Delara the young girl who has been hanged up. Concerning a young girl who executed in Iran. She was going to visit her family with a young man, whom she may be chose for marriage purpose. I do not know the conversation with her family ;a retired teacher, and why she or her boy friend killed her. The newspaper did not write a clear matter, article, about this action or I could not find a clear article about this situation. But why these two young people go to visit her retired teacher ;their relative and why one of them or both of them kill the lady, the teacher. Is it clear for you? To judge about this matter is not easy, we can just guess why something like this has happened. That the young people sometimes get mad and crazy ;and they cannot control their own body and their own actions. The craziness of youth or even of very old people is ;a matter of not functioning of their brain. Sometime we forget who we are and we forget our limitation, we want everything we desire and we want to have more and more. We are greedy and not humble.
The human being sorrowfully ,sometime ,does not get happy with what ever he/she has. They want more and more. There is a lot of example in the history. The Hitler was a poor man, a nice room and good food was his dream. He wished to have, as a young man just a place to live and enough food to eat. The same Hitler was the leader of Germany and Austria. He wanted more now; he had almost the whole Europe. He wanted more, he sent his army even to Africa. He had palaces and billions of Marks were under his control. He was not happy and he was greedy and wanted more and more. I think he wanted the whole world. He gets some sort of madness and over acting in his situation. We have a lot of examples, Mussolini, Sadam are other examples, that they were not happy with what ever they had.
Sadam had twelve palaces in Iraq and he wanted more. A man, who was in exile and was old and sick and had nothing in his mind, got the leadership of a country. He has no education to run a country. His knowledge was limited and he could not think even properly. He was over eighty years old and may be his brain does not function properly. Now he had the whole country and young people on his side they were willing to be killed for him, because in him and his words they saw their dreams. He lied very often and the young people believed him. Another man was a beggar and gets the government position as another leader. They both lied a lot and a lot of simple hearted people gathered around them for some benefits; or they were idealists and wanted to work for the people. After a while that they were close to the leaders; they see that they are not enough smart and intelligent to run a country .They will destroy with their knowledge and lack of experience and information the whole nation and the whole country. They already started to destroy the country and damaged and wasted billions of billions dollars. So they started to critic themsleves. And wanted to show their other colleges how they should act.
The new leaders got angry and kill all of them. They also killed the generals and army officers, because they did not trust them so the enemy of the country attacked them and killed millions of people and destroyed more the country. So this example shows that some people as young man or woman or very old can get this sickness and get mad and crazy and start to destroy their environment. If they are simple people ;they destroy their own house or the house of their parents, but if they are leaders of a country they will destroy millions of people and destroy also billions of dollars ,and damage the whole country. For example if a dictator got this sickness like Hitler; he damages the whole Europe. If he was a simple worker, he could damage his house or his family only. In our case Delaram could damage her family and because she had not power like a dictator; she has been captured and punished. If she had the power of a dictator, she could continue her madness and could kill and destroy a lot of other people and damage the whole country. The children of the killed lady have said that in the newspaper took just the side of Delaram ; and that side is considered and the people also have judged not right and saw only just one side of the story. Why the Delaram took her boy friend to a house of an old lady, who is also alone in the house, the boy who was with Delaram was not even her fiancé? In the culture like the culture of Middle East that to have a boy friend is a bad thing ;and to take this boy friend to family house is a little bit confusing. If this had happened in USA or Europe that was normal, but in the traditional society like Iran to take a boy friend to other people house is not normal. A friend of mine told me, one day his mother was alone at home. The son of her mother's brother came alone to visit her. He was about seventeen years old and was failed in the exams ,and so he went to his aunt’ house. The mother of my friend was alone and she let the boy inside the house. The young boy is fat and strong and attacked the old woman who is a retired government employee. And he wanted to rape the old woman, his aunt. And the old woman was trying to defend herself against the son of her brother. Luckily in this time my friend ,also the son of the old lady ,came from the work back to the house and opened the door by his own key, he is even older than the nephew and as the nephew feels that he is coming, he let the old lady his aunt alone. My friend told me "I saw my mother was not happy to have the son of her brother there. And she told me the son is so ugly and fat and not polite".
