Iran to Rebuild University and Hospital in Gaza
Mehr News
25-Jan-2009 (82 comments)

Iran is slated to rebuild a univeristy and a hospital in Gaza...also plans to provide materials for reconstructing schools, mosques, and houses destroyed...treating 4,000 injured, giving aid to all martyr families and war-disabled and providing care for children orphaned in the war as among other programs which will be conducte

rosie is roxy is roshan

And That Ain't Even the Half of It...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Looks like Tehran will be a busy little bee thanks to Israel. Surprise, surprise. Mehr's press releases are skimpy but...they do the job..


khaleh mosheh

Rosie Jan

by khaleh mosheh on

Now I understand where you are coming from and clearly I had misunderstood you and you position.


Evidently you do care deeply and more involved with the issues... a lot more than me.

Best wishes 


rosie is roxy is roshan

NP I never thought you said Israel needed to be removed, Q

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

too he supported the two-state solution til now, now he thinks it's doomed, If anyone I'm the one who thinks it shoudl be "removed", although in having for quarter century plus years advocated one state solution I find today upon researching Chomsky that util 1942 one state Muslim/Jewish/Christian Palestine was considered PERFECTLY CONSISTENT within the lines of "Zionism".

Whatever. It's so convoluted.

I dunno..perhaps I should try to be a little bit less ironic...people don't understand's ISRAEL who gives Iran the golden opportunity to be the savior, and Israel KNOWS it's gonna happen, and that what Israel wants...and that was really the main intention in my first comment on this post...Iran will be busy...THANKS TO ISRAEL.

Regardless...I dunno...maybe I should try to cool it with the irony for now. I guess I should. I will try. I defer to your views as a humanitarian aid worker on the ground.

WAIT, I will blog you what I really feel.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Khaleh, I'm not a Zionist. That's all.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

You're not an anti-Semite. I'm not a Zionist. It was just a misunderstanding. i'll go back and correct the posts.


The Palestinians, the Iranians, and ULTIMATELY THE JEWS.

When you come from one of the greatest ethical traditions in history (ethical Judaism, thousands of years old, influenced largely by the ACHAEMENIDS) and you become what you HATE..

haven't you lost everything?
Haven't you lost your soul?

Isn't that everything?

Americans too, We will have to face it one day.
And Europe..perhaps most of all..

 Peace. Rosie PS I take it personally because I can't stand what the Jews have become thanks to the Second World War, and yes, sometimes here I do get very very overwrought.


The link

by Hajminator on

The reference of mullahs cowardliness in what happened:




Well, that is a nobel act!

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Well, that is a nobel act! But, why bother throwing away your money, it will be destroyed again, especially if it is financied by the IRI. Now a days, EU is fed up with Israel's destruction of Palastinian infrastructure payed and built by the EU Nations. An advice to IRI; how about building parts of Khosestan province which still bear scars of the bloody war!

Niloufar Parsi

Rosie jan

by Niloufar Parsi on

sorry i didn't reply to your last msj. i thought u had misread me slightly in that i never meant to say that israel (or the presence of jews in palestine) should be removed. my position on israel, fwiw, is that it needs a regime change. i understand the arguments for a 2-state solution too, and frankly would not argue against it if it were really happening by mutual consent between the 2 parties. in the final analysis, the palestinians are the natives and any state that exists is responsible for their well being no matter who migrates in or out of the country.

on this particular question, that of humanitarian assistance for the reconstruction of gaza, the source of support should not be questioned in my view. if it is not iran, it is the US or the UK or egypt or japan. every single one of the states involved in such work often has other motivation, usually economic or political ones or both. what matters is the impact on the ground, and quite frankly, from my own personal experience in international humanitarian work, support from countries like iran is much more likely to end up being of real bread and butter help for gazans than say US funds that come with a million strings attached and help US companies and 'aid workers' more than gazans. i am not being partisan in saying this, but just from what i have seen on the ground. US money goes to the likes of blackwater that are not just engaged in iraq, but in many UN operations in sudan, afghanistan etc. they are extremely costly and only a tiny portion of the money goes to the affected population.

having said that, i know your point is slightly different. but the dire situation on the ground makes any support imperative. moreover, iran should play an active and positive humanitarian role in regional crises when civilians are in need of help. let me go one step further: we often hear of iran's negative influence everywhere like in afghanistan, but in fact, the reconstruction work that iran has done in afghanistan is far superior to anything that NATO forces coupled with the UN have achieved.

and believe me, iran has one of the best (if not the best) red crescent societies in the world. it was good before the revolution, and it is great now. so the country knows what it is doing in such situations. (now wait for the hail of abuse from our standard 'patriots' calling me an IRI apologist!)

at some level, we need to draw a line between judging states on their political motives, and the urgent need for civilian victims of conflict. for this reason, we should encourage iranian support for gazans, as this would lead to a race between various actors to help gazans too. at least one would hope so. the way i am reading the signals now, they are using iran's support to justify inaction and by doing that they are helping themurderous campaign against the gazans. if they really mean to reduce iran's influence, they should go in with their help first. but will they?


khaleh mosheh

Rosie- PS apologies

by khaleh mosheh on

Also please accept my apologies as new in blogging. I will concentrate more on the message and less on the messenger - as clearly this is causing upset.

