TAVERNY, France — The People's Mujahedeen of Iran drew tens of thousands of opponents to Iran's clerical regime to its rally outside of Paris on Saturday, including prominent Western political heavyweights.
The presence of former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton and former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar represented a major diplomatic success for the People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI), which the United States still considers a terrorist organisation.
The PMOI advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is a major organisation of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political umbrella of exiled Iranian opposition groups.
NCRI president Maryam Radjavi called for democracy in Iran and an end to Islamic rule.
"The Iranian people will continue to resist until the dictatorship is overthrown," she told the crowd at the event in a northern suburb of Paris. Bolton, Washington's UN ambassador from 2005 to 2006, called for the PMOI to be removed from the US terror watchlist, and criticised the crackdown that followed last year's contested elections in Iran.
"Iran is more than ready for democracy," he said.
Organisers put the crowd at 100,000, and said around 20 parliamentarians -- mostly European -- had attended. Police said 30,000 people were present.
The European Union removed the PMOI from its list of terror groups in 2009.
This report says they drew 100,000 people to their rally. That is really impressive. I doubt any of the gatherings organized by Iranians outside Iran, even last year at the height of the protests, have ever been that big. So, they obviously draw a lot of people.
What do these people want? Do they share the dream of "democracy for Iran?"
I don't really want to be facetious here. I really want to know what the MKO of 2010, which is capable of pulling a 100,000 crowd together, really wants. What are they looking for?
Does anybody know?
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Real McCoy
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Sun Jun 27, 2010 04:58 AM PDTDear Real McCoy,
Back in the 1980s and until about 1999 or so, I used to share your view that the primary reason for the cultish and dictatorial practices of the PMOI were due to the terrible conditions of the time. Then in 1999, I read Masoud Rajavi’s Tabeen Jahan. In it, I realized that the ideology he was creating for the PMOI (in 1979) was based on several pillars, one of which was nabovat (prophethood). Rajavi criticized Marxism-Leninism because it ignored the role of leadership. Rajavi was aware of the cult of personality around Stalin and Mao, and still he was arguing that there was not enough attention and respect given to the role of leaders in Marxism-Leninism. Rajavi views himself as eternal and irreplaceable leader. He expects all others to follow him.
My view is that Rajavi himself is very dictatorial. Just like Mohamad Reza Shah and Khomeini. Each thought that every single person should bend over and worship him. I do not think other PMOI leaders shared Rajavi’s extreme views on the role of leaders.
If the experiences in the past many years have taught Rajavi and the PMOI any lessons it should be that they constitute only one small part of the Iranian society. That they could NOT impose their rule. If they accept this reality, then the possibilities of their evolution towards democracy would be very high.
The problem with Iran is that in 2010 there are still so many individuals with dictatorial personalities and politics. Some of these are supporters of the fundamentalist regime and others supporters of other dictatorial systems.
The wonderful development is that today more and more Iranians are embracing democracy. Many activists who used to embrace dictatorial projects (fundamentalism, monarchy, PMOI, communists) have matured and evolved and now support democracy.
I have no idea which way the PMOI leadership will evolve.
I have no idea where Masoud Rajavi is. Maryam Rajavi is in Paris. In my opinion, if the Masoud Rajavi dies, then the PMOI would be very likely to evolve in democratic path.
Best regards,
One-Party Dictatorship BAD; multiparty free election GOOD
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Sun Jun 27, 2010 04:26 AM PDTbenross,
The following is the ttter nonsense that YOU wrote. You are repeating the same failed fascistic experience of the Rastakhiz Party. Are you aware that you are going BACK to the failed one-party dictatorship of the shah????????
