

by shahrooz

Dear friends

I've recently published about 3500 photos to a website. This site contains photos from some countries such as England, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Thailand, UAE, France, Italy and Iran. 25 albums exists: Dubai , SaudiArabia , Iran , Thailand , England , Theatre , Syria , Tehran , ParisSculptures , ParisPereLachaise , ParisDomes , ParisEiffelTower , Paris1 , Paris2 , Bam , Deutschland , Italia , RomaVatican , VeneziaCity , VeniceCarnival , ParisRodinMuseum , ColorfulParis , EBFrance , EBIran.
Your suggestions, ideas, critiques, advices and so on are really WELCOMED!


Well done my friend!

by Majid on

I enjoyed pictures from Tehran and Iran albums and I saved them in my "favorite places" to go back to them in the future, great job.

Wish you the best and looking forward to more!


Awesome shots man

by salim on

Great photos...I managed to go through few of your albums. I wish you would make an album like, best of the best, and pick 1-3 photos from each album and put them in one place.

BTW, loved the paris BW photos


Salim Madjd

Founder/CEO //



by nola (not verified) on

what kind of camera did you use?