Best wishes 

khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

Why are you taking this personally?

My comments related to the posts in the first instance(eg IRI building hospitals in Gaza)and the referall to you  as the poster is by inference. 

It is rightly questionable if why Iran is called a 'winner' when here Israel committed the atrocity. 

You are perfectly entilted to raise prozionist posts. But when questioned why do you get so uptight? 

rosie is roxy is roshan

No Khaleh, there are onlly THREE people as of yet on this

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

forum whom I have accused of being anti-Semetic based on their postings. One was Mehid's based on a posting to Bijan which I have questioned him about and await his reply. The other was a very terrible one addressed about Jews in general from someone who surprised me very much but I won't say who because although I remember the post well and did reply to it the person never answered but by the time I'd replied the thread was already old so she may not have seen it. In any case I would have to search for the post so I'm not going to name her unless someone specifically asks me to produce it, then I will.

I came back to this forum after a several month hyatus SPECIFICALLY to address the Gaza issue AS A NON-ZIONIST JEW. For the past two weeks, I have dedicated myself in my free time almost exclusively to challenging the Zionist hawks on this site, at enormous expenditure of time and physical and emotional energy.

My writings are clear by clicking on my last three blogs, ESPECIALLY the one to Zion drained me and chilled me to the bone. Not to mention on half the threads on the topic. Often AT GREAT LENGTH.

Then out of nowhere, absolutely NOWHERE, you come along yeserdayand accuse me of being the "cuddly" side of the Zionist lobby. ANYONE who has read me on thread or blog of mine knows (and most have known for a year plus) that I AM NOT A ZIONIST.

If YOU HAVE SOME OTHER EXPLANATION FOR YOUR WILD BIZARRE CHARACTERIZATIONS OF ME THEN TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE. If you can give me ANOTHER REASON why  you would do something as prepostrous as accuse me of being in the employ of a Zionist organization, carefully orchestrating pro-Zionist propaganda using this website as my tool in CONCERT with Zion, Mehdi Mazloom & co. I will retract my statement and say that you are not an anti-Semite. Further, I will go back to whatever posts I wrote claiming you are and qualify them.

If you have no other explanation for your characterizations of me then MY explanation stands: you are anti-Semite and you see all Jews as a CLUMP, not essentially human, but all alike, like some species of horses or monkeys, and we ALL THINK AND ACT THE SAME. Stereotyping IS a form of racism. 

GIve me a satisfactory explanation of your characterization of me as a Zionist infiltrator and I retract my characterization of you. But I won't apologize for it because my perception was of your own doing.

You clai that this is the FIRST time you have been accused of anti-Semitism. There are two possible reasons for it I can think of: 1) you are not; 2) you interact with few Jews. Or...something tell me..

Anyway, tt may surprise YOU to know that this is the first time that ANYONE on this forum since I returned this month has accused me of having a Zionist agenda.

I guess that just makes us as alike as two peas in a pod, don't it? First time for me, first time for you..but wait..hold tight...there's ONE CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE here...


Taking all that, if you wiould so kindly so do, into careful consideration, I eagerly await your reply explaining what the f. on earth it was that propelled you to impute me with a Zionist agenda based on my discourse this past month.

I await your reply with baited breath.


Robin Jayne Goldmith




by Hajminator on

If you consider the usual zer-zer of Mahmood in support of the palestinian cause. It would have been more logical that he cries hard every day out by making deafening statements.

Instead, we heard that Monsieur was ill. Isn't it strange?

khaleh mosheh

Thanks Rosie

by khaleh mosheh on

Well this is a new one one me.


If I say don't insult my intelligence then its anti-semetic.


This is another card that is used ad nauseum. 

rosie is roxy is roshan

Why do you say they didn't say anything Haj? I thought they

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

were recruting all the martyrs *which they apparently never intended to send anyway...) and pushing it left and right 24/7 on the IRI media. What am I missing?



Chapter II

by farzaad (not verified) on

OK, now forget about the killings and all the devastation committed by Israel and let's blame Iran!



by Hajminator on

didn't say a word when Gaza was under fire !  Now, the have to redeem themselves by throwing people money in rubbles.
What a shame!

rosie is roxy is roshan

But Niloufar this ISN'T just about IRI helping out like / ID

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

in an earthquake. This is the way it's SUPPOSED TO BE. Israel will keep on savaging Palestine to further war economy, IRI will keep on helping Palestinians, which will keep balance of power in region to further Israeli war economy while simultaneously furthering IRI's stated agenda from day one of its existence of spreading sphere of influence in region. REGARDLESS of the motivitations, it's JUST THE WAY IT IS.  Ask Jahanshah, he's the one who had to telex the fatwa to Salman Rushdie. It's one of the reasons you HAVE this forum today...

Of COURSE I support IRI's helping the Gazans rebuild...but..the newsfeed IS's NO NEWS!

On this thread // I have a post to you Niloufar that I don't think you saw, it's about to go onto page two.