She did not say directly to the son that he was trying to rape her. But she mentally was badly disturbed. If the son did not come in time, may be the boy had killed the aunt, because of the madness or the youth time. He wanted may be sex and money; and he thought the poor old aunt could give these to him. This boy marries early in the time that he was eighteen , but if the son of the lady did not come in time he could be killed by government also. But he was lucky and nothing had happened against him. He married later as I wrote ,and for his life he should work physically and support his four daughters he had or his wife had from other relationship. And at the end they travel to Australia and he had a better life there. He got a good life there, if the son of his aunt did come that day later ,so with seventeen years he did kill his aunt and must be killed, so in this way he had chance that the son of the aunt came in a critical time and save his life. As the madness of the youth attacked him he could lose his whole life. The aunt did not tell anything to his son that time, because he could get mad and fights with the boy. So the aunt did not tell anybody until one year later as the boy was married she told her daughter the story. If Delara had the same luck and chance, in that time should come one of the lady’s children in the house and the whole story was in a different form. Nobody was heart and the Delara or her boy friend could leave the house in peace.
My other friend is fired, because he was Bahai, and he was trying to get another job. It is not easy to find a job if you are fired from a governmental job. You are old and have experience and the other people are younger than you, so they do not want to hire older people to work under their supervision. But the huge boy of him, his son everyday fight with him and cried loud that he wants video, mobile, luxury shoes, luxury shirt and expensive materials. New car, camera and other things. The huge son cannot understand that the father is fired and has no income; so he has to be patient until he gets work, or find another source of income. The son who was about two meter, May be he was six feet and eight inches,he had huge body and eat like two normal men and he thought by crying so loud he can make the father rich or forces father to be rich. He wants money to buy the materials, but he could not imagine that the father cannot gather the money he wishes. The father told me that he eats one kilo honey, about two ponds in one time with bread and tea. He eats two pound Nutela in one day. Or the whole chicken in one time. He wanted to eat every day two kilo or four pond meat and four kilo or eight pounds fruit. In sixteen years of his life he was 250 pounds and later he was over 400 pounds.
The father told him that it is even not good for your heart and your health to be so fat and this fatness will be in challenge for you body. So much energy in the body , and the power of a boy will cause problems. The problem in Iran is that the parents do not have enough income and the children cannot understand that ;and their wish is unlimited. They want every thing that their rich friends have and they cannot understand that some people are persecuted because of religion ;or other man made excuse and every body cannot have the same salary even with the same degrees and with the same experiences; the world is unjust. Some young people know that the parents have no guilt and so they attack government and fight for their right with government, but some young people afraid to have conflict with the government, because they now that the government is furious and will kill them, if they have too, but the parents cannot harm them, so they are cruel against their poor parents. The greedy system which control the world and govern the world for its own benefit and existence had to victimize their own people or other people. To have or to take their wealth and power, they can misuse the religion, nationalities and races or even sexes to cheat the people , rob and persecute them. They have to kill people and bring hate between different people.
The middle class people are their victim in the first place. And they destroy other countries for their own benefits. In 1914 in Iran was a lack of food and the great power, Britain did not let enough food to be transport to Iran. They cut the way of transport, so Iran did not have enough food. It was an artificial shortage, so many people died on the streets, because of shortage of food. Nine millions Iranian are died, because of this shortage. So the Britain had easier to control the people, if the people of Iran were less. They want power and they are willing to perform any way and to use everything to have this power of controlling other countries. Later the mad Iranian or the greedy ones have helped them to perform their plans, because they were paid. A weak poor nation is easier to control than a nation with a lot of educated people and knowledgeable persons and power. The USA had a lot of different people, from black, yellow, red and different whites. They have all nations and all races and religions, but they count themselves as a nation. Some how they control the world, and they are like the big brother to other countries. They have huge industrial companies and they plan everything in advance.