درد هیچیک از ما یک پروژهٔ «سیاسی» به مفهوم غربی کلمه نبوده و نیست. درد ما فقدان یک پروژهٔ اجتماعی است که بر بستر آن پروژههای سیاسی مدرن در تنوع ممکن خود شکل بگیرند. پروژهٔ اجتماعی دیرینهٔ ما همانا مدرنیته است. از این روست که «تفاوت در اندیشه» تنها در صورتی معنای واقعی پیدا میکند که تفاوت در اندیشه شهروند ایرانی باشد و نه تشکلات سیاسی. پلورالیسم در شرایط کنونی فقط و فقط پلورالیسم افراد را به رسمیت میشناسد. هدفِ شهروندان مدرن، با تمام تنوع افکارشان، از دیدگاه پروژهٔ سیاسی-اجتماعی یکی است و به بیش از یک تشکل سیاسی نیازی ندارد. به رسمیت شناختن تشکلات سیاسی کنونی نفی پروژهٔ مدرنیته است. ما به این نکته بسیار کم بها میدهیم که ۹۹٪ کارایی آزادی عقیده و بیان در خارج از حوزهٔ «سیاسی» معنا پیدا میکند.
اتحاد در عمل
بله، اتحاد درعمل، به معنای احترام به پلورالیسم در چارچوب یک تشکیلات واحد سیاسی و به رسمیت نشناختن گروههای موجود که خود از آثار جانبی مشکلی هستند که خیال داریم رفع کنیم. اگر ما تاکنون از اتحاد عاجز ماندهایم به خاطر این است که آن را به گروههای سیاسی متولد شده از ناهنجاری ساختار اجتماعی موکول کردهایم. اتحاد در عمل در یک تشکل سیاسی که مصمم است به این ناهنجاری خاتمه بخشد، نمیتواند و نباید به هیچیک از این گروههای حقیقی یا مجازی متکی باشد که خود محصول ناهنجاری ساختار اجتماعی هستند.
The Iranian people want freedom and freedom means that we can have many political parties. In YOUR fascist mind, there should be only one party!!!!!!! The difference between us DEMOCRATS and you one-party tyrants is that we respect the freedom of the Iranian people to form their own parties and participate in free, democratic, multi-party elections. YOU in YOUR own words oppose the freedom of the Iranian people to have their own parties.
In the post-fundamentalist Iran, we will respect your right to have your parties and we will see whether the wonderful people of Iran will vote for pro-democracy parties and organizations like the JM or would embrace YOUR one-party dictatorship.
Mr. Kazemzadeh
by Real McCoy on Sun Jun 27, 2010 04:11 AM PDTThanks for the informative comment. I'm among those who prefer to believe the cultist mindset of MKO (occasional practice of self-burning in defense of the leader, included!), is a survival tactic/strategy in the difficult condition of exile. As you correctly mentioned, their organizational capabilities have always been highly impressive.
What do we know of the fate of Masoud Rajavi?
In my opinion, the
by benross on Sun Jun 27, 2010 04:03 AM PDTIn my opinion, the republicans in general and the JM in particular have the highest support base among the Iranian people.
Call for a demonstration and see how many have your opinion and come! I connected Mujahedeen to this Mossadeghist bunch for a reason! Now in my opinion, the new generation is not willing to excavate the hatred ridden useless icons of yore as a solution. They are so much better than that.traitors
by Niloufar Parsi on Sun Jun 27, 2010 02:20 AM PDTthis is what they are about:
Iranian exiles demand tougher sanctions on Tehran
what makes them real traitors
by dingo daddy En passant on Sun Jun 27, 2010 02:07 AM PDTis siding with Saddam Hossein and killing Kurds or Iranian youngsters for him. The question is, how do they have so much resources?
For Shifteh on the PMOI
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Sun Jun 27, 2010 01:18 AM PDTDear Shifteh,
In Persian the name of the organization is Sazeman Mojahedin Khalq Iran. The correct acronym in English is PMOI (People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran). The acronym MKO was created by the fundamentalist terrorist regime. In Iran, the fundamentalists call them "monafeqin" or "hypocrites." The fundamentalists do not want to call them "Mojahedin" (Islamic warriors or Islamic strugglers). The very first time I heard the term "MKO" was by the translator for Rafsanjani when he was interviewed by an American journalist.