NP, ID, there is also a long post toward the top of same blog to Persia re Zionism from me which fully articulates my position.

As for different sides of me,ID, no they aren't different sides of M, they're just ME observing and processing and communicating the different FACTS of one giant big black ugly...diamond...

one big black ugly diamond...

I first saw how black and multi-faceted that diamond was the day I wrote about in Zionazis. You both understood that blog.

My comment on this feed says the same thing in a different way. 

I don't care about ideologies muchm I care about PEOPLE. We three are the SAME. Not this Khaleh, though, suffering from a's called anti-Semitism. Its root is the same as the disease the hardline Zionists suffer from:



do you understand what I'm trying to say?



rosie is roxy is roshan

My reply to you her Khaleh is the same as my reply to you

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

on the concurrent feed: //

You're anti-Semitic. Perhaps in denial of it because ultimately you're just paranoid  but that is neither here nor there. I could've stood on a dirt mound with Rachel Corrie and gotten run over by a Caterpillar tractor and you would've said I was there for GIYUS to give a nice face to the world Jewish Zionist conspiracy. A photo op, you would've called me if I DIED for the Palestinian cause. Run over TWICE by that tractor. Yes I know all the details. I was working with Jews Against the Occupation at the time.

A photo op, you accuse me of being on these threads. And yet when I remark about the patently obvious: that EVERY Israeli assault on Palestine WILL be a photo op for Tehran (REGARDLESS of how genuie their humanitarian concerns are)...oh, sorry that's just...a photo op talking.

Yes, indeed I do, I think YOU IN PARTICULAR AS AN INDIVIDUAL are blind as a bat. As I told you on the referenced feed above. I spent MY time and energy challenging Mehdi Mazloom while YOU'RE spending yours obsessively dogging ME.

. GIYUS isn't paying me. Why don't YOU pay me for doing your job for you? That is all I have to say to you.

That is, until you send me my well-deserved pay check.

Shalom. L'chayim. Shahah tovah.

-Non-Zionist Jew


khaleh mosheh

GIYUS strikes again

by khaleh mosheh on

It funny really, Israel attacks and kills 1,300 civilians and when poeple say they like to help , the get accused of being the winner.


May be if they didnt want Iran to 'win', they could have not used white phosphorus, not attacked schools and hospitals or not killed so many civilians.


Do they really think we have no intelligence?? or blind?? 

Niloufar Parsi

oh i don't know

by Niloufar Parsi on

i think iran can be quite proud of supporting the most oppressed group of people in our region. others will chip in too regardless of the gobal economic downturn. it's quite normal for those who can to help their neighrbours a liitle. other countries too help iran for example when there are earthquakes. the fact that the BBC won't even run gaza aid appeals is what is appalling. so is the fact that israel has promised to protect its soldiers from war crimes charges.


I agree Rosie

by IRANdokht on

Every brutal attack by Israel becomes a photo-op for IRI. I think they should just stop helping IRI look pretty in the region. They're doing the most damage to all of us Iranians by continuiong their bullying and murdering of the civilians.  Imagine the empowering of IRI once Israel attacks Iran! now that's the day I don't want to see for so many reasons...

No you don't have to go into details, I think I am just seeing too many sides from  you lately and it's hard for me to keep track. I don't read all the posts and comments and sometimes one single posting's tone can get read too much into.

Thanks for the explanation. Not that you owe any to anyone.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh no, it hasn't upset me at ALL...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

it was a foregone conclusion. No matter how the conflict turned out and who "won", whatever that means, Tehran was going to wind up spending tons of money in clear view of world opinion doing the re-building. Winning more and more the hearts and minds of the Palestinians the more and more deeply they loathe the Israelis. Consolidating balace of power in region on side of IRI just as w/Hezbollah in Lebanon.

ID, when Israel pulled out of Lebanon in '06, Tehran gave Hezbollah truckloads of CASH-GREENBACKS-US$-to hand out to the people, thousands of dollars each...astronomical sums for those impoverished Shia in the villages of Southern Lebanon..

wads of CASH.

EVERY Israeli attack in Palestine ends in a photo op for Tehran. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to be...

This isn't even really news, ID, to tell you the's more like just...corroboration of a fait accompli, accompli dsince the first day of the conflict.

How I feel about US aid to Israel is so well-known here, do I rerally have to go into it again? You can find it on almost any thread on the topic...if you really need me to go into it again I will. Are you sure you need me to?




by IRANdokht on

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me when the government spends money abroad while there are very needy people and necessary projects in Iran that need the attention.

I mean we're not like US who spends billions of dollars regularly on other countries as help and support while there are budget shortages everywhere, hospitals closing, government workers hours and pay cut, an a huge number of children and adults without insurance or even a home...


no it's not right for any government to not put its own people on top of the priority list.


what I find most curious though is how this news has upset you. I wonder why that is...


Rosie jan, do you feel the same way when you see the homeless and know that US pays Israel billions of dollars a year which could easily be used in building shelters, creating jobs and hospitalizing the needy here in US?  I don't know, you might very well feel the same way about US too, I am just asking.

No I don't condone IRI's spending spree, I don't support double standards either.  What's wrong is wrong no matter who does it!

