دولت اسلامی ایران خلاف قانون عمل ننموده


دولت اسلامی ایران خلاف قانون عمل ننموده
by Shorts

جناب آقای بان کی موون

دبیرکل سازمان ملل متحد

3 یونیتدنیشن پلازا ، ایالات متحده آمریکا

پیرامون: نامه شما به نهادهای خبری در باره انتخابات ایران

دبیرکل عزیز،

ما بیانیه خبری 22 ژوئن شما را پیرامون اعمال خشونت علیه افراد و املاک مردم در روزهای پس از انتخابات ، خواندیم . ما شهروندان ایرانی و آمریکائی امضاء کنندگان زیر این بیانیه ، که عده ای ازما دارای خویشاوندانی در سراسر شهرهای ایران هستیم و مدام در قبل، در طول روز انتخابات دهم ریاست جمهوری اسلامی ایران و پس از آن با آنان در تماس بودیم ، ازتخلفات جانی و تخریب املاک عمومی عمیقا مضطرب و متاثر هستیم . همچنانکه بدرستی توصیه کرده اید، ما نیز با تمام وجود با شما موافقیم که دولت و جناح مخالف باید "اختلافاتشان را از طریق گفتمان و مجراهای قانونی بطور مسالمت آمیز حل کنند". لکن ما میدانیم که حوادث تخریت آمیز و تداوم آنان بدست تعداد معدودی افراد و گروههای خشونت برانگیزی صورت میگرفت که با مجراهای مدنی و قانونی ایرانی در تخلف قرار دارند. این تعداد معدود از عوامل تحریک کننده اتوبوسهای شهری را آتش زده و به ساختمانهای دولتی و کلانتریها حمله برده ، پنجره های فروشگاه های کوجک راشکسته، بمبی در مسجد امام خمینی منفجر نموده و تلفات جانی به بار آوردند.

این گروهها و افراد تمام این تخلفات را زیرپناه راهپیمائیهای صلح آمیز اکثریتی مرتکب شدند که میخواستند نگرانیهایشان را بگوش دولتشان برسا نند. این آشوبگران شرکت کنندگان در تظاهراتها را از پیروی از مجراهای حقوقی که در قانون اساسی ایران مدغم است، منحرف نمودند. در واقع کسانیکه از قوانین مدنی و حقوقی ایران سرپیجی کردند، مشکلاتی در مسیر روند حقوقی که بتواند"اختلافات را از طریق گفتمان و مجراهای قانونی بطور مسالمت آمیز حل کنند" بوجود آوردند.

جناب آقای بان کی موون، در مقام رئیس سازمان ملل متحد ، باید آگاه باشید که هیچ دولتی در جهان نمیتواند اجازه دهد که آشوب و خشونت زندگی را از جامعه سلب نماید و دولت مربوطه اقدامی علیه آشوبگران ننماید. در پاسخگوئی به این آشوبگران، دولت ایران شدیدا خود دار بوده و همچنانکه نیویورک تایمز در بیستم ژوئن گزارش کرد، پلیس و نیروی بسیج کسانی را که به سرپیچی از قوانین ادامه میدادند از طریق استفاده از گاز اشک آور و ماشین آب پا ش، و نه استفاده از مهمات، متفرق کردند.

لذا، ما امضاء کنندگان ذیل، جمعی از شهروندان ایرانی و آمریکائی، از افراد عادی و طبقه کارگر، که طی پنجسال  گذشته با تحمیل تحریمهای ستمگرانه و دخالتهای خارجی ایالات متحده و سایر دولتهای غربی علیه مردم و ملت ایران مخالفت کرده ایم، با کمال احترام تقاضا مندیم که دفتر محترم شما از ابراز هرگونه نظری مبنی بر اینکه دولت اسلامی ایران "خلاف قانون" عمل نموده و یا هرنوع اظهاریه ای مبنی بر اینکه دولت ایران باید "دستگیری افراد، تهدید و استفاده از وسایل قهریه را متوقف سازد" امتناع ورزد.

