Walkout at Iran leader's speech
20-Apr-2009 (68 comments)

Diplomats have walked out of a speech by the Iranian president at a UN anti-racism conference after he described Israel as a "racist government". Two protesters, wearing coloured wigs, disrupted the beginning of the speech by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - followed by the Western walkout. Others enthusiastically clapped as Mr Ahmadinejad continued his address. France said it was a "hate speech". A number of other Western countries have boycotted the conference altogether.

recommended by ghalam-doon



Lets boycott hate mongers

by Bavafa on

There are undoubtedly a few (Fed, Zion, etc) actually both sides that always try to hijack the real subject and try to create an atmosphere to detract the debate by resorting to name calling and other hateful methods to distort the subject. Unfortunately a few will fall into their traps and soon we will see the subject has changed, "divide and rule", right?

My suggestion is to boycott their posting by not responding/ engaging with them at all. 'Javabe ablahan, khmoshist'



RE: Mehdi Mazlom

by Joe-L (not verified) on

Dear sir, I agree that they have this Tarof thing and I actually find it very charming. They are polite and care a great deal about your comfort. I have been fortunate enough to travel to many countries. Five years ago I also went to Greece, Turkey and stopped for two days in Israel. I enjoy cultures very much. I would not like to make any comparisons as all cultures hold their own special spice. Overall my experience in Iran had been one of the best because of the people, the way I was treated. Respect plays the most important role in that culture that I find as their strength.
I have the highest regard towards the Iranian people. They are proud, hard working, intelligent and warm. As an American and a visitor I do not get involved with the local politics when I visit a place. I also had been very fortunate to visit Qom and meet with many educated and open minded clergy. I don't think you get it right when you push all of them in one baggage.
Thank you for your insight. I love many cultures specially the Iranian culture. Let me also add that the land scape and the country as a whole is a wonder to discover.


ZioNazi Lover--It Goes Both Ways

by Anonymous111 a/k/a IRI Supporter lover (not verified) on

The name calling and labeling (espcially on this site) is a two way street. While what you say may be true, the same goes for criticizing the IRI and the automatic labeling that goes with that. To illustrate, I have used the applicable portion of your comment and replaced anti-Semite with Zionist. See how similar it is?

"Anybody who says anything negative about [IRI & status quo] shall immediately be called [a Zionist and an Iran hater]. Even thou [sic] we do know that most [IRI leaders do not have the best interest of Iran or Iranian people in mind]. [Zionist] is a funky term created to mean something really bad without actually defining what it means. Instead of saying anti-[IRI] which would sound actually more like a complement, we will call them [Zionist]. It is kind of like an automatic crime and conviction."


Mehdi Mazloom


by Mehdi Mazloom on

Indeed, you are absolutely right about the people in Iran - That is not the case with their leadership there.

This group of backward Mullahs have been lying, and outright misleading the Iranian people. Beginning with Khomeini himself, who promised the world, panacea, freedom, and economic prosperity to the Iranian. Once in power he delivered hell to which we see today.

In simple language, these creatures with 7th century mindset, are not equipped to deal with challenges of 21st century. when you have a condition under which the population, where 70% are under the age of 25 years, hungry for knowledge, and thirsty for freedom of expression, their leadership must go, and be replaced with a modern and contemporary one.

Iranian people are wonderful, they are sophisticated and well manner (except their maligned ta'arof). Nonetheless, if you are not familiar with some of their customs (such as the taarroff), you can find yourself in a very precarious position.



Dear Irandokht, thank you!


You said it very well.  The arrogance and ignorance would have been laughable had it not been for the fact that this attitude is becoming increasingly presumptuous and offensive.   


Talk against Israel is not allowed

by ZioNazi Lover (not verified) on

Anybody who says anything negative about Israel shall immediately be called ANTI-SEMITE. Even thou we do know that most Israeli right wingers are NOT from Semite backgrounds and are in fact Europeans. But no matter. ANTI_SEMITE is a funky term created to mean something really bad without actually defining what it means. Instead of saying anti-Israel which would sound actually more like a complement, we will call them anti-semite. It is kind of like an automatic crime and conviction. The walk out was simply a confirmation that yes, israel is the most racist regime but we will call you anti-semite and that cancels what you say! There!


