Foolish Goats of Americas ultra right continue on their ill advised quest of questioning Mr Obama's character on issues such as his Muslim Father's step Father, upbringing & His Muslim roots in trying to discredit the messenger. How ever, one can not search for flaws in Mr Obama's character by exposing his childhood in which He had no say or control over. Stating the flaws in Obama the man is a much easier task.
I as an Irani immigrant don,t question Mr Obama's Christianity & Patriotism but I do question His coreographed demeanor, Repolished overpromised leftist agenda, All righteous Lord of the ring rant, Calculated political steps, opportunistic backtracks & His message of "Change for the sake of change & Peace for the sake of peace".
The perfect child & hollowed dreamer of liberal left who works out 4 times a day bordering gym addiction has risen through the ranks of hopeless Democrats via a rozeh-khooni speech in 2004 and the age old message of "I told you so" regarding the Iraqi war. Looking at Mr Obama's demeanor one will find his constant preoccupation in looking wise for the mezmorized audience yet ignoring wisdom when choosing a 20 year mentor who partly shaped his world view. Mr Obama's well rehearsed one liners just like any expert showman concentrates on the psyche of the bored, headline oriented American audience meanwhile avoiding any foray into substance & risky topics. It's no longer the message but the messenger that is being sold & protected by the all mighty liberal media machine. His patronizing vocabulary in dealing with Sen Clinton was a prime example of his all knowing, elitist view of others. In my view his firey speeches lacks the sincerity that a speaker must have unlike a more realistic Bill Clinton of 90's whose campaign team ironicaly is running the show for the love child Mr Obama.
On Iran:
The danger in choosing Mr Obama is not his so called Muslim roots but his "On the job training" approach to internal & global issues which if added to his populist, ambitious, opprtunistic & image wary traits will give birth to future untimley appeasments & disasterous backtracks which ultimately will cause the war & mayhem that folks are so confidently leaving for him to prevent. Carter & Tabbass military mission in Iran is a vivid example of the end result of the Populist naive liberal policy. Unfortunately the comedy of History may repeat itself for Iran in the person of President Obama who on the platform of dialogue for the sake of dialogue & his subsequent populist, opportunistic backtrack might force a tragic war on Iranians.
So is it "The Change we can believe" or "Can We believe the change"?
Guess We'll find out when the 3;00 am call comes & Mr Obama is in the local gym shooting hoops!
Shad-Zie va Mehr-Afrouz
Recently by samsam1111 | Comments | Date |
Poetry, Ten commandments on being a true Iranian | 7 | Jan 31, 2009 |
True Iran & Virus of Ommatism, Final | 9 | Jan 18, 2009 |
True Iran & Virus of Ommatism Part 2 | 6 | Jan 10, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Siamak jaan...(not related to this thread)
by Souri on Sun Aug 17, 2008 06:08 AM PDTI'm so happy to see you're back here. Long-time no see you !
We are waiting to read more satires from you here.
About your great book "The Iranican Dream": I read it last year. It's a
masterpiece. Congratulation ! The satires were so funny that I was
laughing loud when I was reading at lunch time at work. My colleges
asked me what was so funny about that ? I explain them your story.
Two of my colleges (one Greek man and one Moroccan girl) said to me
later, that they had bought your book and they were very enchanted to
read it.
Just wanted to share this victory with you !
