Charlie Rose interviews Ahmadinejad

Responds to questions before departing for New York

Charlie Rose interviews Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran. This interview took place last Friday, August 22nd. Pres. Ahmadinejad is on his way to New York to attend the Annual General Assembly Meeting at the United Nations. In this interview, Charlie covers more ground than Brian Williams of NBC News did a couple of weeks ago. Hope you find it interesting:


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I agree...

by BeeTaraf on

the translators are not fast enough...they should hire professional ones from LA.


As always there is a need for better Interpreter

by Bystander (not verified) on

I have watched several of these interviews including the speech given at Columbia University, which requires the presence of an Interpreter.

It seems that one of the major problems is the Interpreters/translators do not have a proper command of English language and obviously can not do their task as quickly as that job requires, and hence the responses do not exactly match the question being asked by the interviewer.

For example in this interview when Charlie asked about a letter to future US Prsident and suggesting the tone of the letter should be rather concillatory and less of an attack, response came back as if Charlie was asking about military attacks!

I hope that after this interview, Charlie and other people who manage his program, have the transcripts properly translated to verify that what I am talking about is very much true.

Also I hope any interview or negotiation that requires a live Interpreter, would select one with proper command of both languages.


IRI must go

by cyclicforward on

I do not believe this regime can be reformed or improved. At one point may be Khatami had a chance to do something but we know where did that lead to. The only quesstion however remains is who is the next leader that can bring the people together and make this happen. I admit that I don't  know at this time but when the time comes, things will be quick.


cyclicforward, "the IRI is

by Hashem (not verified) on

cyclicforward, "the IRI is still the same piece of crap that it ever was".

When people make comments like this, I ask them one question; what change do you deem necessary in the regime?

And the responses I get, almost always certify my opinion that the Iranian opposition is as dumb and backwards as the mullahs.

So tell me cyclicforward, what change would have prevented the regime from being "the same piece of crap"?

Would it be the symbol on the flag or the appendages to the name of the government (e.g. republic, Islamic)? Are these really the things that keep you up at night?

Would it be freedom of speech, and social freedom? For which the regime has shown some flexibility. [note: in many US states women are denied the freedom to abort a pregnancy. Why are they not blaming it all on their entire governing system?].

Would is be the non-democratic elements in the regime? But then how do you strongly prevent coups from occurring or separatist groups from getting their way?

Is it separation of state and religion? But then again, in a religious populace, religion is going to affect the outcome of the democratic process anyways. So what difference does it make?

As far as I see it, the only issue that really makes a difference, is freedom social/speech. And in that area, the regime does have unexploited loopholes.

The question is; do the Iranian people have the perseverance of reform? Or are they going to take the easy path of toppling the regime, Again.


Please don't blame it on others

by cyclicforward on

This regime will never improve and it's existence solely based on crisis. The only criminals that need to be put out of comission is the IRI criminals. They need to where Hitler, Gobbel and his gang went.


Amir is right, after thirty years of misreable existence of IRI, it is still the same piece of crap that it ever was.


Amir Nasiri - you missed the point (maybe intentionally?)

by Mehdi on

The question, again, is not whether Iran could improve or not. The question is what is the real and main reason for it not advancing and improving as fast as it can. Is it the regime or is it the criminals in the US and Israeli government who are constantly planning their deceitful traps. That's the point. We need to attack the ZioNazis and violent terrorist groups such as the MEK (back heavily by the CIA). As you can clearly see, the regime is more than happy to sit down and work things out in a civilized manner. But the ZioNazis and the CIA don't want that! So, open your eyes.


In the name of Iran and Iranian People

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

Enough is enough

Enough with the lies and deception.