It's a shame

by IRANdokht on

To see people insult other people's intelligence, opinions and even their families?!!! 

somewhere iranians are told we're kids in need of the superior beings' guidance, on a blog we're told that we don't know how to carry on a debate in a civilized way, we're being preached to, left and right with a condescending tone, we're being laughed at for a typo by people who make many mistakes writing in the only language they know and then even our children are being insulted to score a lousy point in an argument!

this is indeed very embarrassing...  




They Both Suck -- & "Mola"

by Anonymous111 (not verified) on

Israel is a blood thirsty apartheid state and the IRI matches it in its blood thirst. The Israeli regime and the IRI are two faces of the same coin. That's why they hate each other.

And "Mola", a/k/a anonymous "Obama Voter", why are you so obsessed with "Palestine"? You only come out of your spider hole when ther's an article about Israel / Palestine, and you are extremely uninformed about....well, pretty much everything! Give it a break, will you? We're bored of seeing your nonsense on this site.


Mrs. Anonymous Fish

by Joe-L (not verified) on

I am an African American. I have noted before that you had mentioned that you are from the south.
Please take a look at lone star flag and explain to me the idea of racism or anti Semitism.
Dear Madam, the racism is the nature of this country, what you talking about?

Unlike you I have traveled to Iran couple of times. The Iranians hold one the most humanistic cultures in the world, are the warmest people and had never have any slaves or history of racism.

They freed the slaves, Jews and made peace around the globe. I suggest you stop embarrassing Americans with your ignorant comments and do not speak on behalf of us. Thank you.


Islamist freak show

by Fred on

Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies including the heavy-duty Islamist wedding photographer have been having a field day with their Islamist president’s bring-shame-on-Iranians show.

  Iranian history and time is against you, get your fill. stock up on hate mongering and enjoy the Islamists' freak shows for it will not last.


The depth of ignorance....

by Q on

You deserve everything you'll get. You do not have an ounce of integrity to admit you made an unnecessary and bigoted stereotype. Your pride has doomed you to drivel. You told me your own name in a discussion with me, and now you insult me by calling a simple recollection "clever"?

who the hell is "G"? My name is Qumars.

it's not stereotyping to have an opinion.

wrong. All stereotypes are opinions. If you have them, you are stereotyping. Hitler had many opinions (not facts) about Jews.

"Catholics are child molestors", "Irish are drunks" and "Irish are predisposed to eating potatoes" are opinions but also racist stereotypes.

and my opinion is based on some pretty credible facts.

Oh really? You have facts that "Iranians are predisposed to antisemetism?" please share. We're all waiting to see how big a hole you can dig for yourself.

i've formed alot of my assumptions just reading iranian.com....:-)

Oh God. That's what I thought. You actually are ignorant enough to make statements about an entire nation based on your own "observations" on a freaking website. So, according to your "logic" Iranians are constently on the Internet, they are mostly living in California and 50% have PhDs. Thanks for the laughs!

"you're anti-iranian" line is getting a little old.

I have never heard or used this line. But if you're - once again - imagining things, I remind you of your statements that says "Iranians are predisposed to antisemetism".

i'm not anti-iranian. i'm anti-iri and anti-semitism. it's simple. maybe i need to write in shorter sentences so you'll be able to grasp the concept.

Oh no. I think I understand perfectly. You are "anti-semetism", OK!

However, whatever you end up correcting the above statement as is not the point. It's not - unfortunately - about you.

The point is that someone making a blanket racist stereotype and refusing to see the bigotry.

the comment about your offspring is no joke.
OK then, since I already have children, I assume this is an insult to them.

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

me thinks you protesteth too much....LOL

earth to you and your iri buddies... just let me know when you're ready for a little factfinding mission about muslim iran's attitude towards jews.  ok?

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

if you're going to address me by name, at least spell it right.  you think you're so clever, don't you...lol

it's not stereotyping to have an opinion.  and my opinion is based on some pretty credible facts.  you don't like to read other people's links, do you? because when you don't, you can claim you're just wasting your time.  gives you an out, huh?  so if you can live with the opinion that muslim iran isn't anti-semitic... go right ahead.  let me know when you're ready to read some facts... k?  i've formed alot of my assumptions just reading iranian.com....:-)

you and your ilk are going to just HAVE to find a new line.  the "you're anti-iranian" line is getting a little old.  i'm not anti-iranian.  i'm anti-iri and anti-semitism.  it's simple.  maybe i need to write in shorter sentences so you'll be able to grasp the concept.   ok.. no problemo. 