They have most of the big companies in their control. Alone their insurance companies have huge capitals. They took the money from the middle class and also poor class, so the poor generally gets poorer and the middle class lose their position also and get poor. But they call themselves one Nation. But we were in the past one nation. And now they divided us to different artificial countries. The Kurds are divided into four major countries. The Balouch also are divided. And even in Iran they try to divide people in different groups. Like Tehrani, Rashti, Mazanderani, Turk, Arab, Parse, Turkmen, Uzbek and so on. And they divide again the people to Sunni, Shia, Bahai, Moslem, Mystiques, non Moslem, and Dervish and so on. Than they give gun to each group and say OK take and fight for your freedom and get your right. Just like in Afghanistan they gave rifle to people and trained them to fight with each other and so the country goes down. And in this time they rob the country by selling their weapons, drugs and other materials. They make another group also, the Monarchies people, Communists, left Communist, right Communist, China Communist, Russian Communist, Nationalist, Religious Nationalist, Non religious, the people of the wind Party, the people who knows the right time party.
The people who want to work party, the people who do not want to work party. So we fight with each other and they gather money by selling weapons and drugs and other materials. We do not have enough knowledge ;so we fell down in their traps. Their huge advertisement by the BBC, Voice of America, and Deutsche Welle brings every day new program for us, so the fight will be for a long time. Instead to build a powerful Iran; we destroy our country more and more. In other side they encourage our neighbor to attacks us. Saddam attacked us with the best weapon which he got from Europe and USA and our soldier should fight with the old weapons so millions of our young soldiers have been killed for nothing. But they do not give Saddam also enough materials and weapons that he can win. They keep us in balance that none of us should win. Only they win by selling all of his used and old weapons to us. Together with insurance companies and other companies which make bombs and drugs. All the people in the Middle East were one nation in the past and they should be united again like the union of Europe. As long as we are separated we will be misused by the people who are united. We are separated and they are united. We have war between us and they are living in peace and unity. Who will win?
With such indifferent action that we have; soon we will lose more. The leaders should not be only after putting money in their account and build famous palaces. See the Sheikhs have billions of dollars and have palace like thousand and one night palaces, but their people have no school, no university and no jobs. This leader one day will be very sorry for what they are doing now. They will regret their faults. As long as we do not have universities and technical or fine arts schools, the young people lose their energy on the fight and drugs and their life will be useless and they waste their times. That is exactly what the super powers want, a nation in confusion, without education and with a lot hate and disunity. As long as we are weak they can be our masters and our leaders think as long as they have money in their bank account in Europe, Asia or American, they have a good and sufficient guarantee for a nice life. The other government will take your illegal money. The leaders think they can get the billions of dollars they save for the other next world in foreign banks, will be given to them. No, that is the answer; they will keep this money for themselves. They do not let the leader use the robbed money in their bank, in the time that they are losing their jobs and should be out of the countries the banks will frize their accounts.
Did Sadam could use these monies? Could Tsar of Russia use this stolen money? Like American we should give also the same chance at least legally to everybody. And nobody should be persecuted because he /she born in a family with different religions or different nationality. So many of our problems will be solved. The Reza Shah was a from a poor family, he should feel the pain of poor people. But he may forget. The fighting student was the boss and governor later, but he had forgotten his student’s friend as long as he got a high position. Sorrowfully we critic very well, but in the time that we have the position we forget our people and will work for ourselves personal benefits again. And we change our mind in the time that we get a high position. We forget our poor companions. And we will be indifferent against the people who gave us the high position. The people gave their wealth and lives and fight for the people who were in jail and in exile and brought them to the power and they got the control of Iranian wealth and money. The budget is now in their hand. Did they work better as the people in the past? Did they help the poor people to be academic? Did they bring new moder and mother of industrial factories? Everybody says that our factories are old and do not have the complete capacities.
