Oranges covered in snow

Photo essay: Orchards of northern Iran

by Sid Sarshar
I was born in Shahsavar and moved to the US at the age of 15. I currently live in the San Francisoc Bay Area and enjoy an occasional trip to Iran. I find Iran and its indigenous people and culture fascinating. Northern Iran is on a growth path which is transforming it from a serene place I grew up in, to a busy noisy region without much respect for nature and indigenous culture. I have been photographing this region for the past 10 years. Perhaps my photographs will preserve what is/was there in our memories. Visit

Recently by Sid SarsharCommentsDate
Jun 26, 2012
To my friends
Apr 07, 2012
Under the Orange Tree
Feb 26, 2012
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catastrophic winter

by A shahsavari (not verified) on

thanks for posting.
you may show the catastrophic photos after that winter came to the city. many people lost their assets and properties because of that snow!
A Shahsavari,
from Bay Area



by nutri (not verified) on

Are these oranges organic? Just wondering!!!

Can you find "organic" food in Iran easily?


Oranges covered in snow. In SHAHSAVAR?

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The name shahsavar reminds me on two stories:
1. The story is authentic and is happend 1971 in the Trading camp of warplain Pilots in Tehran. The Trainers had noticed following Joke is running around in the Camp: How name inhabitants of a certain part of Iran the Farah? ......
It was Highnoon in the camp. Using criministical methods was found out who was the first Jokesteller. He was then dissmised from Royal airforce. He had argumented that it had been only a joke what he had siad. he was answered that the punishment is adequate to the joke.
2. I myself have had the possibility to mary a nice lady from shahsavar. In that time I did not know what a beutiful city shahsavar is. So I have not catched the possibility. Greeting

Darius Kadivar

I have a problem with photo 19 ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I really can't stand propaganda for Oranges ...


If you wonder why ? Ask Mamad !