believe me.  the comment about your offspring is no joke.  the fact that you might possibly (highlighted because you don't seem to understand the concept of possibility versus fact) be passing your racist bias' to another generation is frightening and terribly terribly sad. 

mashty.  i look forward to responding to your comment.  and once again, i extend my gratitude and respect to you for your tone.  i have no doubt it's as difficult for you as it is for me to discuss such a sensitive subject calmly when faced with such obvious rancor by others.  i'm also sure you probably don't give a rat's ass about my respect either... :-))) nonetheless, i felt it necessary to express my regards.  i will respond to your comments lator.

gol-dust.  you continue to amaze me with your lunacy!!!!  i AM impressed!  to confuse me with zion... dude... you DO have an active imagination!

let me tell you something... please don't EVER question MY americanism again.  understood?  there is a HUGE difference between being an american citizen and being an american.   this has been discussed before and i'm perfectly willing to go there again. 

hiding and not revealing my real identify?  come ON.  you have changed avatars at least a couple times that i'm aware of.  or did you have transgender surgery?  my identify is well known on iranian.com.  and thanks to G, he's gone that extra little step.  (ps.  i hope you realize how clever a fellow he is!) and if i WAS jewish, i would be damn proud to admit it.  however, i am not.  i am simply a human being without prejudice or bias against any people.  ANY PEOPLE. (repeated it just in case you tried to skip through to the juicy parts).  i am ABSOLUTELY ANTI-IRI.   it's disgusting to even see you write the word "humanity".  you have zero (yes G... ZERO) idea of the concept of  humanity.


Fishy, you're a bigotry is floating

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

If your assumption is that Iranians are "pridesposed" to anti-Semitism, then how do you explain the fact that the largest indigenous Jewish population in the ME has lived in Iran? Can you explain why, even under the current regime, there are no reports of harming the Jewish persons and their properties while we keep hearing about anti-Semitic incidents in the West all the time? What' your next assumption, that the Iranians are congenital anti-Semites? You have started sounding more like David Duke when he discusses the blacks and the Jews.

Ostaad, not logged on at work.


Why Palestine and not Chechnia

by Iranyvaliazad on

Isn't funny the custodian of IRI government whose hands are bloody with blood of thousands of young Iranias talks about plight of foreigers

Talk racism in Iran first before tearing you arses up for foreigners who sent forces to help Iraqis to kill Iranian soldiers.

How are Bahais are treated in Iran?

How many Sunni, Kurd, Turk, Blooch are treatede in Iran, how many of them hold top government positions in IRI? Are they allowed to teach their native language in their own "country"?

IRI supporters are sick animals,  they curse me because I said many young Iranian soldiers were killed unnecessary in khomeini's 8 year war ... many of these young kids were sent in front of Irai machine guns to be killed by Palestians volunteers who were introduced into Iraqi's regular army ... and today, they tear their arses up for Palestian cause ... sick animals, these people are.

By they way, why are Palestianians are more important moslems than Chechnians ... aren't chechnians moslem suffer under Russian rule ... almost forgot, moslem clerics need Russia's support of their nuclear ambition and Russian long range anti-aircraft missles, etc.


Bravo Mahmood & Q! Israel is a racist,fascist, warmonger state!

by gol-dust on

President spoke the truth! Fish, mazloom, (where is Zion?) oh changed his name to fish?

And these people are ruling the world? They cannot stand the heat even for a second, then like spoiled brats walk out? Wow! They are afraid of retaliation by their masters the Israeli & AIPAC rulers of the world! Everything the president said was right! And I don't care for him, but he is right on this point!

fish (Zion), you are not a real american! You are either a zionist or, whatever you are, you are hiding and don't have the guts to reveal your real identity, which is most probably an israeli! They are the ones who butt into everyone's business! It is just in them! 

As for iranians who are brain-washed to be antizionist. No, nobody brainwashed us, we were born brain washed with our culture, the one that taught us to treat all human beings including the jews and arabs the same, and defend the weak against the aggressor! This could be defending the poor native american against the yankeees, or in this case the poor palestinians against the damn criminal and racist israelis!

The rest of what you say is pure Israeli racist mentality PR that has caused all the ME wars! How did we end up with you guys in our neighborhood? Couldn't you see us living in peace for achange?

