by Shorts
17-Oct-2010 is a "news aggregator," selecting relevant and interesting up-to-minute news, stories, analyses, commentaries, photos and videos from among major Persian news websites and blogs that are banned and blocked by the Iranian government, and linking to them.

The site is updated whenever the sources update their contents. With exception of the rotating first story that is presented in full, each post includes the title, a summary of the report that it links to, and, eventually, a photo or video attached to it. The original source is clearly identified and the link given leads to the original website or blog containing that report in full.

The purpose is to offer a constantly updated list of news and analysis, commentary and multimedia in Persian from multiple "alternative" sources through visiting only one, this website. Whoever finds interest in the full reports has the option of visiting the original sources.

We understand this is a first and unique effort of an "alternative" news aggregator in Persian language. Should anybody have any suggestion or criticism, please let us know. Please contact us at the following email address. Thanks.

Abbas Djavadi


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