از توجه جنابعالی به این موضوع سپاسگذاریم،

با احترام،

Ardeshir Ommani, Co-Founder of American Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC)

Ann and Ahmad Shirazi

Azita Shafazand, member, AIFC

Cecelia Lavan, ethics professor, NY

Eileen Kuch, Hyattsville, MD

Eleanor L. Ommani, Co-Founder, AIFC

Eugene Pastore de sousa Student, New Rochelle NY

Fareed  Marjaee, teacher, NY

Javad Azin, Arizona, USA

Jessie Lanzarone, Worker, Westchester, NY

Kim Stacey, Freelance Writer, Boulder Creek, CA.

Mahvash Nasehi, Executive Board, AIFC

Marjan Hagh Pasand, NY, USA

Maury Knight, Hudson Valley Community College, Monroe, NY

Mohammad Kazem Azin, Executive Board

Professor Paul Sheldon Foote, California State University, Fullerton,

Mihaylo College of Business and Economics

Reza Shirazi, Radio producer FCAC.org, VA, USA

Rolf Maurer, Writer, CT, USA

Sara Flounders, StopWaronIran.org Campaign, NY

Simin Royanian, Co-founder, Women4Peace and Justice in Iran

Sundiata Sadiq.....Past president of Ossining NAACP

Zheila Ommani, Therapist, NYC, USA


more from Shorts
Sarzamine Man

Khak bar sare hameye in

by Sarzamine Man on

Khak bar sare hameye in vatan foroshan, aghaye Ostadam rosh.


Anyway thanks for the names, this is a good action by them so for once we can know the names of all the Mozdors.



by Khar on

WTF, where do these people who singed this letter live, on Mars?



by Souri on

Kheili bi marefati :)  vali eibi nadareh, mibakhshamet!!

Adam ke posht sare mordeh harf nemizaneh..... lol


Anonymous Observer

Wow, Souri

by Anonymous Observer on

Thanks for the article.  Pretty eye opening.  Well you know that Tudehei and opportunist and traitor are almost synonymous words....just look at Mr. Kianouri!



by Souri on

Ardeshir Ommani is not a Toudehee, he is an opportunist number one! True, he had stick to the Toudeh Party once, but he showed himself as a real traitor. Read the article below to know who he and his wife are (8th paragraph)


Ari Siletz

Signatories, a clarification.

by Ari Siletz on

As your petition states, the elements committing destructive acts are few in number. Restraining them is legitimate. But there is no justification for killing, beating and arresting the rest of the protesters who are exercising their fundamental right to peaceful assembly and free speech. The UN statement is referring to the assault on the thousands who did not break the law, not to the few who did.

Anonymous Observer

Ardeshir Ommani?!!!!!!

by Anonymous Observer on

ROFLMAO!!!!!!Ha, Ha, ha, ha, FUNNY!!!!!

These fossil Tudehies are gifts that keep on giving!


ID, Souri, etc..

by vatan (not verified) on

People, People, we are all on the same side, the side of Iran and true Iranians...so stop the infighting, you are only helping the enemy, be united!!... if the paltry handful you see as signatories on this petition are it, then I seriously think we are safe:)) ...Also, all the people who signed it must be on some wonderful drugs, since it's blinded them to the autrococities that the rest of the world is witnessing, so we should ask them to share it with everyone..btw:to the americans on it:did you know what you were signing, since it was all in Farsi, Maybe you thought it was the deed to a new car or house or roundtrip all expense paid trip to join the bassijis who are slaughtering innnocent defenseless people on the street??


Stop it please

by Souri on

As much as I love to pursue this conversation with you,  I am not in the mood to argue with you today and am busy to pack for a long vacation now.

The "jujeh enghelabi" was to describe the picture you were giving from me of: "not being aware of what is going on the world and where UN is standing to all this"....not about signing petition. I never called this "childish". You are ASSUMING things now that are not true.

And you are still taking others for the "jujeh enghelabi" again by saying:

"I even showed you where in the IRI constitution it states that they should be able to assemble peacefully"

Thanks for being there to show us everything. While I have always been grateful to everyone for every bit of info, but this time I think you are being a bit megalomaniac, sorry.

Maybe we are both too nervous. 




by Nooshin E. (not verified) on

Anyone who reads this blog after having read all the other blogs for the past two weeks knows that the people who signed this letter are in a minority. You shouldn't get too upset by what you see others say on this thread. Don't you remember that immediately after the rigged results were announced, two people celebrating and accepting Ahmadinejad's big win and looking forward to another 4 years of him? Now they are counting the signatures and complaining that there are not enough signatures to condemn Islamic Republic of Iran. Don't waste your time.Hypocricy reigns supreme on this site and we see it and read it every single day. It is sickening to see people celebrating on Saturday and showing up to protests with their shir o khorshid flag on Wednesday and complaining about human rights on Friday.Then again, iranian history has seen many scenes like this.