For us it is about defending humanity! Peace on earth!


Mahmood delusional Shut Up

by nema on

Mahmood delusional and zalemYour own actions and government is the most repressive, retarded, backward government in the world, you even beat China and Saudi Arabia. You need to shut the hell up if your pant is as dirty if not more, as Israeli government... You repress torture and kill your own people, you destroy your own nation purposely, and you are the worst of all that ever happened to Iran.


Anonymous Fish and Mazloom jaan

by Mashty (not verified) on

First Mazloom:
You are correct, I don't know the entire history and have heard one side say one thing and another, something else. I don't believe that any Iranian has any problems with a Jewish State. Whatever has happened up to now it's a done deal, I would like to world to move forward. I asked all those questions based on the realities that we have to deal today. I have no problem talking against Islam, Iranian regime, Iranian people or as long as it's balanced. That means, if you believe in your own religion, then you have no rights to put another down. If you don't, then be my guest, and I would join you. I have a problem with those who talk against the Islamic Republic without noticing their own faults. Nothing is one way directional. However, in this time and age, you can not, as a human, deny the ugly actions done on the innocent, helpless, homeless and weak Palestinians. That's the most important issue. The problem with Islamic Republic, its policies are mostly internal. there are some issues that they take in to consideration, as the support for Hezbollah and only recently Hamas. That however, you hopefully agree, that would be solved once the issue of the Israeli government and its role in the region is solved.

Dear Anonymous Fish:
-do you believe the jews have a right to a homeland of their own.

Absolutely, the size of that land is in dispute. The Israeli government has been towards the policy of expansion. During the Bush that has been unbelievable. Take a look at the map of the land since the start of the state of Israel until now and see how much land is left for "others" but the Jews.

-do you believe the jews have been persecuted for thousands of years... thus creating somewhat of a defensive posture?

Yes the Jews have been persecuted historically, but their defensive attitude is not related. If they had a democratic State based on diplomacy and respect, then they would not need billions of US dollars, militaristic aids, and political, technological and social support for them to just survive another month. They have an artificial existence based on force and racism. We are not living thousands years ago anymore, this is recent and the world, given the chance, would revolt against the Israeli system. They are the cause of sufferings in the ME. You don't live there, therefore you don't seem to understand. If you had Israel by your own borders with Russian support, you wouldn't care for them either.

-do you think the jews have a right to fight for THEIR rights as well?

Fight is a soft word. What have they been doing for the last 60 years? Here is my take. Originally I don't believe that Israel had a right to come and take something that is not theirs. It's done now, I agree, so they need to be humanistic and create a nation based on people not Jewishness. That's the essence of that region, you can't go against it unless you do what they have been doing. I don't think it's right. I could be wrong.

-do you believe the IRI is anti-semitic. if not, why?
IR is as anti semitic as Israel is anti Islamic. as simple as that. I would say Iranian regime dislikes the Zionist entity rather than the Jewish people, similarly the Israeli government hates the IR entity rather than the Iranian people.

-do you believe the "wipe israel off the face of the earth" is propganda only? if so, why?

That's as real as the Israelis comments of preemptive strike, nuking Iran and etc for long before Ahmadinejad. You can't let one go and keep the other.

-do you believe "death to america" is propoganda only? if so, why?

Iran has been the only country that naturally in line with the US. If it wasn't for the positioning, power struggle and say in the region, Iran is the natural ally of the US, much more than Israel.
Death to America is a slogan. It's more like Down with the system. US has problems with Iran for the past 30 years ONLY after the hostages. Look how Iranians have been demonized. US has been forming and Shaping Iranian life for worse longer than 30 years. You say tomato I say tomaato. I wonder who has damage the other more, Iran to US or US to Iran. You can judge for yourself.

The Islamic Republic is neither stupid, as many try to portray, nor fanatical regime. The conservative voice that at times you see is the traditional part that is changing and becoming modern. Unless you don't go to Iran, it's really hard to explain the country of Iran. But it's far from being dangerous, that you can be sure of.

I asked you those question to just give you a perspective that Ahmadinejad, even evil according to many, did not say one wrong thing in his speech. Because it all comes down to this:
You had a home
Military attacks
Kicks you out
You have nothing
What you gonna do?

These are the only thing that pops in my head when I hear Israel.

