Wanted: The Hanging Judges


Wanted: The Hanging Judges
by Simorgh5555

If there is candidate from a pool of terrorists who is a worthy successor of the notorious Iranian hanging judge Sadegh Khalkhali, then Abolghasem Salavati beats all the competition hands down. He and two other judges, Mohammad Moghiseh and Pir Abbasi form the trinity of evil in Tehran's Revolutionary Court. Abolghasem Salavati is the hideous stony faced man who has become the face of terror and merciless Islamic justice since the crack-down of the 2009 demonstations. Pictures of Moghseih and Yahya Pir Abbasi are not even published despite the IR boasting about the transparency of its judicial system. 

Salavati, is perhaps the most powerful man in the Iranian judicial system short of being a minister in the government.  

Carry out an internet search of the Iranian political prisoners and the young innocent men and women issued with death sentences and Salavati and his trinity of evil is synonyous with them. What you see is the face of terror who has systematically sentenced to prison and issued death sentences of so many young Iranians, political activists, opponents of the regime and those who have not engaged in any political activity at all. 

Please do not judge this man by his ugly features. Even Lucifer was beautiful when God created him. Judge this wretched evil man by his actions.  2011 marked a surge in executions, mostly to the credit of Salavati and his trinity of evil

This is the man who sentenced Arash and Kamyar Alayi, two of the worlds most respected HIV/AIDS researchers to prison. This is the man who has sentenced lawyer Nasrin Sootodeh, journalist Nazanin Khosravani, Bahareh Hedayat and Hamid Reza Khadem  to prison. A brilliant Iranian physisist and graduate of the University of Barcelona, Omid Kokabee has been falsely accused by Salavat's and his henchmen of "selling Iran's nuclear plans" to the USA and was made to sign a phoney confession despite the implausibility of a young graduate to having had access to any secret nuclear plans.   This is the man who has issued death sentences for Saeed Malekpur, Vahid Asghari , Mohammad Javar Lari and Amir Mirzai Hekmati. Pastor Yousef Naderkhani now hangs on a balance because of Salavati. This is the man who sent two innocent Iranians Muhammed-Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Rahmanpour to the gallows for being members of the Kingdom Assebmly. This is the man who held and detained three innocent American travellers, Shane Bauer, Joshua Fattal and Sarah Shroud in custody on the phoney espionage charges. Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a former US marine, whose crime is to have visited his ailing grandmothers is sitting in deathrow because of Salavati. Salavati is the face of the man who persecutes Sakineh Mohammadi  Ashtiani, subjecting her to a relentless false charges  and fake television show trial.

This is the face of the man who drove Nahal Sahabi to suicide after the arrest of her boyfriend Behnam Ganji and his friend Kouhyar Goudarzi.

This one man and his associate of criminals has wrecked the lives and families of many of Iran's youth.  

These names are but a few of the many young Iranian men and women whose lives Salavati has destroyed and necks he has broken.  

The EU has recognised the crimes of Salavati, Pir Abbasi and Moghseih and have banned them from travelling in Europe. This does not go far enough. An international world criminal court must issue an arrest warrant to bring Salavati and his trinity of evil to trial. Unless these three individuals are arrested they will carry on destroying the lives of many more Iranians. Assad's Syria has become the focus of the world's attention but seems to only care about the IR's ambitions when it comes to Iran. The IR is till the US State Department's number one sponsor of international terrorism and we must not forget that. The IR remains a terrorists with or without nukes. For this reason, I ask the EU, the USA and the Prime Minister of Israel to use whatever resrouces in its means to either capture or eliminate  these terrorists masquerading as judges for the sake of justice and to show a strong message of defiance against the IR Terror Regime. 

I am saddened with the government of Israel's decsion to scale back Mossad operations in Iran. There are no shortage of terrorists, murderers of young men and women, and plotters of terrorists to chose from. Abolghasem Salavati and his murderers of innocent Iranians is one of them. I ask Prime Minister Netanyahu to listen to Meir Degan, former Director of Mossad, and concentrate all of Israel's resouces on Regime Change and the Iranian people will suport you. The nuclear issue is a non issue. It is the regime which needs to be stopped. 


more from Simorgh5555
Arash Kamangir

salam simorgh

by Arash Kamangir on

trust me salavati ( who looks more like a swine) will be one of the first ones( when IR's time has run out) who runs off wearing chador. I know his types.


simorgh jaan

by shushtari on

a day will soon come when this POS will wish he was never born....

the sad thing is that filth like this and khalkhali should have been exterminated a long time ago by savak, but by allowing these loonies to exist, we were put in this horrible situation

can't wait till the day of reckoning




bigger guns

by MRX1 on

we need bigger guns per say, influential people, senators, congressmen, high profile attorney's to bring muder charges against this cockroach and the rest of his ilk. Banning travel from omatestan is step in a right direction  but it's not enough. ICC should issue a warrent for his arrest and put pressure on the regime for his hand over.

If assisnation operations are possible they should be encouraged as well. Instead of  some dopey nuclear scientist getting blown away these are the people that should be on top of any list.

Thank you for post. it's an eye opener.



by مآمور on


I wear an Omega watch


This is about Islam in Politics and Government

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Any religion involved in politics, have produced a more corrupt system of dependent courts with Ayatollah interference.  Lets say that islam has really done a wonderful job of wiping itself out of the hearts of the people of Iran. It can not escape that and the day iranians decide they are ready to do what ever it takes to end the IRI nightmare, then Religion will be mostly gone too in the period afterwards as their will be no institution to coerce fear and lies into peoples minds.