PS, my very dear Samsam jan: sorry for the disruption :O)
Re: There is danger with Obama
by Teknoduck (not verified) on Sat Aug 16, 2008 08:36 PM PDTContrary my friend. I am not making redundant remarks. Until the Democratic party is defeated with this mad man at the helm we should be screaming the facts until election night!!!! My point was not centered around the Wright, Black, or even budget issue. If you will utilize that decrypting mind of yours and read my article again you will see it was focused to the Muslim sector. Last time I looked this was a Muslim, Iranian site. I am appealing to these bleeding heart Muslims who are sick of the Bush office and would vote the devil in if they knew it would end the Republican run. Obama has stated he would open the doors to Islamic negotiation. America has a current policy not to negotiate with terrorist nations. I think that is counter productive to toss that away and would make us look as though we are caving in on principle. Give the Islamic Extreme one ounce of hope and I assure you money will come flying in from under the table from these animals. Bin Laden has been covertly funding this war so why not fund the American election in hopes of getting a weaker president with a self serving agenda. I wrote my response in hopes some of these animals were reading and would hear an Americans point of view that they will get nothing from Obama!!! I also was appealing to the civil minded majority of Muslims in an appeal to realize we are brothers and do not need a new crisis that would effect the innocent. The Muslim faith is one of love and caring as is the Christian. I am simply saying we need us civil minded humans to unite and stop all this crap!! If Obama wins the election I assure you global threat is not a scare tactic but a reality. Iran's president is a madman. Obama is just as bad. What happens when both are in office? Anti-Democratic ideology has been based on anti-liberalism (abortion, gay rights, and gun control)and anti over spending on social programs. Now we have an idiot that threatens the very fabric of our existence. I am a firm republican but voted for Clinton in his second term because he was doing well for the economy. Remember this...It is not the affiliation or party of a candidate that qualifies his integrity and ability to run this country, nor is it the promises he makes to get elected for we know that is the substance of politics. It is not his religious beliefs or financial stature. It is the character and background of the man. It is his tested integrity and proven record regardless if it's merely a high school class representative. The measure of a man is defined by what he says in secret places not on a campaign trail. It is the passion he holds for this country and his desire to cross party lines to unify not divide. God help us all if we vote on party affiliation alone! Obama as a man is lacking and he is not a strong leader. He missed 3/4ths of his voting duties as a senator. Will he be gone 3/4ths of the time he is in office? As far as character he has demonstrated he is a racist, leftist, and selfish liar. He is a little black goat herder who has no respect for the mainstream majority.
Do not tell me I am beating a beaten drum. I will cry out against this man till 100% of the world has heard the message of his evil agenda. If you have heard it before, good for you but there are many who have not. My sister has seen all the videos, read all the articles but insists she will still vote for Obama because he is a Democrat. How blind and foolish. I call that vendetta voting. How many people is she talking to, how many is she telling it is all just a Bush backed smear campaign?
Now multiply that by millions and then ask me again why I bring up old issues. Have you noticed most of these Obama supporters are women? You know the feminists who are only thinking about their precious abortions, and the gays. This election is one election that is deeper than those issues...wake up world and smell the napalm!!!
by samsam1111 on Fri Aug 15, 2008 03:33 PM PDTMay be you haven,t but I,ve seen friends of team mates(soccer) who go to 24 hour gym after late shift some times 2 or 3am..btw..there was a report on him hitting one of chicago,s east side gym,s pass midnight after he missed a session while was meant to be a light joke anyways there..!!
Why would he do that?
by Siamack Baniameri on Fri Aug 15, 2008 01:49 PM PDTwhy would he be shooting hoops at 3:00am? I have been playing basketball all my life and not even once have I been able to get a game going at 3:00am. I tried, but I was the only one who showed up. Now, he might be playing poker at 3:00am or perhaps he's rolling a Bob Marley with the brothers at 3:00am, but I assure you that you will not find him on a basketball court at 3:00am. But joking aside, why are we so worried about him missing the infamous 3:00am white house call anyway? Are you telling me that nobody has his Cell Phone number!?
Take it easy,
Siamack Baniameri
There is Danger With Obama
by Kaveh Nouraee on Fri Aug 15, 2008 01:35 PM PDTBut the danger doesn't lie within Obama himself.
Teknoduck has a (partial) point. Obama is a puppet. But it's not of his own agenda. He is a puppet of the Democratic Party and will remain so until he is no longer viable or useful in that respect.
But I have serious doubts that he will "make whites pay for 200 years of atrocities". That's honestly a load of bull. After all, da brotha be half honky his own self. (as they would say in the 'hood.)
Teknoduck, you are using the same fear tactics that have quite honestly blown up in faces of everyone who has used them before you. But if there is anything to be afraid of, it is the larger party machine itself, with their agendas that will only succeed in the continued moral and socioeconomic decay so rampant today. Agendas that totally do away with accountability.
If you don't want to vote for Obama, great. That makes us two of the loneliest people on this site. But at least come up with something more substantive than the Moslem/not white/Reverend White stuff.