Even if you justify it by saying that this happens all the time...still the issue exists,
What do you think?

Mehdi Mazloom

Where were the shoes

by Mehdi Mazloom on

I am flabbergasted. Where the shoe throwers were hiding. Why no one threw few good shoes at the  clown?. That was the perfect time to hit  the head of the akhmag with few good hiking  shoes.



oh Tanya...

by Q on

go away...

Why? Do you want my land?

yes, i absolutely positively have an assumption that iranians are predisposed to anti-semitism.

Yes, you are absolutely positively stereotyping Iranians, exactly what racists do.

it's as ingrained as all your other racist bias'.
care to elaborate? Or was this just another cheap shot "opinion" with no basis in fact?

we aren't talking about american anti-semitism.

Oh silly me. I should have realized when you said you were born in America and grew up without antisemetism, you meant you grew up without Iranians antisemetism!!!

How pathetic can you get? Nevermind thinking before you speak... but if you once in a while actually reflected back even after you made the statement, you would be much more at peace with youreslf and you would earn the respect of others. Instead you have to go one defending every bigoted brainfart the rest of your life.

you obviously didn't take the time to actually READ the whole comment.

cheap shot of last resort, another "opinion"... you obviously are generic!

oh god. just the thought of your offspring scares the shit out of me.

amusing yourself with "little" school yard come backs?

anonymous fish

oh Q

by anonymous fish on

go away... i wasn't talking to you.  i was answering questions from mashty.  but... i'm glad i can amuse you.  there's a old saying... little things amuse little minds.

yes, i absolutely positively have an assumption that iranians are predisposed to anti-semitism.  however, in YOUR case, it's hardly a predisposition.  it's as ingrained as all your other racist bias'.

and... we aren't talking about american anti-semitism.  you obviously didn't take the time to actually READ the whole comment.  you just like getting off in insulting me.  are you and jaleho married or something?  oh god.  just the thought of your offspring scares the shit out of me.


khaleh mosheh

I agree AF

by khaleh mosheh on

These guys should have done some walking out but mistimed it. The person that timed it right was Erdogan earlier this year.


af, that was funny!!!

by Q on

Yes, there was a bunch of delegates who cheered those walking out, but they themselves stayed behind!

Very likely story!
Your "opinions" are becoming quite the source of amusement around here.

because i am american and not brought up to be anti-semitic (and this is just a broad observation, not a specific critique of iranians BUT based on the assumption that most iranians ARE somewhat predesposed to anti-semitism),

I have rarely heard a more ignorant statement in my life!!!!

You have an "assumption" that most iranians are "predesposed to antisemetism" ??
Americans are not antisemetic? Have you read any history at all? Even like a 15 page summary of US History?

Americans have been far more antisemetic than Iranians

Please, find me any Iranian even close to the antisemetism equivilent to Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Charles Lindberg, Presidents Wilson/Nixon/Reagan, numerous other officials. The hundreds of companies who sold material to Hitler even after his antisemetic policies, the tens of thousands who are in Nazi and Fascist organizations, KKK and fundementalist christians....

Are you insane?

It's not even close.

anonymous fish

but he didn't khaleh...LOL

by anonymous fish on

but he didn't khaleh...LOL

khaleh mosheh

It would have been Honky dory

by khaleh mosheh on

If he picked on Sudan or Zimbabwe of course..


I suggest

by problem solved (not verified) on

I suggest we take 2 states - one on the east coast and one on the west- and give the east coast one to the palestinians and the west coast one to the israelis, or vice vesa -- far enough so they wont fight.
then we can send all the people currently living in these 2 emptied out states to the current land of israel gaza etc. and have them start a brand new life there.
they'd be right by the mediterranean and all nice, cozy and full of sunshine.
simple solution.
then every one will be so happy and there won't be anything else to fight about...
i'm sure you are all ok with that.
if not click on NO.

Mehdi Mazloom

mashty - you need to inform yourself

by Mehdi Mazloom on

It is obvious from your long post that, you are not fully informed about the Arab-Israeli conflict. The truth is, this conflict is between Judea & Islamic religions, going back to days of Muhammad himself. Arab  conveniently will have you convinced that, it is about "poor and defenseless" Palestinians whom were evicted from their homes.

I would sincerely advise you to read from objective sources, the REAL casue of the conflict, and see for yourself.

