تقاضای اعدام برای مصدق بجرم متزلزل ساختن قانون اساسی،سست کردن ایمان مردم ازمذهب اسلام
دادستان ارتش برای نخست وزیر سابق و رئیس سابق ارتش طبق ماده ۳۱۷ آئین تقاضای مجازات اعدام کرد
تهران مصور جمعه ۱۷ مهر ۱۳۳۲ ماه - متن ادعانامه دادستان ارتش علیه دکتر محمد مصدق و سرتیپ ریاحی
... متزلزل ساختن قانون اساسی و سست کردن ایمان و اعتقاد مردم از مذهب اسلام و طریقه جعفریه اثنی الشعر...سرتیپ ریاحی نیز بنوبه خود بوی کمک کرده است....
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Saint Mossadegh is beyond any criticism! Period!
by Esfand Aashena on Wed Oct 10, 2012 06:41 AM PDTEverything is sacred
Dear Friends
by areyo barzan on Wed Oct 10, 2012 06:26 AM PDTAs I told you several times before the issue here with our Mosaddegh-ollahi friends that is NOT and has NEVER been Dr Mosaddegh himself. In fact they could not case less about who Mosaddegh was or what he has done for this country. That is why when ever they loose the argument they resort to insult, accusation or ridicule.
The issue here is the high eager or as I would like to put is the lack of courage on the part of those who are still hiding behind one Dr Mosaddegh so that they DO NOT have to admit their errors on following one Khomeini to the hell that is IRI (and not back yet) without knowing who he was, what he was standing for or even listening to what he was saying
To these people Mosaddegh have no other value but being a shield protecting them from having to look themselves in the mirror and facing up to their errors or God forbids admit their own cock up of 1357Otherwise they could not care less about Dr Mosaddegh, who he was or what has he done for this country or even what he stood for Hell, I even go one further and say that these people have no respect or even care about the TRUTH.
In fact if Mosaddegh was alive today these people would not hesitate even for a moment to put him on trial and persecute him for being a traitor anti Mosaddegh anti oil nationalization or not being anti-Saltanat enough.
So my friend! Until this problem is addressed and this disease cured, I assure that “The TRUTH” will remain just a beautiful name on our text books and/or may be a stick that can be used by all political group in order to bash each other over the head.
Ali jaan what do you mean Cameron?!
by Esfand Aashena on Wed Oct 10, 2012 04:57 AM PDTDid you mean always Shaboon one time Ramezoon?! I thought you were Ali!
Anyway, it's more likely that Razmara overdosed and died from Alcohol poisoning or his mistress or wife shot him to death.
Everything is sacred
by maziar 58 on Tue Oct 09, 2012 05:48 PM PDTTehran mossavar of that era was like any gossip magazine of today Enquirer just to entertain!!
Now in 2012 we want to know the TRUTH about Mohammad and shorakas affilliation to the The Rape &enslavments of Persians
In 712 A.D
by Shirzadegan on Tue Oct 09, 2012 04:49 PM PDTIranians have tendency to speculate. Most of the time they blow out of proportion and sometimes they make something out of nothing. The fact remains the same. Khalil Tahmasebi never denied murdering Razmara. In fact, the Islamists take a great pride of Razmara's assasination. This fact refelected in all Islamist flyers during revolution. It was one of their assets to defeat shah's regime. Rafsanjani was member of Fadaeyan Islam. He never deny of Tahmasebi involvement in assasinatin of Razmara.
Alam was driving the car to the local mosque to attend the funeral of a friend. We don't know Razmara didn't want to go to that funeral. That is speculation No one knows except Alam. No one else was present. Even if Alam was aware of the plot according to Divaneh's hypothesis, he wouldn't say Razmara didn't want to attent the funeral. Therefore, such a speculation is not permissible.
Bragging about assasination of Razmara dignified Islamists, they were able to proof to the mass they had been present all the time in Iran's political history. They demonstrated their present since the time of Tanbacco movement. Unlike what Roozbeh is thinking, S.A.V.A.K didn't exist back then. S.A.V.A.K established almost 6 years later in 1957. Ramara was against oil nationalization. Shah and Mosaddeq were pro oil nationalization. Razmara had connection with Brits embassy. The Brits counselor confessed later on that he wrote a note for Razmara to make a public speech to say oil nationalization is NOT good for Iranian people. Furthermore, he was saying oil nationalization would be deriven Iran to bankcrupcy because Brits were able to do marketing worldwide and Iranians didn't have such a marketing tools and publicity. Brits could find, establish many client tels. They had more resources, connections for selling Iran's oil.
After so many years, in comparison with those countries who didn't nationalize their oil, such as Saudi Arabia, they were able to sell their oil in higher price.
Only missing link which leaded to such a speculation relates to the gun Tahmasebi used for assasination. Those kind of Colt belong to a colonel in army division.Only army personnels had access to such a Colt. Ordinary people couldn't have access to such a pistol. We may say Tahmasebi somehow got a hold of that gun. Who knows how? that's all.
Mehrban jan your kind words are thousand times better than truth
by anglophile on Tue Oct 09, 2012 03:07 PM PDTby the way never trust an apostate :))
oh and as for the truth, here is my answer (in the style of my dear Darius):
Good night everybody, its bed time here in London. Truthtful dreams :)
My opinion:
by Ali P. on Tue Oct 09, 2012 02:05 PM PDTGentlemen:
1) This was 1953. There was no SAVAK.