They are too old and do not function properly. But the people are taking billions of dollars through the trailers out of the country. Did this happen in the King’s time? Had somebody take eighteen and half billion of dollars and gold by a truck or trailer in the Shah’s time? As long as we do not give possibilities to our young people, we will have the same problem. They will be mad easily and will start to kill other people. That is the fault of society that young people get so mad. The court killed the Mona, the sixteen years old Shirazi girl, because she was born in a Bahai family. They killed two hundred young people, because they born in Bahai family. Is that not a crime, why the people are quite and do not say anything? Yes, they think they are not Bahai, so they are safe. Was Neda born also in a Bahai family? No, she was not, but as the people are quite for the first murder so the second will come and more people will be killed, if we are indifferent and quite, or murder will take advantage and will take another place also. Now you see that they kill even their own children, the children of religious people; they are not safe, too. If the unjust appear and the people are quite; it will spread in the whole world. First Bahai have been killed, after that the Moslem and after that everybody will be killed regardless where and when he is born and who their parents are. Even the son or daughter of Ayatolah can be murdered.
Why a young girl like Delaram should be killed? A girl who can paint so nice. Delaram is a victim of the society. She was not patient and she did not learn to be patient and be strong in the time that she was in the school. May be she did not have good experienced teachers. She did not train for the life. She thinks free and wild, without concerning about the limitation of society. Our children and youths want everything fast. They are not patient. They will use their time and have fun, education, university and work and possibilities to have house and marry and the society should prepare these for them. If they cannot have these possibilities they will be wild and bother their parents first, or they will fight against government which does not give them their right. Or they will force the family to help them. Or they use drug to forget the hard situation. They are not patient and will to have everything at once. In the case of Delaram, may be she wanted money and job, so she can marry her boy friend. And have their own house. But she was hanged up. Because she could not get what she wanted.And she was not patient. The young people think if they go to Europe or American, they will have a better life. They do not know that these countries are designed for their own people, and foreigners will have a lot of difficulties until they will be accepted. In Germany the people even do not rent a room to the poor student from Middle East; they try to make the life so hard for them, that they go back to their countries. They prefer to help their own students and not foreign students.
They are even joules about the Middle Eastern students if they are good students. And try to make all difficulties to push them out. Generally they do not respect foreign students or workers. Most of our academic people work as physical workers or they have some sort of free business. Also they do not work in their field they have trained and study. The only way to be free from the imperialist, communists and these super powers is to be united and work together and have clever deaders who are not after money for themselves. We should use the energy of our youth and train them in the best universities and colleges or technical school to be successful and expert in their field. We should attract our young people to our countries and not leave them alone to be simple worker in the industrial countries. Or our youth go after drug, because they lose their hope or kill other people because they have no work and no universities. The young people should be involved in work or study and the government should use their energy for positive production. In this way they will not kill their family or their friends and they will go in a good positive way. The government should help them and not be indifferent concerning them. The eighteen and half billions dollars which was taking out if Iran, for paying for illegal things or putting in the princesses' account, should be used for young people, open work and factory for them and open university and technical school for them, so they can use their energy in a positive way. That is not Just to ignore the people and if they make a fault they will be punished( them )hardly. Without any mercy.
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Unity of mankind
by Sahameddin Ghiassi on Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:18 PM PDTDear friend, I am not a writer and not a scientist. I just try to write my experiences for the youger people, may be they can use them. But I thank you any way. I love Iran and Iranian and I wished I could teach in Iran. As you suggested I read again and chaned some sentences. Thank a lot. I just wish to share my experiences. Amir
Last Call Before I Say It In English!
by میرزاقشمشم on Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:20 AM PDTبه عنوان یک هموطن دلسوز و با احترام بی پایان، به شما نویسنده و محقّق دانشمند توصیه میکنم برای حفظ آبروی ملّی در مقابل همان جماعت دور میز هم که شده، مرقومه شریفتان را ویراستاری فرمائید.