Obama is a puppet to his own self serving agenda
by Teknoduck (not verified) on Fri Aug 15, 2008 08:22 AM PDTObama is a disaster to world peace as we know it. He claims his Black background and discredits his white lineage as a handicap. He dangles his Muslim past in a covert way to appease both Muslims and Americans. He is non committed and a fence rider. Obama will say anything to anyone that will win votes. He corrals the black vote with his anti white ideology, and teases the Muslim world with his prospect of opening the closed tables of negotiation with "Terrorist States". In all actuality Obama has a self serving agenda that does not include American whites nor Muslims. Obama will use the American position to punish whites for past atrocities 200 years ago during the slavery trade. He will bankrupt America with his social programs that are targeted to his black extremist movement. Regardless of ones ethnicity can you trust a man who was granted one of the finest American educations one can receive then say he is ashamed of his country? Though this may make Muslims see a glimmer of hope in his anti-American ideology most Muslims will agree that a man that will not stand by his country cannot be trusted in anything he says.
Regardless of ones views of Islamic dedication to God and country it is a fact that Islamic nations will die for their country so much so that their "My enemy's enemy's are my enemy's" philosophy within the Muslim world shows a dedication to God and citizen. If two Muslims nations fight each other but a non Muslim country compromises their laws they will unite together for the unity of Islam and set their differences aside for the sake of Islam. Here we have a candidate that before even taking office has announced his displeasure with his country. In the world of politics and global stability how can this man be trusted since all ethnicities hold the same values on honor and commitment to their country. In past wars the information provided by a traitor is appreciated however they never respect the man and know he is unpredictable.
Obama states his desire for change but the only thing that changes is his position at the moment. When he comes under fire he will quickly change his point of view and even his very belief system. When challenged on why he will not wear an American flag, he began wearing one. After 20 years of mentoring by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, an anti-white extremist,he denounced his ally as soon as it was uncomfortable to be associated with him. He was raised by his white mother yet admits he is ashamed of her color now that he is attempting to harness the black vote. Where does this mans allegiance lie? For votes he will turn on his mother, say he is not proud of his white lineage, condemn this countries past, and write in his books how ashamed he is of his country. This is something you would never see in a Muslim nation. God is first, country second, family third, and self last. Obama is unstable, reckless, lacks integrity and has a self serving agenda. If Muslims think they have an ally in Obama they need to take a close look at his flip flop campaign. Obama's platform is geared towards black oppression from whites to win the black vote, anti-Iraq war to win the vote of the liberals, and leaves a crack in the door for Islamic mediation to generate covert support from Islamic groups. In all actuality Obama has one agenda, and that is the elevation of the black man in America, and the punishment of whites for what he calls years of oppression against the black man. All this talk and promises of change is merely fodder to appease the liberal left. He is capitalizing on sensitive global issues because he knows it will win votes. He prides himself on his African heritage yet ask him how much money he has sent back to his African village he herded goats in. Ask him why he was only present 170 some days of his Senatorial duties over years in that position. He was suppose to be representing the people of the State of Illinois yet he abandoned them on critical votes. Regardless of Islams view of America one thing is certain, Islamics are loyal to country. What would happen if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad erased the Iranian flag off his government plane? What if he refused to stand by his country right or wrong? What if he pinpointed an ethnic subculture and gave all his support to them alone? Knowing the Islamic loyalty he would be removed from office by the clerics.So if we as Americans cannot trust this man how can the global community? Like the Muslims, I am very dedicated to my God first, country second, and would die for my family before I ever disgraced them. Our two countries differences are many but we are united in philosophy of patriotism. We are all children of the same God, though I may be Christian and you Islamic we are brothers in Gods kingdom. You call him Allah, I call him Jehovah but he is still our same God. Because of this we have a duty to honor Him first. In primitive law set down by God he orders us allegiance to structured government. Even the prophet Jesus said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and God that what is Gods." I pray to almighty God that our two counties can one day be the brothers God created us to be and we can set aside our differences for the sake of humanity. Obama is not the answer for either of our nations. I call upon the wisdom of our two people to avoid this calamity called Obama. I believe as do allot of Americans that Obama will stir up an international crisis between our countries caused by the American people refusing to compromise our liberty and belief system. As president he is limited and has a congress he must go through. If he attempts to divide this country it will only create animosity between a diversity of peoples. Because of American patriotism the people of this country will rebel against any attempt to compromise national security. That will make the nations of Islam the target of more hatred and osterization. We need a president who will find means of unity not division for a better world. As an American I will die for my country as will the Islamic people for theirs. I respect both of our loyalties. I have no respect for any man who lacks national loyalty, who runs a self serving agenda, and will speak with two faces depending on the heat of the issue. In combat you and I may kill each other but we did it for our beliefs and our countries. I respect that loyalty because we died for what we believed in. Now we have a man who desires to run one of the strongest global powers on the Earth and he cannot stand firm on anything that is not beneficial to his personal vendetta. As an American I am ashamed to have a
mouse like Obama run for office of president. He will shame our country and I feel draw us closer to global conflict. May Gods wisdom prevail for the sake of our nations integrity.