The PMOI was created in 1965 by about 5 or so young members of the Nehzat Azadi Iran. Nehzat Azadi was led by Mehdi Bazargan and Ayatollah Taleqani. Nehzat Azadi split from the Jebhe Melli Iran in 1961.
JM was (and is) a secular organization composed of many parties, groups, and individuals. A particular party, group, or individual maybe religious, or atheist. To become members, they have to accept separation of religion and state structures.
Nehzat Azadi was an Islamist organization. This means that they transformed Islam into their political ideology. Nehzat Azadi did not use violence.
The 5 or so young members of the Nehzat Azadi who split from Nehzat Azadi and created the PMOI were more radical and advocated armed struggles against the shah’s dictatorship. The PMOI members read Lenin, Stalin, and specially Mao. They really liked Mao’s ideas. They combined a radical interpretation of Shia Islam with a Maoist interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. They were basically a leftist guerrilla organization.
In the 1960s, extremist ideologies of the left were popular like in the past 30 years extremist ideologies of the right is popular (e.g., Khomeini’s fascistic interpretation of Islam, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah).
In the 1960s, the Algerians were trying to combine leftism with Islam. In Iran, Dr. Ali Shariati was doing this. To some extent Ayatollah Taleqani was doing this. And of course, Mehdi Bazargan was trying to combine liberalism with Islam.
In Latin America, the so-called "Liberation Theology" was combining Catholic Christianity with Marxism.
Many top PMOI members went to Najaf and talked with Khomeini to gain his support for armed struggle and exchange views.
Earlier, the PMOI wanted to get weapons from the USSR to begin armed struggle against the shah’s dictatorship, so they contacted a dude from Tudeh Party, who had left the Tudeh was a covert agent for SAVAK. So, the PMOI leadership were exposed. The Shah executed almost all the original founders of the PMOI. Masoud Rajavi was the only top member of the PMOI leadership who was not executed.
In early 1970s, some of the leaders of the PMOI reached the conclusion that Islam was not a revolutionary ideology. So they abandoned Islam and fully embraced Maoism. There was a violent struggle between the newly atheist faction and the group that remained Muslim.
Rajavi who was in prison and not executed remained the leader of the Islamist faction. After the revolution, the Maoist group became Peykar.
From Feb 1979 to late 1980, PMOI supported Khomeini. In late 1980, PMOI switched and began supporting Bani Sadr.
The PMOI-Bani Sadr began armed struggle against Khomeini and the fundamentalist terrorist regime. They created the coalition NCRI (National Council of Resistance of Iran). They soon left for France. Sometime in 1985 or so Bani Sadr and PMOI broke up due to a variety of factors including Rajavi’s increasingly dictatorial methods and finally secretly negotiating with Saddam (without prior notification of Bani Sadr or other members of the NCRI). Rajavi in 1986 or so went to Iraq. In 1986 or 1987, a bunch of weird transformations occurred in the PMOI. The number 2 leader (Mehdi Abrishamchi) divorced his wife (Ms. Maryam Azadanlo). Then, she married Masoud Rajavi. The PMOI celebrated this as an Ideological Revolution. From this time on, they abolished the PMOI Central Committee and Rajavi became its un-answerable leader. Many members were ordered to divorce their spouses. They adopted many practices that closely resembles the behaviors of cults.
The PMOI lost few members and guerrillas at this time.
From 1984 or so, the PMOI began soliciting assistance from ANY group that would provide them with help. They abandoned their adherence to anti-imperialism, and their embrace of socialism. They were single-mindedly focused on overthrowing the fundamentalist terrorist regime. To do so, they were willing to cooperate with ANY group or government (Saddam’s Iraq, or the U.S., or Europe).
