بهاییان سمنان: تحریک نفرت مذهبی

by Tapesh

موضوع: «بهاییان سمنان: تحریک نفرت مذهبی»٬ چهارشنبه٬ ۱۰ آبان٬ ۳۱ اکتبر.

مهمان ها: سیاوش خانجانی٬ مهندس کامپیوتر، برادر زاده جمال الدین خانجانی، از بستگان نوید، بهفر، و فواد خنجانی؛ منیر خانجانی٬ مددکار اجتماعی؛ عبدالمیثاق قدیریان٬ استاد روانپزشکی دانشگاه مک گیل کانادا.


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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

For Iranians not being able to push the regime for leaving other Iranians alone and respecting each others.



The reason for oppression is clear.

by rbnfl on

For the past 150+ years Baha'i's in Iran have been subjected to institutional oppression as well as social prejudice.

The reason for the former is very clear; if people of Iran are exposed to the idea that for being spiritual and establishing a "connection" to God you don't need clergy, the over 100,000 mullahs, mojtaheds, hojatol Islam and Ayatollah will be left without a job and access to highest levels of government.

To make sure the Baha'i' tenant of no clergy is not widely disseminated, the clergy for over a century have brain washed the uneducated Iranians with lies such as:

1)  Baha'i's are spies for Israel.

2)  Baha'i's are spies for the British

3)  Baha'i's are spies for Americans

4)   Baha'i's are spies for Russians

5)   Baha'i's commit insest every chance they get

6)   Baha'i's are responsible for all the social, economic and political corruption in Iran; from the time of Quadjar dynesty, to the Pahlavi era to now.

The shameful fact is that during all this time (except maybe a little in the last 2-3 years), most educated Iranians never took any action to correct the wrongs that have been done against this group.