Persian customs according to Herodotus 454BC


by samsam1111

Book 9

""This Artayctes who had suffered death by crucification had an ancestor named Artembares;and he it was who made an offer to Persians which they readily accepted and passed on to Cyrus that"Since God has given the empire to Persians & among individuals to you Cyrus by your conquest , let us leave this small barren land of Persis and take possesion of a better,plenty to choose from ,some far and some near ,we shall be admired more and it,s the natural thing to do now that we are the masters of all Asia minor.Cyrus replied that they might act upon it if they pleased, that if they did they must prepare themselves to rule no longer, but to be ruled by others "soft countries" he said "breed soft men, it is not the property of any one soil to produce fine fruites & good soldiers too" .The Persians had to admit to Cyrus wisdom so they left him and choose rather to live in a rugged land and rule an empire than to cultivate rich plains and be subject to others""

Book 1

""No race is so ready to adopt foreighn ways as the Persians;for instance, they wear the median customs because they think it,s handsomer than their own, and their soldiers wear the Egyptian corselet,They indulge in pederasty which they learned from Greeks, they prefer their wines to come from Cimmeria,Their women Persians and their concubines scythians .Every man has a number of wives, and a much greater number of concubines in order to have a large family & more children to defend their land....As a Greek I must say that Persian women are superior to ionians in beauty so much so that at the time of Darius he forbade the persian women to be partnered with any of subjugated races of empire except Medians""


Book 1

""After Lydian king Croesus of Asia minor wanted to pre emtively invade Cyrus Army in Media thinking he was planning to dethrone him with an army from Persia and was susiquently defeated representives from ionia and aeolians went to Cyrus at Sardis to try to obtain from him the same terms they got from their last master Croesus.Cyrus replied to the with an story of a fluteplayer who saw some fish in the sea and played his flute to them in the hope that they come ashore.when they refused to do so, he took a net, netted a large catch, and hauled them in,.seing fish jumping about, he said to them:"It is too late to dance now, you might have danced to my music-but would not" the point of the story was that when Cyrus asked Ionians to revolt against Croesus they refused and Cyrus replied to their representative miletoos of halicarnus that "You Greeks from all the races are closest to us Persians in looks and beatiful women but there is something that make us superior to you and that is when we make deals and tell the truth".Cyrus continued to say that "All you Greeks do is take your bath in the morning and go to the City market place and lie to each other to sell your old bread and old fish to your countrymen and at night you retreat to your temples and women to lie to your Gods ""

""the errection of religious status,Gold temples, and altars is not an accepted practice among them, and any one who does that is considered a fool.Zeus in their religions is the whole circle of heavens and they sacrifice to him from atop mountains.They also worship the sun,moon,earth,fire,water and winds which is their only original dieties""

""No name in the whole of empire is held more prescious by Persians than the name of Cyrus.In the eyes of Persians no one person or king can be compared to him thats why that they flock to his tomb in Persis with their children and wives to celebrate and eat nuts on the occasion of their new year""


""Of all days in the year a persian most distiguishes his birthday, and celebrate it with a dinner of special magnificence.A rich Persian on his birthday will have an Ox or a horse or a camel baked whole in the oven and served up at the table but the poor serve smaller beasts.They have very few main dishes but unlike Greeks they have many sorts of deserts.They always ridicule the Greeks that Greeks leave the tables hungry.They are very fond of their wine, and no one is allowed to relieve himself in the presence of another person""

""If an important decision is to be made , they discuss the question when they are drunk, and in presence of the master of ceremony the next day and while sober if they approve it , it is adopted""

""When Persians meet each other on the street and do not speak but kiss , it means that they are of the same rank""

""After their own nation they hold the nearest nations close to them as dear and the nearest after that and so on""

"boys education is between the ages of 5 and 20, and they are taught three things only to ride, to use the bow and to always speak the truth""

""I admire their custome which forbids even the the King to put a man to death for a single offence""

""They consider telling lies the most disgracefull than anything else, and next to that is owing money""

""They have a profound reverence for rivers; they will never pollute,,urine ,spittle or even wash their hands in one""

""Although they themselves are not aware of it;all their names, which express magnificence or physical qualtities ends with the letter "S"""

""Persians consider themselves to be the superior race among all nations.The exception in their eyes are the Medians whom worship the same dietie.This as a Greek I don,t believe since I know of Spartans who can be of equal galantry to Persians""




more from samsam1111

Abarmard: Burned or Gone?!!

