تصادف های وحشتناک در تونل توحيد

by sobh

بيش از هفتاد هزار خودرو در شبانه روز از تونل توحيد گذر مي‌كنند كه شمار تخلفاتي كه در روز شاهد آن هستيم، چهارصد تخلف است. عدم رعايت سرعت مجاز و دقت نكردن به تابلوهاي علایم رانندگي، باعث بروز رخدادهای اينچنيني مي‌شود.


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یا ابوالفلض


نه آقا تقصیر این اعراب فلان فلان شده است
اصلا تقصیر خود ابوالفضله که بیمش کار نمیکنه
ما با این تمدن کی اینجوری رانندگی می کردیم


مرگ بر آمریکا، مرگ بر اسرائیل


کار کار انگلیسی‌ هاست. مقصر اصلی‌ این حوادث رژیم اشغالگر صهیو نیستی‌ است. مرگ بر حکومت‌های دست نشانده منطقه. ما موتور همشون رو میکشیم پائین.


I think, we can't always

by sobh on

I think, we can't always blame others for our own miss behaviors.  As long as I remember even before revolution, Iranians are driving like crazy. The car is defined from the front bumper to the front windshield and anything beyond the front windshield is not considered as part of the car, it is the responsibility of the driver behind you to watch out for not hitting you, even when you drive zigzag through the streets. We have the highest dead in the roads, and of course the stupid IR government does not help either.  


Hazardous to your health

by Cost-of-Progress on

while I'd like nothing better than blaming the alliance of reesh-o pashm for most of our societal ailements, it remains a mystery to me why iranians drive the way they do. True that this regime cares nothing for the rule of law, or if it thinks it does in this case, it has no idea how to effectively enforce it, but man, why do the people act this way? Driving there is worse than saudi, there...I said it.

I hate to air my dirty laundary, but this is definitely one!

Stand up and say: I am an Iranian and I drive like a maniac.....





Well, our culture needs to change

by Onlyiran on

until then, more enforcement of traffic laws is required.  Perhaps the IRI should spend more money and effort on that instead of their "sandis" drinking troops.