اعترافات تلویزیون ایران در رابطه با فلسفه حمایت ایران از فلسطین

by Tapesh

ما به حماس و حزب الله کمک میکنیم تا اسرائیل سرگرم بشه و فرصت حمله کردن به ایران‌رو نداشته باشه ...


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Maa be Hamas komak mikonim ke...

by khengali on

So let me get this straight: These Shiite Iranians tell sunni Palestinians we   want to help you beat Israel and win back lost territory.Yet the hidden agenda, the real purpose, the dirty little secret is the Shiite IRI's only interest is using the sunni Palestinians as buffer-Balaa Gardaan-to hold back any Israeli attempt to attack the Shiite IRI?


Naked display of Islamic hypocracy yes, but brilliant.

BTW,what do the sunni Palestinians feel about thus being used and abused by the Shiite IRI ?

Hey Palestinian morons! You stupid sunnis! Are you paying attention?


No that's not the reason

by divaneh on

They don't attack you because you are bending backward to Russia and China and let them steal what they want. Not accepting the power order, my foot. The day that those two remove their protection you would notice that a few rock throwers in Palestine are not a real defence.

Maryam Hojjat

IRR has been trying hard to Provoke Israel to WAR

by Maryam Hojjat on

This video is for fooling IRANIANS  & explaining their behavior.  Why Israel did not attack IRAN during SHAH?