The trial of Charles Taylor, the former president of Sierra Leone, being held in The Hague has ended.
Today, while delivering the 50 year jail sentence, Judge Lussick, said:
“The special status of Mr. Taylor as a head of state puts him in a different category of offenders for the purpose of sentencing.
The lives of many more innocent civilians in Sierra Leone were lost or destroyed as a direct result of his actions,"
Recently by Shahriar Zangeneh | Comments | Date |
Islamic Republic, take note! | - | Oct 06, 2012 |
Islamic Republic, take note! | - | Sep 05, 2012 |
Islamic Republic, take note! | - | Jul 21, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
the biggest terrorist
by مآمور on Thu May 31, 2012 07:39 AM PDTit is the Zionist state sponsored terrorism!!
we persist until we prevail
I wear an Omega watch
IR, take note!
by Arash Kamangir on Thu May 31, 2012 04:54 AM PDTIR should really take note! their only ally is loosing control in Syria and the time in Iran is also ticking off for this terrible regime.
yes. israel is the main cause of poblem
by mousa67 on Wed May 30, 2012 10:20 PM PDTfor all islamist terrorists. the fluffy shia islamist cyber terrorists are safe, becaus they've ran off to london.
israel is the main problem
by مآمور on Wed May 30, 2012 10:15 PM PDTbecause the personal attack is not allowed!! otherwise, u put me in trouble with my boss at home!! from 10 pm pmt to 6 am london time, she is mad and god can only help me!!! go and play with your toys tonight , cause i m zan(not zed) zaleil!! go and gogole now!!
I wear an Omega watch
see ahmadinejad joon what happenbed to charlie taylor?
by mousa67 on Wed May 30, 2012 09:55 PM PDTand his fans had stayed behind and fought for him. your fans have all ran away to london & LA .
thanks for clarification
by مآمور on Wed May 30, 2012 08:38 PM PDT'tagord dirooz' means Sargord Piroz in,,,,,,hebrew??
no, sorry dont know him
I wear an Omega watch
Jenabe mamoor,
by iraj khan on Wed May 30, 2012 07:48 PM PDTDon't get too stressed out or we will have to let you go!
Think of your family!
Who is going to support them if you lose your assignment here?
Sargord Pirooz was an individual who always defended and supported Iran and some policies of Iranian government here, but his account was blocked. No surprise there right?
tagord dirooz
by مآمور on Wed May 30, 2012 07:23 PM PDTمن این روزها استرس هستم!! که البته آن هم تقصیر شما عزیزان است!!
البته من میدانستم که سواد درست حسابی ندارم !! ولی حالا فهمیدم که از آنی که فکر می کردم خیلی بدترم!!!
یکی از شما یا اصلأ همه شما با هم لطف کنید دو کلمه بالا را برای من ترجمه کنید بلکه کمی به سواد من اضافه شود!!!
I wear an Omega watch
Mamoor maaro gerefti, na?
by Cost-of-Progress on Wed May 30, 2012 08:29 AM PDTmamoor jaan, why do you insult your leaders like that calling them yaabo and shoghaal (actually that is an insult to those fine animals) and why would you wish for their demise?
I am sure they will be disappointed when they learn that one of their cyber dipshit defenders have forsaken them like this.
Where's your blindfaith loyalty? Has it already migrated to south lebanon?
You were more fun when you were tagord dirooz.
Mamoor: When is your
by vildemose on Wed May 30, 2012 08:25 AM PDTMamoor: When is your occupied land of Palestine going to be liberated and by whom??
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
Dear Mamoor
by areyo barzan on Wed May 30, 2012 08:04 AM PDTBy Yaaboo and Shoghall are you refering to Ahmadi Nejaad and Khamene-ee
Because they are known to the rest of us as Antar and Ali Chollaagh.
and do not worry your little head. Our occopied land of Iran will be freed sooner than you think
yaboo and shoghal
by مآمور on Wed May 30, 2012 07:46 AM PDTthey will be on trial for crime against humanity, after the occupied land is liberated !!
I wear an Omega watch
The case against Taylor
by Mehrban on Wed May 30, 2012 06:50 AM PDTTaylor is a Liberian warlord that was elected (?) President of Liberia. He committed grave atrocities in Liberia. However, the recent ruling against him are about what he helped be done in Sierra Leone, It is a bit like getting Al Capone for tax evasion.
"The 64-year-old Taylor was found guilty on 11 counts of aiding and abetting the Revolutionary United Front rebels in Sierra Leone, who murdered and mutilated tens of thousands of people during this country’s 11-year brutal civil war which ended in 2002. "
In spite of this technicality, the ruling still serves as a landmark case.
Leaders of IRR/IRI who
by Azarbanoo on Wed May 30, 2012 06:10 AM PDTHave done crimes against IRANIANs & Syrians hopefully stands on similar trial as Mr. Taylor.
Well, Chuck is not divine
by Cost-of-Progress on Wed May 30, 2012 05:07 AM PDTand he did not belong to the sect protected by the 12 ARAB imams and that is why his luck ran out.
It is funny when people blame others for the wrong doings of their very own people when it comes to promoting assbackward policies and mentalities supporting self preservation.