You have given us courage to rise

You have given us courage to rise
by shiringhobadi

Dear Neda

Neda you have not died in vain
Your voice still resonates loud and clear
Your death has woke the world-
Your blood has paved our course
In your honor and those of your fallen friends
We stand and demand your vote –
We will not succumb to tyranny and force
And fight until we prevail.
No Neda your death is just a start.
The marches will go on and on
until wrongs are undone
until freedom in ours
O – Neda – The lioness of my heart – my soul
You are the symbol of our pride
You have made our nation proud
You are my mother, sister, and child
You gave voice to our cause
No, you have not fallen in vain
You have given us courage to rise
And when that day of freedom come
We will cry out your name from the rooftops of Tehran
for all the world to hear
That Neda was our guide, our saving grace.
O dear Neda from your call,, thousand of lionesses have risen to fight
and they are all proud to say.
that their name is too. “Neda”

Shirin Ghobadi
With humility and with heart full of anguish and grief I offer this simple poem to honor her memory and those of other people who have died. May justice prevail and punish their killers.



French version of your poem

by nanehlala on

Hello Shirin, I am a French poet and I have taken the liberty to translated your beautiful and strong text into French. Please let me know if you like the translation and whether you allow me to put it online for all to see. I shall of course put your name as the author of the text.

Chère Neda,

Tu n’es pas partie en vain,

Ta voix est restée, haute et claire

Ta mort a réveillé la terre

Ton sang tracé notre chemin

Où t’honorer ainsi que tes amis tombés

Nous tenons bon et réclamons ton vote        

Ni la force ni la tyrannie

Ne nous feront lâcher

Nous lutterons pour gagner

Neda, ta mort n’est qu’un prélude

Nos marches continueront

Pour redresser les injustices

Pour qu’à nous soit la victoire

O Neda – lionne bien-aimée – Neda, mon âme

Emblème de notre fierté

Dignité de ta nation

Ma mère, ma sœur, mon enfant

Tu es la voix de notre cause

Non, tu n’es pas tombée en vain

De toi nous est venu l’ardeur qui nous a fait nous soulever

Et quand viendra la liberté

Nous clamerons partout ton nom

Du haut des toits de Téhéran

Pour que la terre entière entende

Que c’est Neda qui nous guidait,

Que sa grâce nous a sauvés

O chère Neda

A ton appel, par milliers

Des lionnes se sont mobilisées

Rugissantes, fières

De s’appeler

Comme toi: Neda.

 Shirin Ghobadi



NEDA means Never Evade Dying for Allah

by Panama City Tom (not verified) on

She simply had the philosophy of freedom.

Nazy Kaviani

Dear Shirin

by Nazy Kaviani on

Thank you very much for your heartfelt poem. It is beautiful and it is fitting of a beautiful Iranian's rememberance. You are not alone in feeling outraged and desperate about this heinous crime. Many of us feel exactly the same way, but not all of us can write and express those feelings. Thank you for bearing the responsibility. This is not the time for people to skimp on doing whatever they can to carry the message they have heard. You did yours beautifully. Thank you.

rosie is roxy is roshan

That's so beautiful.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

 So inspiring. Thank you so much.


 from (please note the link to the original blog in persian) 

  A bit more on Neda. A blogger apparently in touch with Neda's family members offers some new details (translated by reader Nima): she was born in 1982, apparently her full name was Neda Agha-Soltan, and she was at the protest with one her professors and several other students. She was, they said, shot by a basiji riding by on a motorcycle. Also, she was apparently buried today at a large cemetery in the south of Tehran. ABC News' Lara Setrakian writes, "Hearing reports Neda was buried in Behesht Zahra cemetery earlier today, memorial service cancelled on orders from authorities.

khaharam ast -delara