When Khatami became President, in order to appease the terrorist regime, the US and EU placed the PMOI on their terrorism list. Last year, the EU removed the PMOI from the terrorist list. Many in the US elites who strongly oppose the terrorist regime (both on the far right of the US politics and liberal side of the US) advocate removing the PMOI from the US State Department’s list of foreign terrorist entities.
Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the situation of the PMOI has deteriorated significantly. The PMOI in 2002 and 2003 disclosed several of the terrorist regime nuclear facilities.
There were some in the US who wanted to exchange PMOI members in Iraq with al Qaeda members that were in Iran. They included Sec of State Colin Powell and his deputy col. Wilkerson. Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld opposed that idea. Today, Hillary Mann Leverett still advocates this disgusting policy.
Some believe that the PMOI members inside Iran provide the US government with information. The PMOI has certainly exposed many of the terrorist regime’s nuclear facilities to the public and IAEA.
My guess is that if there are any free elections in Iran, the PMOI would probably get around 5% of the vote. However, they are the most organized and the most disciplined Iranian organization. This makes them far more powerful than their mere numbers would suggest.
In my opinion, the monarchists have about 5 to 10 percent. Because the CIA gives money to the monarchists, they have tv and they are heard more than their numbers would suggest. Despite having only one dude as their shah, and having access to huge sums, the utter lack of intellectual output, and utter lack of organization is amazingly laughable.
The simple fact that the PMOI was able to bring 30,000 people is significant. The police number is accurate. The PMOI routinely exaggerates their numbers. Also the PMOI has brought in people who are not Iranian by paying them to participate in their rallies. This shows that their base among Iranians is low, but that they have money and organizational abilities. The EU de-listing the PMOI from the terrorist list and releasing their money from the banks, have been conducive to the PMOI being able to organize this rally.
The presence of EU officials is a warning to the fundamentalist terrorist regime that the EU could unleash the PMOI and cause trouble for the terrorist regime.
Communist groups are in the worst shape they have ever been in Iran. There is absolutely no change of the communists ever getting to power in Iran. My guess is that the social base of communists in Iran is between 1 and 5 percent.
In my opinion, the republicans in general and the JM in particular have the highest support base among the Iranian people.
A poll among Amir Kabir University, for example, indicated that 4% of the students were reformist, 6% were hard-liner, 5% were monarchist, and 85% were for democratic republic. This poll was significant because it was done by Daftar Tahkim Vahdat, which then was fully with the reformists. The 85% of course includes JM, communists, ethnic parties (Hezb Democrat Kurdestan Iran), PMOI, and other republicans who say they, too, want democracy.
The slogans used by the people inside such as "esteghlal, azadi, Jomhuri Irani," "na sharqi, na gharbi, Jomhuri Irani" are the slogans of secular democratic republicans. These slogans are sakhtar-shekan and opposed by the Islamist wing of the Green Movement (Mousavi, Mohsen Kadivar), who want Islamic Republic.
I am not sure after the overthrow of the terrorist regime, the PMOI leadership would remain cultish and dictatorial, or they would evolve into a democratic movement and accept the free and democratic vote of the people. If the latter (the evolution of the PMOI) then that would be positive for the transition to democracy and consolidation of democracy in Iran. If the former (PMOI remaining dictatorial), then that would be very harmful for the prospects of democratization.
I hope this is helpful.
All I know is that they frighten the living daylights out of me!
by Marjaneh on Sun Jun 27, 2010 01:04 AM PDTThat lot are very seriously psychotic.
Why they and Bolton aren't in a secure lunatic asylum is beyond me!(Except of course, that they'd kill each other!)
As for the US list of terrorist organizations. They had Nelson Mandela on their list of terrorists until 2006!
Too many nutters around...
Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin
Not sure that Rajavi is quite the same caliber as Che...
by fooladi on Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:12 PM PDTThat's notwithstanding the ideological divide betwen che the communist, and Rajavi.
