My Comments Regarding the Article, "Waiting for the Barbarians"!

by Tiani

Shortly before I decided to register on the Iranian website, I read the article, "Waiting for the Barbarians". I must admit that I don't know how to express the shock and disgust at the way in which the indigenous peoples of Mexico are being treated - and by "their own", so to speak. The unspoken question of the article, in my opinion, was, "Who really are the barbarians here?" One of the questions I have is this, why hasn't the US stepped in to help these people? But then, we're guilty of our own human rights violations!  The second question I have involves the security officers patroling the naked protesters - would one or more of them have the intestinal fortitude to take their clothes off and join the protesters in their fight against a corrupt government perpetrating the death, exploitation, and destruction of their tribes? Somehow I don't think so! Why? I can think of several "reasons": fear, shame, apathy, indifference, uncaring, a lack of understanding, disrespect, arrogance! This list is as long as there are people or rather could be! I enjoyed the article for its strait forward and informative style but seeing the pictures of the naked protesters was a bit of a shock! Am I complaining? NO! I don't mean it that way! It takes seeing pictures like those to get through to some people in order to get their attention! Well, they got mine! It's one article I won't soon forget! Most especially, the indigenous tribes and their communities will be on my heart and in my mind for a long time to come! To the author of the article, "Waiting for the Barbarians", Thank You for reporting it to us with your strait forward and informative style!!



Dear Tiani

by IRANdokht on

I also felt the same emotions when I saw the essay. It was very well made. 

Usually the reporter, blogger, writer of the article appreciates and looks forward to feedbacks. I am sure Aria Fani would have appreciated a positive comment from you similar to what you are saying here in a separate blog.

The young and ambitious journalists/photographers/reporters/bloggers can use all the moral support we can give them.

