place to live and possibilities to marry (as in the Middle East, to have relationship without marriage is not good). Mostly in Middle Eastern countries sex is killed in many people and sexual is a taboo.  The people do not like to speak about this and guide the youth. The youth also perform self sex, homosexual or sex with animals or plastic sexual organs. The rich people have their wives or husband by a short term contracts or they marry early.  These sexual problems bring some men and women of Middle Eastern countries to be angry and or wild and damage other people lives, because of their complexes. Some people are angry fight very fast and easily, because of their complexes.  The young people need more money, so if they have good jobs; they took illegal money or bribes. Cheating and making illegal money or bribes is a way that the people can survive, but if the people want to stay pure and do not take bribed should have a hard life.  The legal system is in the hand of people who have power or money and can pay the bribes. Generally you are not respected if you are pure. Even your own family prefer that you get bribes and not to be pure.


The people misuse also religion to get money. If you have a Baha’i friend and he help you a lot, in the time you do not want to pay him back you misuse his religion for destroying him. The problem can be solved if we respect each other and listen to each other.  We try to make life easier for each other with Love and Unity. That is not garbage that is the way.  We should not try to destroy religion and they believe of other people, because they born and live with that. They love to think, that they can go to paradise after death and get beautiful Hurries who are always virgin or Ghelman who are always hard in front of them and never get tired, like Hurries they go back after each intercourse to virginity and the Ghelman stay hard also after each intercourse.  A man or woman lives eighty years with this believe how you will change it by one time conversation with him/her?  Let the people have enough education, so they can decide by themselves what they should do. Some people do not believe in religion or God at all, but they pretend to look like believers, because they can make enormous money in this way.  The whole problem will be solved if the people Love each other respect each other listen to each other and have a good suitable education. The people ignored the reality and because they think differently, they do not want to know about other people minds and thinking.


That is title, part of the title I translated from a newspaper of Tehran thirty one years ago.

Mr.  great huge Leader of the world, Moses of the time , great clergyman,  beauty of God, Ayatollah Imam Alkhomeinei  Almosawie, his Excellency, Jesus of time ,  spirit of God Roholah.  Some students have no interest, but some they have. Any way he is a beloved person still in Iran or not? Did not the people make from him a huge personality? Why? Even now many people are willing to die for him or not?  We should accept that Mr. Ahamdi Nejad and Mr. Khamenei have still a lot of flowers.  As the Shah still have and Mosadegh also is not without any flowers?  The question is if they are all want to help the people ;they should forget themselves and work for the people and cooperate with other people and respect the majority.  Like in USA. The majority govern and the minorities critics. 


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