Child Foundation fully operational

Child Foundation fully operational
by Shorts

Press Release for Child Foundation

July 23, 2008 -- Child Foundation is a charity headquartered in Portland, Oregon, that helps children living in poverty to remain in school. The children sponsored through its programs are high achievers, and many of the children it assists are orphans or children living in emergency situations in the United States, Iran, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. By enhancing the quality of life for children in need, as well as their respective families, Child Foundation actively helps them gain access to education. During its fiscal year 2007, Child Foundation raised approximately $1.6 million in donations for sponsorship of about 3,500 children.

On Tuesday, July 15, 2008, Child Foundation became aware of a U.S. government investigation whose focus includes Child Foundation's operations. Child Foundation has strived to comply with U.S. laws that limit aid to Iran but permit food and medicine to be sent for humanitarian purposes.  Child Foundation believes that all of its current programs are in compliance with U.S. law.  It is cooperating fully with government investigators.  Child Foundation is fully operational and active.


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An earlier post about this

by American Wife (not verified) on

An earlier post about this indicated that they did.  I can only hope that any investigation will be fair and that the foundation is indeed in compliance with all regulations.  It will be most unfortunate if Child Foundation or the kids themselves suffer for yet another bullcrap excuse of this CURRENT government to impose more bullcrap sanctions against PEOPLE. 



by ProudToBeAnonymous (not verified) on

Did you get your computers back yet?