2) There is no "fatwa" issued. The Attorney General of the Arm, it appears, is asking for death penalty. Ths AG, representing the government's position, is asking for maximum penalty. In high publicity cases, they usually do.
3) I don't think there is any credible evidence of the involvement of the Shah, or Dr. Mossadegh, in Razmara's assasination, although both men were releaved by General Razmara's death.
4) The pardon granted to Khalil Tahmassebi was a disgrace.
5) Kasravi's assasination in the Judiciary building, followed by the release of the assasins was another disgrace.
6) The Shah was too weak at the time to have played a role in the release of killers in either case.
Faramarz jaan it wasn't Sue Ellen Ewing it was Sue Ellen Meshki!
by Esfand Aashena on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:56 PM PDTEverything is sacred
Who Shot AR!
by Faramarz on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:47 PM PDTIt was Kristin Shepard, Sue Ellen Ewing's sister that shot both JR and AR (Ali Razmara!)
She was the love interest of Khalil Tahmasebi.
باز گویی تاریخ یا بازسازی تاریخ؟
shahrvand2Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:40 PM PDT
لابد در این دنیای موازی تخیل و توطئه در خصوص قتل حاج علی رزم آرا خلیل طهماسبی و فدائیان اسلام بی گناه تر از مریم مقدس بودند!
Farmanfarmaian & Batmanghelich killed Razmara & blamed Mosadegh!
by Esfand Aashena on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:30 PM PDTEverything is sacred
She knows it better Mehrban
by divaneh on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:11 PM PDTThere is no point debating with Anglo, formerly known as Farrah Rusta. She knows it all but she thinks she can win her way by falsifying historical facts. I had the very same debate with her almost two years ago about the Razm Ara. It is a fact that Razm Ara was taken to the Sepahsallar Mosque where he was assassinated by no other but Alam who was probably the closest Shah's confidante and whose central role in the Pahalvi regime cannot be disputed. It is also recorded that the real rivalry was between Shah and Razm Ara who many viewed as the strong man of Iranian politics. Razm Ara killer was freed by the Shah's injustice system in the very same way that the killers of Kasravi were released by the Shah's regime.
There are many other facts recorded about this case and none of them point to Mosadegh as an accomplice. Time however is more valuable than spending it on arguing with those who have no interest in the truth.
Anglo jaan, you know I like you, but to trust you is a ....
by Mehrban on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:03 PM PDTanother story :).
Wasn't it assadollah alam who convinced Razmara to attend the funeral that proved to be his murder scene when Razmara did not really want to attend at all. I could develop a number of my own "suggestions" on that fact ;)
Mehrban jan
by anglophile on Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:21 AM PDTIf I am complimented by some of our Islamist friends you must ask them why they do so but on the other hand I am a subject of much scorn by our pseudo-leftist friend - so the balance is just about right :)
If it is acceptable by some to suggest that there was a fatawa on Mossadegh by the then government, it should be equally acceptable to suggest that there was a fatwa by the Mossadegh-Kasahni-JebheMelli triumviarate to have Razm Ara assasinated. After all the evidence is telling: the secret meeting between the JM representatives of Mossadegh and Fedaeyan Islam in which Razm Ara's fate was sealed, Mossadegh's famous speech in Majles in which he openly threathened to kill Razm Ara, Mossadegh's first words on hearing of Razm Ara's murder (" beh darak") and the last but not the least, showing no objection to (not to mention abetting) the pardon of Razm Ara's assassin under the excuse that Razm Ara was a "Mofsed-i-fi-l-Arz" . All documented facts.
Me? Lying? Never my dear :)
Fatwaye Mosadegh be ghatle Razmara?!!
by Mehrban on Tue Oct 09, 2012 09:43 AM PDTAnglophile jaan, it is true that you have flattered yourself into some islamist hearts :), but please stop disseminating lies. It does not help anyone's cause.
روز به جان فراموش کردی فتوای مصدقکاشانی به قتل رزم آرا؟
anglophileTue Oct 09, 2012 09:38 AM PDT
با این تفاوت که اون بینوا (رزم آرا) اعدام شد ولی این با نوا (مصدق السلطنه) اعدام نشد!
به این میگن فتوای ساواکی!
Roozbeh_GilaniTue Oct 09, 2012 07:00 AM PDT
دوستان سلطنت طلب: بفرمایید ببینید دست کثیف اسلامیون ارتجاعی را در دوران "طلایی" شاهنشاهی!
بفرمایید ببینید چه گونه ساواک دست به دست با پستترین و ارتجاعیترین جریانات اسلامی، خیلی راحت فتوای قتل نخست وزیر وقت را میداد، به اتهام "سست کردن ایمان مردم به اسلام"!
شاید آنوقت قادر به درک علت محبوبیت مرحوم مصدق بین تودههای مردم ایران بشید.
جعفریه اثنی الشعر همان شیعهٔ اثنی الشعر ه?!
Esfand AashenaTue Oct 09, 2012 05:00 AM PDT
اگر اینجوره، جعفر این وسط چکارست؟!
Everything is sacred