As you had alluded, "you have nothing against the Jews", The problem is, thugs like the Mullah also will tell you they have nothing against the Jews, as long as they submit to the  Mullah barberic doctrine, and agree to live under these backwards tiktat.

Since 1940's The Plas were given plenty of options to have their own states. (read UN Resolution 181), side by side Israel, and each and every time they squandered those opportunities. In fact, Jews had owned part (7% 0f modern day Israel) of the land, through purchase from then the Ottoman empire. Even that, Arabs did  not agree to allow Jews to live under their own sovereignty.

Just remember that, back in 1940, there were no organized states (Jordan, Syria. Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Israel etc) as we know them today. When the British mandate planned to grant sovereignty to those state, all were Islamic, and one Jewish. No one seem to have problem with the "Muslims" state, but objected to Jewish one. 

On the  same argument, let me ask you. If you own your own land on which you had built a nice home, Then I come to you and claim, the land is Islamic land, regardless of you had bought it or  not. To back up my claim, I will then provoke you by throwing stones on your house, injuring or even kill your children playing in the backyard. When you do get mad and get out with your big guns, and retaliate to stop the stoning, Then. I yell the victim.

At this stage, only gullibles & idiots would  believe to my whining of victimized

My good man (woman), this is EXACTLY what is happening with the Plas. And this is the very reason, why no one from the West listen to their cry for help.

The fact is, since 1948, the Pals were given no less then 6 chances to have their Independence and sovereignty, and each time, their own leaders, or Arab leader had insisted to have it all, instead of compromise with Israel. 

Suffice to remind  you that, between 1948 & 1967, Pals had the entire Gaza, WB & E. Jerusalem, with no single Israeli occupation. Ever wondered why they did  not establish their own state during those 19 years. Don't blame Israel for their failures. Israel is part of the problem, not the  only solution. 


Apartheid Deniers!

by verytass on

Can you say these people are Apartheid Deniers, then?

MA wants the attention to help his short ego. But...

These people are denying the atrocities that has been done against innocent people. By far the most racist modern machine out there is the country in question. And it makes these peopl, Apartheid Deniers

anonymous fish

i personally think it's a matter of interpretation

by anonymous fish on

were people cheering on the head shit heel of the IRI or were they cheering those who walked out?

who's to say for sure.  :-)

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

thank you for your question.  but mostly, thank you for your civility.  it's most appreciated and when asked civily, i have no problems answering it.  when insulted, i will ignore.  i've said it before and i'll say it again, there are good people and bad people.  there are good americans and bad americans.  there are good iranians and bad iranians.  i despise and detest the bad iranians just as i do the bad americans... the one's who promote hate and whose soul is full of hate and racism.  i hope you appreciate my distinction between good and bad people and my hate and disgust for the IRI versus the iranian people.  these "bad" iranians try to twist my words and declare my hate for iranians.  it's just not true.  i pity them now rather than take offense to them.

the IRI is anti-semitic.  do you deny that?  if you don't, then the whole question becomes moot.  do you deny that the IRI would like to destroy israel and the jews?  if you don't, then i say again the question becomes moot.

however.  i'll explain as best i can.

because i am american and not brought up to be anti-semitic (and this is just a broad observation, not a specific critique of iranians BUT based on the assumption that most iranians ARE somewhat predesposed to anti-semitism), i believe... i repeat... I believe... that i have a somewhat more unbiased attitutude towards israel.

i believe the jews have a right to a homeland in israel.  it's just that simple.  do i agree with every measure they've taken to secure that right?  absolutely not.  i don't agree with alot of western aggressions either!  but i stand behind my country 100%.  to me it's purely this simple.  I BELIEVE JEWS HAVE A RIGHT TO A HOMELAND IN ISRAEL.

do i believe jews are biased against palestineans.  sure.  do i support that?  absolutely not.  i don't think it's without some justification though.  i think hamas is a terrorist group.  period.  hamas seeks to destroy israel.  again, simple.

as far as your first question.  it WAS done to the irish by the british.  they came.  they took.  the brits took because they are shitheads and i do hate them.  please don't compare the british taking control over ireland to the jews (a PEOPLE) wanting a homeland of their own.  the british HAD their own homeland and they were not persecuted for thousands of years.  there is no comparison.

ok... invasion.  it was also done by the vikings.  saxons invaded england.  i could go on and on and on.  some people praise iran for never attacking or invading anyone.  well, that's great.  but that doesn't make persia a saint though.  they were pretty much big enough...they didn't need to invade anyone...:-)

so... let's clarify that right off the bat.  invading another country has been done since the dawn of time.  you going to crucify every country (with the exception of persia of course) because of it?  that's going to be a little touchy because along with all the BAD things that come with invasion... some good actually comes as well!!!!  

you ask so many questions.  it's hard to answer all at one time.  but i'll try.