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

You are comparing apples and oranges. If you are talking about Greek work, which has essentially become the foundation of western societies, they survived because the power that had the most opportunity to destroy it (the Roma Empire) not only based its structure on those teachings, but also revered them and considered those works to be the basis of its civilization. In Persia, on the other hand, you had invaders whose admitted purpose for invasion was to forcibly change Persia's culture by introducing a new, all encompassing religion. Therefore, it was only natural for them to take these steps to wipe out the infrastructure that constituted the pre-existing culture, such as societal hierarchy, religion, etc.

The next step was to introduce the new culture and religion and to concentrate the record keeping on those subjects, and they did a fine job at that as we all very well know, in painstaking detail, what Imam Hussein had for lunch before he went to battle Yazid!!!


To Abarmard, I suggest yoy start documenting savargery of this

by Iran forever (not verified) on

Islamic regime against Iran and Iranians on everyday basis. We need people like you to do positive things for Iranian/Persian culture. I am sure you can do this as you are actively posting on

Action speaks louder than words.
Get it all on record now - get the films, get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some b*stard will get up and say that this never happened!

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing'
Edmund Burke


thanks for the interesting article

by Anonymously (not verified) on

I hope in near future we will revive our ancient way of life. The sad part of our history is that Iranians, who were themselves converted by force to Isalm, have forgotten the atrocities committed by the Arabs and Turks on their parents and ancestors and started to mimic the Arabs and Turks in their culture, tradition and even their atrocities, believing that Islam is the way of their life.



by Amir Shahsavan (not verified) on

During archeological excavaions at Gondi-Shahpour, they came across an area, which must have been a huge library. The archeoligists discovered a large area with a 10 cm thick layer of paper & papyrus ash and fragments of clay tablets. Carbon dating indicated that the age of the ashes coincided with the time of Arab invasion.

Also it is a known fact that the greatest damage to Persopolis, after Alexander took torch to the palaces, occuured during the arab invasion: the arabs took hammer & chissel to the stones and destroyed as much as they could.


Burned or gone, then what?

by Abarmard on

The burning of books and other "excuses" has also happened in the West. What they did was that they recovered them by rewriting and replacing them. They did the same with their cities when they were burned. Because it was documented and they knew what goes where and how it was built.

I was listening to NPR and a British scholar was talking about the new information that now is on the internet. This information is about the civil crimes that were committed by the citizens from centuries ago, going back to 1600's!

WOW, can you imagine, keeping the records of every civil court incident? This is a daily event and a culture; this is not a historical event. I don't believe that we were too careful about documenting our lives and government affairs. It's an admirable trade that we did not care for. Our history is told by a Greek...


To Abarmard, RE: Keeping Records

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on


We kept records as well. According to Arab historian Ibn Khaldoon, the Royal Library at Ctesiphon contained volumes of books on history, science, astronomy and physics. They were all burned or thrown into the river by the Muslim invaders of Persia on orders of Omar.


They did keep records to an extent

by samsam1111 on


Tons have been lost in the meyhem & invasions of the foreign armies later on. The 3000 (loheh Gelli) in University of Chicago is from Darius palace and consist of daily adminstrational records in achamenid government.It,s boring stuff about government affairs .Persians were not found of too much glitter unlike Greeks.but overall I agree with you that record keeping was not persians main talent.



by Kamangir on

Thanks so much for another interesting historical article!  I've always been deeply interested in this topic and the way of life of our Persian ancestors. Unfortunately, because of historical events and mainly the past and current arabization of Iran, our real history has been literally erased. Therefore it's very important for us to remember it as it was. Persia and the Persians were and are unique in many ways.

Looking forward to reading another of your interesting articles!



What made West great

by Abarmard on

Was and is the way they keep records. Hope that one day we learn the same techniques.