by IRANdokht- (not verified) on Fri Aug 15, 2008 07:21 AM PDTWhy wonder, all you have to do is ask nicely!
It wouldn't be such a bad idea for you to listen to another source of news too. FOX and CNN are not the only ones out there.
I like to know where Irandokht gets her facts...
by Parthian on Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:43 AM PDTTotal ideological obedience loyaly over fairness, it is as obvious as the sunrise. Where does Irandokht gets her facts I wonder?
"Georgia invaded Ossetia too", are you kidding me? Do you know how ridiculous that statement sounds. If not, check your geography again. I don't care about McCain, Bush, Obama, what McCain said has nothing to do with what is going on in Ossetia, GEORGIA.
"Many consider Shakaasvili dictator too", really? who? I wonder if those same people consider Chavez dictator who just barred bunch of his opposition from running in the next election. Hypocracy of the left continues, intellectual dishonesty of left continues.
I like to know where Irandokht gets her facts...
by Parthian on Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:43 AM PDTTotal ideological obedience loyaly over fairness, it is as obvious as the sunrise. Where does Irandokht gets her facts I wonder?
"Georgia invaded Ossetia too", are you kidding me? Do you know how ridiculous that statement sounds. If not, check your geography again. I don't care about McCain, Bush, Obama, what McCain said has nothing to do with what is going on in Ossetia, GEORGIA.
"Many consider Shakaasvili dictator too", really? who? I wonder if those same people consider Chavez dictator who just barred bunch of his opposition from running in the next election. Hypocracy of the left continues, intellectual dishonesty of left continues.
Dear David !
by samsam1111 on Thu Aug 14, 2008 06:39 PM PDTat the point of making in short & sweet, a few notes on his overpromised populist agenda.
Do You know who are the most donors to Mr Obama,s run? it will surprise you that Obama received more donations from employees of investment banks ,Brokerage houses,commodity traders and hedge funds than from any other sector, with Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase among his biggest sources of support. Ken Griffin, the multi-billionaire founder and chief executive of Citadel Investment, one of the world's biggest hedge fund is one of his top donors. He truly is big boys club favourite.and on
another front lets talk his spending plans..Spending for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid already represents more than 40% of federal spending.& could equal about 70% of the present budget by 2030 other than monsterous spending cuts the only remedy to keep the status que or adding features to the big 3 requires min of %40 tax increase on the below 50 crowd.He artfully skips the details. on Iran issue He has tip toed & back tracked from direct dialogue with ahmadijejad without precondition to outright threat on behalf of Israel ..on troop withdrawal..He has backtracked from sudden no time frame withdrawal to now gradual window of grace 16 months.His renaged campaign fund pact with mccain which he conveniently broke..I can keep going but He is given a free ride too long for his hollow promises & righteous demeanor which at best are routin leftist rethoric glorified by the press..
IranDokht jan; side note
We all know how USA was teased & agravated on daily basis in the 80,s,,hostages,lebenon marines explosion & western hostages,...etc..yet US olive branch through oliver north trip & many many other initiatives were ridiculed and refused for the cause of you know what..sikhing some one day in & day out and crying wolf when they respond is hypocritical.I don,t deny that in late stages of the war US was more partial to Iraq than Iran but it was only after 7 years of diplomaticaly trying to appease Iran to reconsider it,s anti american policies. any other version of that period is pure propaganda.I witnessed those years and politics involved actively.
dear Samsam
by IRANdokht on Thu Aug 14, 2008 04:53 PM PDTis it bad memory or just a selective one dear?
1st of all Iraq invaded Iran with the full support of USA, so you can't just blame Iraq, you have to blame the hands that fed it all those chemicals and bombs he used on iranians.
