Happy New Year NUR.

Happy New Year NUR.
by tired of you

Happy New Year NUR.

Happy new year to all Bayanis : NUR, Covenant, Badi19, Erooni .....
How do you feel now ?



Take your warning...

by NUR on

Bring it on!

Wahid Azal

 [Comment and time of posting recorded given the deletion of comments by the Baha'i lackey censor of this site]


Nur...A Kind Warning.

by faryarm on


I disagree with you, and when i do i put my name on it, as I have done in the past.

None of this is the work of any Bahai, as I condemn this defacement.

No where in the Bahai writings will you find either foul language or defacement of Subhi Azal. 


This Game is over; 

I don't have time for you anymore... and will not respond to  you as in the past, for reasons obvious to any one familiar with you.

I ask you to stop your verbal attacks and threats; as i have said before, i wish you no ill; if anything i hope at some point you would see the error of your ways and begin to live in harmony and without so much hate and venom. 

Let this be a kind warning, however that If necessary, without sounding arrogant; the means are readily available to legally pursue and aggressively respond to any kind of harassment, even bordering criminal harrasment ; whether in the US or Australia; in fact, as a precaution, and on advisement contacts have been made with...

I will say no more.. 

Please take this seriously.




Stop Accusing

by Peace19 (not verified) on

This is not done by Baha'is. Stop accusing.


The nature of the darkness of the Baha'i Hezbollah

by NUR on

And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not - John 1:5



You are tired of me, you say? Get used to me, bozo. I've only just warmed up. We still have a way to go before really beginning to have fun.

How do I feel? I feel just fine, FaryarM. My faith is not shaken by such meaningless trifles that a pathetic nobody such as you can devise because unlike yours Subh-i-Azal cannot be made to look like this demonic creep and antichrist, i.e. Rasputin, however much your cult-ridden, middle aged expatriate and mediocre photoshopping can expend meaningless hours of energy to distort. The Light/NUR is the Light/NUR however much the darkness which is you and your ilk attempts to extinguish it. Ninety-six years since His ascension the Dawn of Pre-Eternity and Mirror of the Bayan is still around and capable of kicking three shades of *&^% out of you deranged cultists and back again.

What this blog also tells me is how successful I actually have been here in tearing the veils of deceit off your bogus sectarian propaganda and fictitious cult narratives, which you cultists have made your careers and livelihoods ($$$), not to mention generally driving massive wedges in the middle of this site just with my presence alone. It also says that the Bayan is indeed a force to be reckoned with and now has unstoppable momentum on its side to finally drive the decisive nail needing hammering into the coffin of the Haifan Baha'i cult.

So, tired you say you are? GOOD! We're here, we're Bayanis, so get used to it! We will exhaust you to your last ounce of strength and burn you to cinders! That is what the NUR (meaning 'fire' and 'firey' in Hebrew) is meant to do.

Wahid Azal


so much revealed.......

by sophia on

Firstly, this reveals the true level of religious bigotry embedded in the attitude of the Baha'i  faith.  Secondly, NUR, Covenant, Erooni and Badi19 are different people. Thirdly, it is very interesting that the timing of this blog, asking "how do you feel" to the Bayani community, occurs at the same time that the site, www.bayanic.com, is hacked and inaccessible.  Lastly, I'd say that this blog, created by a user who has been a member for all of an hour, is obviously Faryarm.