Iranian Nukes, Islamic Nukes, or Neither


Iranian Nukes, Islamic Nukes, or Neither
by SofiaM

Ad Nauseaum is my phrase of choice when describing the media coverage of blogger, scientist and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei-tied Alireza Forghani’s newest essay titled. “The Necessity for the Islamic World to have the Nuclear Bomb.”

Don’t take me wrong, in the strongest of terms I condemn Iran’s nuclear program – that is non-negotiable. We are well aware, with or without Forghani’s essay that Iran is in hot pursuit of Nuclear Weapons. But what infuriates me is not only Forghani’s argument for nuclear weapons, rather the fact that Iranian and Western media analysts and commentators alike have ignored one very important issue. While the Islamic Republic of Iran may be part of the Islamic World, Iranians overwhelmingly identify first and foremost as Iranians, not Muslims or Kurds, Baluchis or Baha’is.

Iranian culture and history is the umbrella – the overarching identifier of who we were, who we are, and who we and our children will be. We are not Muslims, Christians or Bahai’s who happen to be Iranian – we are Iranians who respect each other’s right to our individual beliefs and religious practices. Although our defamed and disdainful regime might be classified as just another player in the Islamic World, we Iranians are certainly not. So please, Alireza Forghani, don’t think you have the right to speak for us – we aren’t part of a movement… we next generation of Iranians around the world ARE the movement.

But this leads me further. Sure the anti- Islamic Regime camp (which I am no doubt party to) fervently and repeatedly brings to light the bevvy of, and unending lists of human rights abuses which will without a doubt be exacerbated by a Nuclear Islamic Regime, as well as the regional and international chaos which the mentioned weapons will also cause. But look at what Iran’s pursuit of nuclear military capability has ALREADY begun to do; rob us of our unique cultural and historical makeup. And this has happened at only 20% enrichment, what will happen when they get to their goal of 90%?

My affinities for my Iranian roots are strong, but my responsibility to my future children and grandchildren, respecting and carrying on Iran’s glorious history, and the welfare of the rest of the world, are far stronger. Let’s not abdicate our Iranian nature to be part of an “Islamic World with Nuclear Weapons.” Let’s be the Iran we want for our children.


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