In any case, when US attacked, Iraq was no less a sovereign nation than any other dictatorship in the world. A foreign military attacked Iraq, remove its regime and occupied it for 5 years killing about half a million Iraqis and displacing about 5 millions of them, destroyed the infrastructure of the country and it's expecting the country's oil money to pay for US contractors to build it back up.
Please don't make it sound like a humanitarian effort!
Georgia invaded Ossetia too, then Russia got involved, so for this old man to stick his finger up in the air and claim "no country" can do this, is not hypocritical, it's just ridiculous.
by the way Mr Saakashvili is not quite a Georgian hero and many consider him a dictator too.
Dear IranDokht! .comparing Iraq & Georgia!?
by samsam1111 on Thu Aug 14, 2008 04:38 PM PDTLets compare:
iraqi regime killed & maimed over 1 million Iranis (more Irani forces killed in action that 4 centuries combined). then He moved on another sovereign nation , Kuwait, occupied it and killed more than 45000 of their citizens.Saddam was repulsed so He moves to northern Iraq mass murdering Kurdish civilians until Americans force a no fly zone, He then turn southward killing and torturing tens of thousands Iraqi shiates all these while developing Nuclear weapons as late as 1998...
A tiny republic democraticaly elected regime is invaded by Russian oil & gas mafia to facilitate their stronghold rule over caucasian oil & gas pipe line .
Mccain unlike Obama doesn,t have to prove himself on the world stage by sudden bursts of rethoric(as with his Aipac comments that compared to Mccain was over the top). He is an unknown unpredictable untested entity given luxury of media courtship without merit.
88kjd befdbbsm nfkgje3en ???
by David ET on Thu Aug 14, 2008 03:20 PM PDTDear Samsam
I read your post twice and I found no substance. If anyone used a lot of vocabulary with no content I must say you did a better job than the man (Obama) you are accusing him of :-)
Name an issue and go to his website or speechs , you find his views. So there is much content to his position and definitly more than McCain or his previous opponent Clinton.
As for your opposition to his suggestion of tough diplomacy with Iran as opossed to what other option? Obviously in your comments you oppose war too and we both know Bush policies towards Iran was a disaster too. So Can you make a suggestion? or you just wanted to complain? ;-)
If only you wanted to airout, you sure did. But when you have something subtansive to say, (unlike Obama as you said), I for one am all ears and open minded.
Until then Obama is best choice among the ones we have.
Samsam jan! The point?
by IRANdokht on Thu Aug 14, 2008 02:31 PM PDTThe point is he is denying that US actually invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan in the 21 century, or maybe he forgot which is even worse!
but if I have to actually explain that, then I guess I am barking at the wrong tree...
It just amazes me how anyone can not see this huge problem with 8 years of the current administration and the senile comments of some GWB wanna-be, and instead write a blog bashing Obama!
bad card to draw
by maziar 58 (not verified) on Thu Aug 14, 2008 02:14 PM PDTI don't want to sound like a racist but sometimes
you're left with no choice but....
Unfortunatly if he is democrat s' best and only card
the whole world or middleeast alas will wakeup in constant nightmares.(opposit of the I have adream).
peace on earth
obamagir jan
by samsam1111 on Thu Aug 14, 2008 01:56 PM PDT""invading IRI "liberate" Iran Chalabi style""
I,m a North American.I have no so called Iranian liberation aspiration except my families well being back there.It,s for Iranis to decide.
Where in this or my other writings you find me promoting war with IRI is beyond me,. I,m in effect trying to prevent one through the election of an opportunist zigzagger. This helps to prove my thesis about most Obama fans = Leftist shallow observers of the facts.
IranDokht excluded from the list ofcourse:)
& he is a war monger for wanting a dialogue with Russian invaders?
& He must have said "Yeh lets invade every one in 21st century"? ..And the point is?
by IRANdokht on Thu Aug 14, 2008 01:00 PM PDTPlease consider the danger we'll be facing with the other one in the office, you know? the one who's more experienced and has more foreign policy knowledge....
have you seen this:
Samsam jan, Obama will win, there is nothing you can do
by obamagirl (not verified) on Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:49 PM PDTand your smear campaigns are a bad immitation of much more well funded ones by the right wing.
Just accept it and get a story ready about how the liberals destroyed your chances of invading IRI. You can tell this story to your great grand children while still waiting to "liberate" Iran Chalabi style.