Charlie Rose interviews Ahmadinejad

Responds to questions before departing for New York

Charlie Rose interviews Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran. This interview took place last Friday, August 22nd. Pres. Ahmadinejad is on his way to New York to attend the Annual General Assembly Meeting at the United Nations. In this interview, Charlie covers more ground than Brian Williams of NBC News did a couple of weeks ago. Hope you find it interesting:


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Fitileh pichesh kard, baba!

by Mehdi on

Ahmadinejad did a great job. But Rose was also super great as usual. Rose is such a decent guy. Obviously his intentions are decent. This is a very revealing interview. I really doubt that the ZioNazi media would ever allow this to be broadcast widely! It would expose their vicious lies so much!


Nothing He Said Was Untrue! He was to the point! What?

by t (not verified) on

To the point!!! The guy does not answer questions. He just goes on and on with his nonsense and answers a question with a question.

Nothing he said was untrue! When he said governments should respect their people, it is untrue because he doesn't do it himself. When he said one should not intervene in the affairs of another country, it is untrue because Iran intervenes in the goverment of Iraq and funds fundementalists in Lebonon and Palestine. When he said US needs to resolve its own itnernal issues first, it is untrue because Ahmadinezad does not himself do it. Iran has severe economic problems but instead of addressing it they send the money to Hamas.

However, I agree with you the guy is as class-less and ugly as it gets. I actually think the translators do him a service because if the people only understood his dehati accent and low class Farsi! Vay, vay!


Rose is a government agent and this was more than an interview

by no_name (not verified) on

Rose is more than a journalist. He is most likely a government agent or the very least is playing the arbiter.

We've had many "journalist" work as agents, some even as surprising as celebrity chef, Julia Child. So it's not hard to imagine if Rose has a "second job". If you have been following Rose for the past 2 decades or more, he has always manged to be ahead of the game. A bit hard unless you have access to some special insights.

Most likely, Rose delivered a direct message to Iran in his trip. What we should be asking is who authorized it and what the message was.

Given how Pentagon stopped the sale of some specific hardware to Israel, if I had to guess, it would have come from Gates and the old guards.

Most likely, the stability in Iraq/Republican victory in November was used as bargaining chips. Remember Reagon.



by Anonymous mac (not verified) on

he was poignant in his responses and in all fairness nothing he said was untrue. but i simply can't get over how ugly he looks.


How pathetic

by Anonymous2008 (not verified) on

This so-called interview was an embarasment to watch. Charlie Rose proved to a total moron having nothing substanctial to ask and was manipulated fully by Ahmadinajad. His heavy makeup so red and shiny in contrast to Ahmadinajad's natural patina was another distraction and made him look like a cheap whore. When would these second rate journalists learn that they are no match against these people and stop these nonsensical interviews all together.


Re: Fantastic Interview

by t (not verified) on

I agree with Jaleho about this not being propoganda and real communication. It went to show how stupid and shallow Ahmadinezad truly is even in his own natural setting.

Charlie Rose forgot to ask Ahmadinezad about women's rights, child executions, gay executions, and the like... in Iran. Maybe at the next interview.


FANTASTIC interview

by Jaleho on

Thanks to you and kansas1 who posted it in the news section.

Charlie Rose is as usual interested in content rather than propaganda. With propaganda BS about Iran proving to be USELESS  and INEFFECTIVE, 
real communication and understanding like the comprehensive one Charlie
Rose offers is so needed!


BTW, as world events evolve,  people like Columbia University
president Lee Bollinger prove themselves as disgraceful sold out idiots
that they are! I wish I could see him comment on Musharraf after he was
disgracefully gone. I also enjoyed Rose's subtle reminder on how disgraceful a host Bollinger was vs. classy himself :-)




by Miz abdol azim khaneh shahvat panah (not verified) on

mere popcorn! Empty, useless, waste, cunning.


Class act...

by alborz on journalism.  Charlie Rose is perhaps one of the most respected personalities in his profession. He is well read, informed and has a tremendous insight into the human psyche.  His interviews reflect his thought process and how he responds to the personality of his guest and the topic reflects this in each interview.

In this interview he asked his questions but more importantly he also established a rappor with Ahmadinejad, by satisfying his need for acknowledgement and recognition.  He did this by smiling, changing the tone of his voice, and appealing to him.  All combined to lessen the rhetorical tone of Ahmadinejad and exposed the deflectionary responses to legitimate assertions.  Both knew what was happening and yet it was not offensive.

This interview was made up of a cycle of thrusts into contentious areas and retreats back to a common ground. Every time this cycle was repeated, Ahmadinejad's tone softened and one could see that his need for confirmation was being satisfied and the urge to be provocative was less.  The more he gained, the less he wanted to lose what was gained.  A classic approach to engagement.  This is what Iran lacks through years of isolation.  There is nothing at stake.  Today, China flexes because it has something at stake that is worth preserving.  The same would be true for Iran, if it ever reached that point.

Much was said about the significance of past events in Iran/US relations and yet there was an expressed willingness to look to the future, if the past was duely acknowledged.  If this acknowledgement comes from the next US administration then there is the possibility for real change in US/Iran relations.

I hope that Charlie Rose continues this diaglogue, as he is far better equipped to do this than his script reading colleagues. 




by Mastaneh (not verified) on

Simply a goon!


This grin is killing me!!!

by Annonymous - 24 (not verified) on

Vay Vay Vay :)