Would they have said...

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Would they have said the same thing when the criminal Khomeini was encouraging people to face shah's forces and laws, set fire to banks and cars, and raid army depots? Or is it that only those who leech on islamic republic can monopolize oppression and murder with no consequence, and people should act like a herd of sheep and goats as they did in 1979 that we are seeing the consequences of it.




as much as I would love to make this about "me"

by IRANdokht on

it just isn't!

If you think differently from this people, then write a letter to the UN and let them know that the crack down on people in Iran is illegal. I even showed you where in the IRI constitution it states that they should be able to assemble peacefully. There are other people who have written the letter and you can just sign their letters instead.

If you don't want to sign your name under a letter or a petition to UN, then don't blame the ones who do and don't make it sound like a childish "joojeh" idea.




by Souri on

Yes you are good at assuming, and also you are very good at downplaying others. Example:

1) Assuming that I am so ignorant that I don't know what is happening in the world and Iran might be the only country where they are killing people. You said : Do you think Iran is the only country.....?

2) Donwplaying:  I am not good at assuming why people say or do things, maybe you could tell me why there isn't a bigger support?

Do I have to remind you that, this has been your usual shoar about me, all the time we have been interacting in this site?

Why you can't stand any criticism? Why you have to counter attack all the time? That was nothing personal against you, why should you always bring everything to a personal level?



by Ostaad on

These people are making a statement by putting their names in black and white on a petition, which they think expresses their views about what is happening in Iran.  You on the other hand don't have the balls to even register on this site! You even have the nerve to do khat-o-neshoon for these people. In my book that's a sure sign of cyber coward. Nothing more.


Souri khanoum

by IRANdokht on

I am sorry I am not very good at responding to such condescending tone as in your reply to me, I didn't appreciate being addressed as "honey" either. You can downplay my idea of signing petitions to UN and laugh at what I said, but look at the number of signatures under those petitions and ask yourself why the number is so very small compared to the severity of the situation.

I am not good at assuming why people say or do things, maybe you could tell me why there isn't a bigger support?

Well at least I made myself useful today and I made you laugh.



I am not a jujeh enghelabi honey :)

by Souri on

I know all this. Believe it, I have been part of this for long years now. I know what is UN and how they act, it is nothing new you teach me here.

You make me laugh :) 

" Do you think Iran is the only country in the world where the government
is killing its people and there are street fights and people lives are
in danger?"

Honey jan, do you think I was born only yesterday? My hair went white in this battle baby.

All I am saying is, you are asking for more signature, like we are facing an SCE or one million signature campaign. This is nothing similar. Now, They have obvious proof. What you mean "If not they think it's a difference of opinion" ?

Difference of opinionabout what? Barbarism?

Your post meant like a message to put the guilt on Iranian in Diaspora who are not doing their job as they should. While all Iranian around the world are now mobilized against those atrocities.

Sorry, maybe you didn't mean it this way, but that was the message I got.




The gov. crack down on people was illegal

by IRANdokht on

IR constitution Article 27 - Freedom of Assembly

Public gatherings and marches may be freely held, provided arms are not carried and that they are not detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam.

There was nothing wrong with the people's peaceful assembly and they should not have been attacked in such harsh and unlawful ways. 



Souri jan please calm down!

by IRANdokht on

We can't expect them to judge for themselves. They receive requests regarding an issue from people who claim they speak for the majority. If there are more signatures in the petitions that oppose this view, they will know this letter does not represent the majority's point of view. If not they think it's a difference of opinion. 

Why are you getting so emotional? Do you think Iran is the only country in the world where the government is killing its people and there are street fights and people lives are in danger? UN is not going to jump and treat Iranians any different than anyone else and they have taken their sweet time in many cases. 

What I am saying is that we can counter such pleas to UN by showing them higher numbers on the opposite side!  