-More than 65% of Iran's population is living in poverty.
-Many provinces, to the east and to the west lack basic public services.
-High Inflation, high unemployment and a currency that is greatly under valued are destroying the country, financially and morally.
-The gap between rich and poo has grown exponentially.
-The middles class in Iran has been eliminated.
-Gender gap and violence against women is on rise
-Public executions, specialy under age victims has grown exponentially.
-Cruel punishment and means of torture is carried out in the public in most gruesome ways without respect for human dignity.
-Brain Drain is occurring at such a rate that experts predict Iran will be without any professionals in the next 10-15 years.
-Public education is limited to few.
-Iran's image in the world has been tarnished and it takes years for it to be restored.

For 30 years this government has fooled the people and the world. Enough is enough.

How can an intelligent person listen to this guy and agree with him knowing the challenges and struggle that the people of Iran are going through on daily basis.

My question is. What has happened to the Oil revenues, when it was at over $140/barrel?
What has happened to all the promises he and his Imam gave to the people?


Some of his answers make me wonder...

by BeeTaraf on

I have read all your comments and do realize that there is plenty of hate, mis-trust and ill feelings on all sides!  However, some of Ahmadi's  comments and questions do make me wonder if he has some validity?  for example, why US is fighting so many wars?  How does US justify its military presence in every part of the globe?  May be the answer is obvious? but everyone ignores it...

I also liked his comment that the time for War has come to an end!  Why do we want to keep on destroying our own kind/home?  Maybe it is time for civilization to advance...This reminds me of the people shuffling chairs on the Titanic as it was sinking!  We have much bigger chalenges to conquer and all we do is fight over who has what.

May be as it was hinted in the video our hope is with the new president Obama?

I am considering to vote for him in liue of Nader!

Any sugestions?


You are accustomed to so much of Christian Amanpour

by Roshanbeen (not verified) on

propaganda and Scott Pelly(CBS) , that you can't handle Charlie Rose. You Can't handle the truth


The man never stops telling lies and stories

by cyclicforward on

Mahmud needs a shrink badly. From his halo story in U.N, to a 16 year old discovering nuclear energy at her home. He says everything and anything and he has no problem changing his lies and stories as he see fit.


Sarzamine man

by Mehdi on

I understand. Like I said, when you can't logically continue a discussion, just use slogans and name-calling and outright asking for ignorance by observers. Of course, your embarrassment should be ignored by readers. I understand. So what you are saying is that if I am a paid agent of the IRI you can't have a discussion with me. I have to be a paid member of MEK or ZioNazi and then you can easily prove your case. Makes sense!



by Sarzamine man (not verified) on

whether we like it or not, unfortunately there are people who carry Iranian passport and support one of the most notorious regime in the history of a man kind, their crime are unique in the history of man kind and not only Iranian one, we have had many dictator in our history, Changiz khan cut 70,000 Iranian head and built a house, Arabs massacred Persian and sold Persian kids as slave in Madineh but nobody have never seen in the history of man kind that any power would rape a pregnant women in the jail and then kill her, then go to her family to ask for the bullet money, the IR crimes is unique and no matter how much some of us try to Maleh Keshy but it wont be forgotten or forgiven by Iranian. I want to let some of the great Iranian here to know that unfortunately as I said, there are people who support these criminal, some of these people as I know, work for the IR or their family work for them, some of them are Sefaraties family, in order to pay for their rent and expenses, thats their job, my suggestion to Iranian scholars in here is to simply ignore these bunch and spend their time somewhere more valuable, arguing with these people only draw attention and thats what they need, we must exclude them in order to let them know that they have no place in Iranian community until they stop their support for bunch of criminal in Tehran, please consider my advise.



So, those are you last words?

by Mehdi on

Nothing to offer in terms of evidence? I am OK with that. Very understandable.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

If you wish to feel you have the last word, that's perfectly alright. It obviously means more to you than it does to me.

The truth is, I can't keep from laughing at you.

Have a great day.



I am familiar with ZioNazi denial

by Mehdi on

Makes sense. In fact I just remember that i heard somewhere that Israel is not into weapons business at all. It's just rumors those Jew haters spread around. Why would Israel the Great sell weapons knowing what they will be used for? My apologies. Bad link there ;)

Kaveh Nouraee

You Cannot Be Serious!!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

That's your "evidence"? 