But maybe my point was missed. the point is, at the time when young Iranians are being murdered in cold blod by the islamic regime, the only treason to Iran is factional/divicive accusations of cultism or treason against the very same organisations which are fighting this regime of terror. Tudeh and Fadayan, in my opinion, did make the grave strategic mistake of aligning themselves with islamic regime, and did pay a terrible price for it. This does not make them traitors, far from it. In my opinion, every single member of Tudeh, Fadayan, MKO, you name it which was either shot, hanged, imprisoned, even broke under torture and confessed to his/her fabricated crimes on islamic regime's TV, is a hero of Iran. Streets and schools will be named after these heroes one day, Have no doubt about it.
The strength of a Revolutionary party lies in it's ideology, party organisation , discipline and dedication of it's members. Numbers are less important. All successful revolutions in history were led by organisations which possesed above qualities. The MKO is definitely a well disciplined and well organised organisation, fighting the islamic regime. Regime is indeed very frighteed of them. The MKO deserve the support of any Iranian who is for Iran, and it's people and it's liberation from the islamic regime.
Page 8
by Darius Kadivar on Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:08 PM PDTI will have to scan it maziar jaan. The Link is in a PDF file on the website in the link I posted. You need to register to see it online I suppose ...
MKO is merely a REPUBLICAN Offspring ...
by Darius Kadivar on Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:02 PM PDTREPUBLICAN OFFSPRING: Massoud Rajavi at Tehran University during Presidential Campaign (1980)
We Monarchists have our own Offsprings and Responsabilities... You Republicans have yours.
Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran's Islamic intellectual movement
So No Need to blame us for YOUR CREATION !
They shared power and a common struggle against their Sovereign and the Monarchy.
Time Republicans Assume THEIR OWN Responsability in their Creation.
Comme on Dit en France ...
A Chacun Sa Merde ...
Shifteh khaanoum
by Mammad on Sat Jun 26, 2010 09:42 PM PDTMKO is a stalinist organization, and carbon copy of the hardliners in Tehran. They have a Faghih (Masoud Rajavi) and a "president" (Maryam Rajavi). They are neither Islamic nor Islamic leftist, nor do they believe in any "ism". They are just a cult.
How else can you explain the fact that one of their supporters set herself on fire in Paris a few years ago? How else could you explain the blind loyalty that the MKO supporters have to their Faghih and "President," despite all the revelations by their former members about the stalinist system in their camps in Iraq? How else can you explain their treasons, and their "alliance" with anybody that sings their song? The fact that Bolton is at their demonstration is enough to know where their tail is presently tied to!
And to call Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh a nagging, irritating, reactionary icon is beyond the pale, beyond absurdity, beyond being ridiculous.The only people who call him as such are those who see a leftist conspiracy in everything.
If so, i wish we had someone
by benross on Sat Jun 26, 2010 08:28 PM PDTIf so, i wish we had someone with a fraction of Stalin's Mao's and Che's personality cult in Iran today to lead us in fighting the islamic regime, I assure you that people would be right behind him.
You already have it. Rajavi couple. If it doesn't work for you, it's simply because its time is passed. All those nagging Mossadeghists are dreaming of resurgence of such cult of personality that enflamed them in days of yore.
I'm not in the business of calling this and that 'traitor'. We have enough of them. My allusion to this was simply a counterpoint about what MKO is generally accused of. To me, 'death to liberals' was the end of secular resistance to IRI. A resistance that AT THAT POINT AND TIME could easily absorb MKO as well, without enhancing the cult of personality that it was thriving for. That was a true traitorous act. Specially by Fedayeen. Because they didn't even have the religious excuse to fall for it. Rajavi's resistance to Khomeini was essentially a power struggle. But he couldn't carry MKO supporters to that level of brainwashing if the urban young generation remained united facing Khomeini reactionary thoughts.