In what part of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, from the Israeli side, do you see justice?   as i said, i believe the jews have a right to a homeland.

Why do you think that Palestinians should not fight back, with whatever they got?  i don't think i have so much a problem with palestinians fighting back as i do the presense of hamas.  i think the WHOLE issue is a fucked up mess and i blame both sides for NOT trying to resolve it.  i do not blame israel NOR palestine specifically.  thus, the continued and needless bloodshed.

Do you agree with the Israeli expansions, as President Obama has objected harshly to? Why are they expanding? Where are the people coming from? What's the future like for the Palestinians?  no, i do not agree with continued israeli expansions.  i think they are completely defeating their own intentions and are setting more and more of the world against them.

Have you seen the film (on youtube) of an Israeli Jew who the government puts an act and "takes" his home (supposedly), how he kicks himself in the head and promises to "fight" back?  no, i have not.

Would that be OK if Jews fight back, to take their "home"? Would it be OK if Palestinians fight back to take their home?  i think the jews ARE fighting back to take their homeland.  i support the jewish right to a homeland in israel. 

Are the Palestinians forgetting who they are, where they lived and what's happening to them because they are sub human and have less feelings than a normal human?  absolutely not.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  my support for jews dimishes NOTHING of the concern i have for the palestineans.

How many Jews have been killed by Hamas, and how many Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis?  i don't know specific numbers.  i DO know that 6 million jews were killed in WWI.

Is Hamas the only party on either side to kill civilians?   i believe both sides have killed innocent civilians.  period.  BOTH sides. 

Would you, as a Palestinians woman (or Irish, or just human), want to live in state of prison monitored by one of the harshest military and jailing (including torture) systems in the world?   no, i would not.  but i don't make judgements as the which is the harshest military system... israeli or the IRI.  you seem to know for a fact that israel does have.  i simply don't make those absolute judgements. 

I am only asking. It's just a humane factor, and I like to know where you stand as I see how you defend that state.   as i said, i support the jews right to a homeland in israel.

See, These are the issues that bothers me and I don't understand those who are not bothered by it.  i am bothered by it.  what i don't understand is your (generally speaking) assumption that because i support the jewish people to have a homeland in israel that i am anti-palestinean.  i wish, hope and pray that they will conclude some kind of mutual... whatever.  mutually acceptable to BOTH parties.

If you take a trip to Iran, it's far far less problematic than the Palestinians. So I wonder, why support the Iranian woman (which its great, although not as much needed) and not the Palestinian women (which is very much needed).  i support EVERY women's right.  whether american, iranian, jewish or palestinean.  i support every HUMAN BEINGS rights.  EVERY human being.  we simply differ as to whose rights are being violated the most.

So is it humanistic to hate the Iranian regime and love the Israeli, or just pure good old politics?  i hate the IRI, period.  i support the jews right to a homeland in israel.  that does NOT equate to wholly supporting everything they do.  hell, i don't support everything the american government does but i support my country 100%.  that alone should clarify how i differentiate the two.  :-)

I am just curios how your mind and those who passionately support the state of Israel work. I just want to know. Again, this is for Anonymous fish only to answer.  i do not "passionately" support the state of israel.  i passionately support the rights of the jewish people. 

i very very much look forward to hearing from you.  i AM interested in how you interpret my answers. 

i have a few questions of my own.

do you believe the jews have a right to a homeland of their own.

do you believe the jews have been persecuted for thousands of years... thus creating somewhat of a defensive posture?

do you think the jews have a right to fight for THEIR rights as well?

do you believe the IRI is anti-semitic.  if not, why?

do you believe the "wipe israel off the face of the earth" is propganda only?  if so, why?

do you believe "death to america" is propoganda only?  if so, why?

again, i appreciate the opportunity to discuss this in a respectful fashion.  congratulations to you for being one of the few to do so...:-))