My apologies to you, Mehdi. I honestly overestimated you and believed that you could carry on a valid debate on the issues at hand today, not thinking that you would rely on a news story from more than 22 years ago.


Change of subject

by Mehdi on

I am afraid if you watch the video it is not about internal problems of Iran, really. It is mainly about the stand off between Iran and the world criminals. And as you well know, Israel is among the top criminals in the word. The IRI would have to take many lessons from them before becoming considered a criminal government. I am not dragging them into this. They are meddling with almost all Middle Eastern countries affairs.



by Mehdi on


All you had to do was Google it. Thanks to the Internet, Israeli crimes are getting exposed more and more. Israel had NO problem with the IRI as long as IRI was busy destroying Iran. But Israel went mad as soon as IRI started to improve. 

Once again, i have raised specific points with documents and you just simply blah blah that I am against israel. I asked very specifically, what should I do when Israel is clearly after the destruction of Israel? Should I talk about the Chinese? Should I talk about Darfur?

At this point, the least you could do Kaveh is to admit that Israel is more important to you than Iran. Obviously you are defending it far more than you'd ever do anything for Iran. So why hide the fact? Why not admit that you are a more avid fan of Israel than Iran? Are you ashamed to say it? I would be too.


Re: Changing the Subject

by t (not verified) on

BTW, Mehdi it's you who is off topic. The topic is Iran and not Israel. The topic is Ahmadinezad. Remember it was Ahmadinezad who was interviewed! So, why don't you stay on the subject and state something of substance on the topic backed by facts vs. slogans.

I bet you know jack about Ahmadinezad, Khamenei, Khatami, Iran's form of government, Iran's banking system, Iran's judiciary system, Iran's election process, etc... You only know the viewpoint of a few FOB friends may have told you. So, guess who is the brain washed?


Once Again Mehdi ...

by t (not verified) on

you go to show that you are obsessed with Israel. You can go on and on about Israel but you know jack about Ahmadinezad and his regime. Frankly, I don't think you care about resolving Iran's problems. You only want Israel wiped off the map. Some Iranian you are!

Israel is not Iran's problem. The Islamic laws, governance and the Islamic government is Iran's problem. Don't know why JJ didn't post my reply of last night. But if he were to do that I had a list of solutions, which boils down to abolishment of Islamic laws (criminal, family, inheritance); and equality for women and religious minorities. Do you think Ahmadinezad and the IRI would agree to that. No. So, yes their removal is not going to be pretty because they are sitting there milking the country. Why would they give up the power! Think with your head !!!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Will you share some of this great stuff you are smoking? Does this "high" you are on come with an in-flight movie and a meal, or just a bag of peanuts and a $5 can of Pepsi?

What am I saying that is false? Darfur? China? The diamond mines? What the IRI does to our own people in our own homeland? What Arab terrorists do to civilians in Israel (some of whom are Iranian-born and raised?)

Dude, you give me way too much credit. You think I'm engaging in psychological warfare and meanwhile I still have to battle my 5 year old daughter in order for her to clean her room.

**Note to self...check with the Israeli consulate to see if they have any solutions to offer.**

Provide proof of this meddling you speak of. If you can provide it, I'll gladly study it.

Provide proof that Israel sold those landmines to the IRI. But it was the IRI who sent the school-age Iranian children to detonate them to minimize the casualties among IRI infantry. And what was the reward? The parents of these dead babies were given little plastic "keys to paradise".......made in China. This is indisputable.

For God's sake, Mehdi, don't bogart that joint.

It's puff, puff, pass.



Once Again Mehdi ...

by t (not verified) on

you go to show that you are obsessed with Israel. You can go on and on about Israel but you know jack about Ahmadinezad and his regime. Frankly, I don't think you care about resolving Iran's problems. You only want Israel wiped off the map. Some Iranian you are!