And as for so called peaceful green leaders, do you really think they could stand a chance without the guilt ridden left support? This is not about a strategy for modernity in Iran. For bankrupt left, it's about justifying the monster they created.
MKO, an organization that does not believe in democracy
by acopier101 on Sat Jun 26, 2010 08:09 PM PDTMKO’s numbers are usually exaggerated by a factor of four; that means if they say they brought 100,000 to the demonstration it means in reality the crowd was 25,000 people, which is about what the police is saying. For these types of demonstrations, mega significant demonstrations, they bring their members from other countries, other continents, including their spouse, children, relatives, and friends, sometimes under the false pretence that they are going to a democratic and coalitional demonstration, but the reality is that MKO is not a democratic organization, yet they always speak of democracy.
One the pillar of democracy is checks and balances from independent sources, individuals, groups, and organizations. MKO does not allow dissent from its rants and files. Orders are issued from the top and people below are followers of the orders. No one ever dares to dispute what Massoud and Maryam say. They are the sacred ones. This organization is a cult, which Iran does not need. Iranian people have grown too smart to believe in this organization.
page 8
by maziar 58 on Sat Jun 26, 2010 08:05 PM PDTMr. D K why don't you post that add. please ?Maziar
So; Tudeh = bunch of traitors and MKO = Personality cultists!!!
by fooladi on Sat Jun 26, 2010 07:26 PM PDTHence the justification for a Mousavi/karoubi led Green, "peaceful" opposiotion. With "opposition" like this, IRI does not need any friends!
Why such sweeping unsubstantiated statements? Why call some of the Giants of the 20th century personality cults simply because you do not like your politics? Why cant you have an honset and open discussion about it? even if you do not like a political belief because of your social class affiliations you should not stop to at least investigating these political beliefs. As somebody else said here, it is never too late to learn...
So are you suggesting that Che, Mao, Stalin were adored and followed by 100s of millions of oppressed masses, for nothing but their personality cult? Soviet nations sacrificed 20million (yes, 20millions!!) of their citizen to get the world rid of evil of nazism because of Stalin's personality cult? Cubans followed che in their battle to liberation from brutal US backed dictatorship, have endured absolute economic blockade for 50 years yet creating a society with literacy rate and quality of health care higher than your beloved US and western europe all for Che's personality cult? And let's not forget the Chinese, from a third world colonised nation to superpower in 50 years all because of mao's personality cult???
If so, i wish we had someone with a fraction of Stalin's Mao's and Che's personality cult in Iran today to lead us in fighting the islamic regime, I assure you that people would be right behind him.
What are they looking for? Does anybody know?
by benross on Sat Jun 26, 2010 06:32 PM PDTMy previous comments lead to your core question. You didn't get your answer yet Shifteh did you?!
Essentially, what MKO is preaching is a national unity for democracy blah blah, similar to Mossadeghists rhetoric. The difference is that the cult of personality can not be nurtured based on traditional culture of 'arbaab & ra'iyat' as in Mossadegh time. It has to take a form enforceable by ideological rhetoric. So it did. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ché and many others could provide ample models of left leaning cult of personality enforceable by a tight organizational scheme. Mossadegh and Gamal Abdel Nasser -and even the Shah- could provide a populist version, based on traditional sensitivities. Non of them could be materialized without anti-colonialism dilution and anti-imperialist rhetoric.
MKO actual situation at this point is completely in opposition with the fundamentals that created it. But the tight organizational structure and cult of personality is already established and MKO can play a 'diplomatic' activity and feeds it to its members as another proof of the intelligence and influence of their great leaders! This is how it is and this is how it is going to be as long as this organizational structure exists.
by benross on Sat Jun 26, 2010 05:20 PM PDTYou got it mostly wrong. But it doesn't matter that much. The true nature of MKO in this information age can not be dissimulated, and become a nagging, irritating and reactionary icon like what Mossadegh has become.
