Blogging On

Wayne Willis
by Wayne Willis

One of the best features of the new website is the ability to support blogs. We urge you to use to create your blog and use it to tell the other members of our community about items of interest or importance.

It's easy to get started!

1) Register and log in. You automatically have an account. Pay particular attention to the choice of a username, as that is how you will be known.  See my blog entry entitled "A Rose Is A Rose: A User By Any Name" for tips and tricks on choosing a username.

2) Click on "My Account" in the extreme upper right of the site.

3) Go to "My Blog" or "View Blog Entries" on your user page.

4) Click on "Post New Blog Entry".  That takes you to a form where you can title and write your blog entry.

If you want to add some snazz to your blog, you can give your blog a name and a description.  (You can see the title and description of my blog just above, in and just below the orange bar.  The title is "Getting Up To Business" and the description says "As the Business Manager for, Wayne discusses the issues related to the operation (but not the content) of the site.") You can add title and description for your blog on your My Account page.

You can also add a picture.  Just go to your "My Account" page, click on the "Edit" tab near the top and upload a small, square picture.

One last thing: At the bottom of the page where you name and describe your blog and where you upload your picture, there's a checkbox for "personal contact form". If you check it, people will be able to use a web form to send you feedback on your piece.  Your email address will NOT be shown, but the message will be forwarded by our system to your email address.  It's a useful way to get private messages from people reacting to your articles or blogs.

Have fun!


Recently by Wayne WillisCommentsDate
A Rose Is A Rose: A User By Any Name
Jul 04, 2007
Why Register?
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