Kourosh Aryamanesh

نامه دريافت شد

Kourosh Aryamanesh

از طرف دفتر دبير کل اول سازمان ملل

بان کی مون

  جناب حاج سيد حمار الدين شورتز دامت افاضه

متآسفانه به دليل کسر بودجه و اوضاع شلم شوربای اقتصادی در حال حاضر دست و بالمان بسته است تا حدی که پول آب و برق هم نداريم. لذا به کارمندان خود دستور داديم که از اين نامۀ پر مغز شما استفاده کرده و بعد از دفع بول و غايط ،ماتحت خود را با آن پاک کنند که آب زياد مصرف نشود

با تقديم احترامات فائقه



Help these guys...

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

A few people are missing from this list. We should try to make it complete, so it would pretty much cover as many people who enjoy their western lives yet preach a bitter medicine for iranians within.

How about adding Prof. Sahimi, Jaleh, q, smhb, and dr. pouran rostamin the eminent dentist to the list. Anyone else wants to join in, or is there anyone else in the world that thinks IRI has been the voctim rather than the victim-maker?

See YouTube, recent lecture by Mohsen Kadivar in Columbia Univ. who references Iranian constitution under which peaceful actions of the protesters have been perfectly legal.



100 killed, 1000 arrested by the innocent IRI!

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Who are these people, for whom anything and everything is dear except people of iran. One leeches to islam and mullas, another to marxism and leninists, and another suddenly turns law-abiding; yet none cares much about people of iran who have been oppressed, murdered, imprisoned, raped, or tortured while watching their country going backwards with empty slogans, propaganda, and useless claims.

What is a 20-something youth supposed to do in iran today? He has no job, he cannot get married, he cannot have entertainment; what is he exactly supposed to do while watching his country's vast resources looted.

An IRI regime insider recently said that this country [Iran] belonged to some 400 people who control all her assets. Khamenei's father was essentially living on people's donations, yet his son now has close to 1 billion pounds that UK froze. Where did he get those assets from?




by Aboli (not verified) on

Don't worry about the Americans. Remember these names:

Ardeshir Ommani

Ann and Ahmad Shirazi

Azita Shafazand

Fareed Marjaee

Javad Azin

Mahvash Nasehi

Marjan Hagh Pasand

Mohammad Kazem Azin

Reza Shirazi

Simin Royanian

Zheila Ommani

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

Shame on you vatan frooshan.  You all are MOZDOURAN e IRI.




by Souri on

The petition are signed. People are protesting everyday, almost all around the world. The UN, should just have a lookat all those videos and photos coming from Iran, which show the barbarian act of this government against the young and unarmed people.

This is not a presidential campaign, which should bring  more signature, this is about human rights!!

If this is not enough for them to judge by themselves and they still need more signature to be able to act up on this, it means they are not qualified for their mission.

I still believe they won't take this letter for granted. This is a shame letter. Really!


This is what we get!

by IRANdokht on

When the petitions are posted against the IRI's crack down on the peaceful demonstrations but people hesitate to sign them, UN or any other organization would not know how the majority of people are thinking and have to believe the point of view that they receive. 

We need to be active in presenting our views to the world, or someone else will speak for us.


The Prince

Well, here is the thing!

by The Prince on


With those names, we now know who the IRI agents are!!



by Souri on

Shame on the people who want to legalize the killing of their hamvatan!! Shame on you!!

To kaz mehnat digaran bi ghami

Nashayad ke naamat nahand Adami



How much for your souls?

by fozolie on

They only way I can reason why people would put their signature to something as shameful as this is being paid a lot of money.

How much for your souls guys?

Mr. Fozolie

Farah Rusta

از توده‌ای نفتی‌ تا استالینیست‌های آمریکائی

Farah Rusta

وقتی‌ نفر اول لیست اردشیر عمانی باشه و نفر آخرش هم ژیلا عمانی دیگه تکلیف نفرات فیما بین معلومه. چقدر زود این مزبله جات رژیم دست بکار شدند. این لیست برای آیندگان باید حفظ شود.


Jahanshah Javid

Law-abiding government?

by Jahanshah Javid on

You are asking the UN secretary general to avoid asking Iran not to use force? Not to make arrests? Not to make threats?

Do you know how many people have been killed or injured for taking part in peaceful demonstrations? Do you know how many have been detained in their homes? Your position is that the Islamic Republic should not be condemned for its actions in recent days and blame should be put on the opposition?

The movement in Iran is not a Western conspiracy against a legitimate government. It is a popular uprising against election fraud and repression. Your stand against the will of the people is reprehensible.