Suffice to say, at the point of rupture with IRI, the true traitor was not MKO. It was Toodé and Fedayeen (majority). MKO didn't go along with 'death to liberals' of the other lefties.
MKO is another form of Islamism with a different turbin-type
by MM on Sat Jun 26, 2010 04:56 PM PDTShifteh,
During early 80's, when MKO was in bed with IRI, MKO showed Iranians that they was even more brutal in their methods than IRI, and just like IRI reaching a cult status. Just look at the Rajavi duo speeches and how hypnothized the audience is (with women in Islamic hejab).
It is only after the purge of non-IRI type that MKO departed from IRI, got in bed with Saddam's regime, went to war with Iranians and probably gave a lot of tactical information to Saddam's regime too. Now, NKO claims to be the voice of Iran. LOL.
Let's be honest
by Real McCoy on Sat Jun 26, 2010 03:03 PM PDTIf they can mobilize a crowd in this magnitude, they will be a force to be reckoned with.
Now I remember that I wrote
by benross on Sat Jun 26, 2010 03:01 PM PDTNow I remember that I wrote the exact same thing about 'cult' characteristics of MKO, some 20 years ago in Kayhan (London). Exactly the same thing! And it was exactly the same situation and same rhetoric in the air!
What a bunch of retarded we are!
people paid/lied to attend rallies
by MOOSIRvaPIAZ on Sat Jun 26, 2010 03:02 PM PDTMKO hired actors for demonstration in Brussels: German news magazine
"Still, a number of people attending the rally did not appear to know much about the group. They said they had been flown or bussed in to Paris, with their expenses paid for to attend the rally."
Parisian parade
by comrade on Sat Jun 26, 2010 02:43 PM PDTLet's settle for 10,000 attendees, and call it, still a success. Out of MKO's resurrection both IRI, and Bolton & Co. would get a rejuvenating dose of an old remedy. Since there CAN NOT be a war, then lets have some warriors marching, petty bombing, self-burning...These kind of activities would ultimately benefit the mullahs' regime.
Never late to learn....//davidharvey.org/reading-capital/
Actually the police said
by benross on Sat Jun 26, 2010 02:37 PM PDTActually the police said 30,000 and it should be about right. Police has no interest in downplaying MKO success. The issue is -as it has always been- why MKO should pretend they were 100,000? We are not in Azadi square with IRI propaganda to deal with. Why they can't be truthful in freedom?
As DK said, this is a very well organized cult, which has every right to fight for freedom as Baha'i does and others. They don't 'call' for a demonstration that 30,000 people gather. That would be considered a 'social base'. They set-up a demonstration that all MKO members from all around the world are called to come. This is a 'cult'.
And a cult should not set the agenda for the opposition, and will not.
They had a HUGE Advert on Page 8 of French daily Le Figaro
by Darius Kadivar on Sat Jun 26, 2010 02:16 PM PDTtoday Which Really surprised me.
They paid for an Advert in a RIGHT WING newspaper which is the least of their Contradictions ...
They are trying to gain respectability and have succeeded to some degree in different European Political circles ranging equally from Right Wing to Socialists and even Greens at the European Parliament.
The Fact is they are very organized and efficient in gathering their supporters and distributing Propaganda.
Something which to my dismay as a Constitutional Monarchist we are NOT ...
As to what they want ? ... I guess like any other organization or group which opposes actively the IRI and that is: taking over.
That said the fact that they have to a large extend abandoned violence and armed struggle in recent years is encouraging but the fact remains that they are a Cult Ridden Organization ready to burn themselves in public or die for their leader.
They are a Cult and sectarian in terms of ideology.
As Much as I like the person I consider as my Monarch that is RP2 I am not willing to die for him ( Nor ever heard him to demand that from his supporters) and don't want anyone to die for anything but to LIVE :
"A Country that Loses it's Poetic Vision is a Country that faces death" -Saul BellowMy Humble Opinion,