Israel is not Iran's problem. The Islamic laws, governance and the Islamic government is Iran's problem. Don't know why JJ didn't post my reply of last night. But if he were to do that I had a list of solutions, which boils down to abolishment of Islamic laws (criminal, family, inheritance); and equality for women and religious minorities. Do you think Ahmadinezad and the IRI would agree to that. No. So, yes their removal is not going to be pretty because they are sitting there milking the country. Why would they give up the power! Think with your head !!!


Changing the subject - Tactic of ZioNazi and MEK

by Mehdi on

This is a well known tactic of ZioNazis and the MEK. When they fail to make a point, they resort to psychological warfare such as changing the subject or attempt at character assassination by falsehood and lies.

So to get back to the subject, despite the venomous propaganda, here are the points I made, which were not challenged at all:

1) The real problem that stalls progress in Iran is NOT the current regime. It is the bloodsuckers of Tel Aviv and their masters. These are the super-corrupt elements who are well known for extreme greed and meddle with the affairs of other countries through their web of spies and slave media in order to milk these countries and rob them of their wealth.

2) Ahmadinejad did a great job of exposing these retched criminals.

3) Charlie Rose respected him for being the only peace seeking party in this situation.

4) All who claim that Iranian regime must be violently removed are directly or indirectly forwarding the cause of the greedy ZioNazis and their criminal gang.

5) There is no evidence that it is necessary to remove the regime in Iran in order to bring about a better condition in Iran. The only thing presented is falsehood, half truth and mis-represented information.

6) People like Kaveh are not interested in truth or decency or fairness, if it contradicts with Israel greed. Israel greed is always more important.

Israel had NO PROBLEM supporting the IRI when it was a more repressive regime. Israel sold weapons to IRI to help them in their goals and activities, knowing well that these weapons would be used to kill Iranians and Iraqis. I hope this answers your question about who was responsible for landmines. Now that the regime has gone through immense improvements, thanks to the Iranian nation, Israel all of a sudden is worried. They want to bomb Iran because it MIGHT in 20, 10, 2 years POSSIBLY find a way to make a nuclear weapon and POSSIBLY use it against Israel. So Israel needs to "defend" itself. Talk about paranoia and outright lies.

Yes, Israel does persecute its citizens based on their religious beliefs. Maybe you haven't heard. Officially, they call that anomaly "Jewish State." Why do you think that is?

What you refuse to see is that I am not concerned or obsessed with Israel. It is Israel that is obsessed with milking Iran and other nations. I am just pointing that out. What do you expect me to do when Israel officially goes on record saying they want to bomb Iran and their "reason" is that Iran MIGHT at some point in the future become a threat to Israel. You want me to go fight Ahmadinejad instead? Some Iranian you are! Israel has nothing to do with you and me? Are you for real? Israel is THE ONLY voice for bombing Iran right now. Has nothing to do with us? That explains where your allegence is, doesn;t it?

It is funny how you can't help but defending Israeli crimes. Israel has been a state of war because Arabs want them dead? Then explain in your wise words why they went to that area in the first place? Were they not fully prepared for war? How did they know? Why is US giving them handouts (sadaghe) to be their dog in that area? Israel has nothing to do with us? I can understand why. The benefits are just too good ot refuse, ha? All that stolen land, free immigration for drunk Russian retards. Can't get any better, ha?

So if I speak against crimes of Israel, that proves that I hate Israelis? So what you are saying is that anybody who exposes crimes simply hates the criminal? Does that mean that you are simply a Moslem hater then? that's your logic, right?


The Charlie Rose interview of the Iranian President

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

What is interesting is that both Charlie Rose and Mike Wallace keep on interviewing Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad has obtained a cult following among average Americans. For all we know, he may be re-elected by 70 million Iranians in the next Iranian Presidential election. And a Obama or McCain victory will lead to direct talks with Ayat'Allah Khamenei and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. What will be next? A future Olympics in Tehran?


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, may well be re-elected as President

by Ali Asghar (not verified) on

In the US, Ahmadinejad has a cult following. Both Charlie Rose and 60 Minutes man Mike Wallace love to interview him. President Bush called the election results that brought Ahmadinejad as fair. Americans can't get enough of Ahmadinejad. And both McCain and Obama are scheduled to have direct talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayat'Allah Seyed Ali Khamenei if either one is elected.


Well Said Kaveh

by t (not verified) on

You're right on target. Mehdi's writings are fueled not from the love he has for Iran, the Iranian people, culture or heritage. Rather it is fueled by the hatred he has for Israel and the Jewish state. Thus, he sees Ahmadinezad as his hero.

Mehdi,you need to separate the two issues. You may like Ahmadinezad's view on Israel but he is certainly poison for Iran. Do you have so much hatred for Israel that you are willing to sacrifice the people of Iran?



by Anonymous.madar (not verified) on

shireh madaret halalet, you are true son of iran.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

What I say is based upon the facts that I see and hear coming from the IRI. I understand it fully, and it does not require explanation or defense, whether it's to you or anyone else. I was not placed on this earth to explain or defend myself to you.

I am not brainwashed by anyone Mehdi. I have never been anyone's follower, nor will I ever become one. But you clearly have adopted the IRI mantra, turban, robe, and galyoun.

Mehdi, you also need to understand this very clearly. I am Iranian. Full-blooded and proud of it. Iran is where I am from, and Iranians (even you) are my hamvatan, whether they are Moslem, Christian, Jewish, Bahai or Zoroastrian. What happens in Iran concerns me deeply.

I am NOT an Israeli. What Israel does is NOT my concern. And last I checked you are not Israeli either. You are so consumed with what Israel is doing that you have completely blinded yourself to what is happening in our own homeland, where my family still resides and I'm sure where your family resides as well, at least in part.

Was it Israel that sent children to sweep for landmines during the Iran-Iraq War?

Is it Israel that persecutes Iranian citizens based upon their religious beliefs if those beliefs are anything other than Shia Moslem?

Is it Israel that imposes capital punishment against Iranians who were "convicted" in a sham trial for alleged crimes committed while they were a minor, in violation of international law?

The answer is no, no and no.

If you are so concerned about what Israel is doing, where is your concern over China and their abuses of their own citizens and their efforts to essentially hijack the global economy? Where is your concern over the atrocities committed in Darfur or the diamond mines throughout Africa?

If your concern remains focused solely upon Israel, while ignoring everything else, then you must simply be a raging hater of Jews. You clearly consider them to be subhuman. No other conclusion can be drawn.

Chosen people, superior race....all a bunch of recycled bull. Jews are not a race. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors and races. Just like Moslems, and Christians and everybody else.

Israel has done absolutely nothing to you, or to me. Are they a bunch of boy scouts? Of course not. But they are not killing their own citizens either, as the IRI does daily. Israel has been in a state of war since day one, because Arabs want them dead.

And mark my words. If the Arabs were to ever realize success in killing off all the Jews, as is their fantasy, who do you think will be next?

The other people whom they think are inferior and dirty and who they hate with a passion. 




A Prayer

by Appalled (not verified) on

This is a prayer for all of you who see each other as enemies:

Whenever I associate with someone, may I think myself the lowest among all and hold the other supreme in the depth of my heart!...

When I see beings of wicked nature, pressed by violent sin and affliction, may I hold these rare ones dear as if I had found a precious treasure!...

When others, out of envy, treat me badly with abuse, slander and the like, may I suffer the defeat and offer the victory to others!...

When the one, whom I have benefited with great hope,hurts me very badly, may I behold him as my supreme Guru!...

In short may I, directly and indirectly, offer benefit and happiness to all beings, may I secretly take upon myself the harm and suffering of all beings!...



by cyclicforward on


I did not make any threats. I just told you that your buddies will be removed from power. Violence and threats are the job of you clowns in IRI.