Clock is ticking

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni talks about the threat of Iran.

Addressing the Massachusetts state legislature.



Let me throw a few stones in the bush

by babagrr (not verified) on

I'm not even from Israel, Iran, or the US. I don't even live there and even I know that noone can call any country a stable and peaceful country when they keep on steeling the land and raping it's culture. Just check out the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign's site out at //stopthewall,org for some photographic proof.

Oh, and how about Israel's kind act towards a 23 year old peace activist who was killed on March 16, 2003 when she was crushed by a bulldozer on the Gaza Strip.

Yawns, anyway, I still wonder what the US is thinking with their Empire of Bases? Do they really think that they are endearing themselves to the rest of the world with over 700 military bases all over the globe?


what do you expect?

by MRX1 (not verified) on

7/24 the morons in charge of the regime in Iran, yell and scream that they want to destroy isreal. as if all that is not decleration of war, they help hezbollah, hamas, syria and god knows who esle, so how do you expect isreal to react? suppose the situation was reverse, how would you be reacting? unitll this regime is gone, Iran will always be in danger, period.



by Disgusted (not verified) on

Darius...I've never been so disgusted by a blog as much as I am by yours today. Usually a blog from you has SOME merit. Usually a blog from you has SOME credibility. However, you have exposed yourself in such a way with these comments that I could hardly believe it. I'm posting anonymously so as to not incur your wrath which I know is a cowards way out but I like it here and I don't want to listen to your venom spewed towards me.

Illiterate? I hardly think so.
Jewish? Duh

And just exactly why should she refer to Cyrus? Isn't that just a little bit IN THE FUCKING PAST? How is it relevant to anything going on today.

I wonder when we are going to have the balls to admit that the problem is NOT ALL ISRAEL'S DOING. You (in general) posturize over and over about how evil Israel is and try to act like Iran is sooooooo misunderstood. This board sounds like a bunch of fucking children... "It wasn't my fault"... "He did it first".

WE (IRAN) have brought on MUCH of the shit laid on us OURSELVES.

Quit blaming everyone else!!!!

If it's not Israel, it's the West (America).

You know what...if Iran is so susceptible to all these EVIL INFLUENCES, then maybe she ought to just admit she can't take care of herself and let whoever carries the biggest stick take over and QUIT THE BITCHING.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

in the hell is a foreign minister doing addressing a state legislature?

Massachusetts is incapable of doing anything, so for this woman to go there and speak is nothing more than political posturing. It is all show.

Kudos to DK for reminding everyone that the Arab Israeli conflict was never our problem until these "wannabe Arabs" came along in 1979.



by Anonymous23423423 (not verified) on

Looks like your masters are in town. Don't get too disobedient.



by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

All this is simpl saber rattling. Israel couldn't even handle hizbullah in Lebanon and had their asses handed to them. I'm hoping they're stupid enough to start something with Iran. That way we can finish them off for good.

Khodadad Rezakhani

To: Zionist Zoe

by Khodadad Rezakhani on

Wow, how enlightened and celebratory and peaceful:

"Let us celebrate this year the 60th anniversary of the birth of the only democracy in the middle east: Israel. For sixty years this tiny island of stability, like a robust rock,
has withstood the barbaric lashes of the waves of the sea of blood thirsty Arabs surrounding it.

Let us hope this year will be the year of annihilation of the most savage of all Islamic states: Iran of the Islamic Republic."




by dariush (not verified) on

haha, what a laugh. Isreal has no higher moral ground to dictate even the evilest of all regimes. There's no nation more bloodthirsty, destructive, selfish and ignorant than Isreal. This irresponsible and dangerous nation needs to be disarmed of all its nuclear arsenal immediately.

Darius Kadivar

She is a Bitch ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Never liked this bitch.

I equally hate Ahmadinejad for starting all this mess with Israel. We did not need this confrontation. The Arab Israeli conflict was NOT our problem ! Now he got us in the Shitty waters that we had avoided THANKS TO THE SHAH during all the conflicts in the Middle East ever since the end of WWII.  

Now we give pretext to illiterate Jewish politicians like her to forget to even mention Cyrus the Great who freed them from captivity.


Iran and Island of Stability ? NO MORE




Let us celebrate

by zionist zoe (not verified) on

Let us celebrate this year the 60th anniversary of the birth of the only democracy in the middle east: Israel. For sixty years this tiny island of stability, like a robust rock,
has withstood the barbaric lashes of the waves of the sea of blood thirsty Arabs surrounding it.

Let us hope this year will be the year of annihilation of the most savage of all Islamic states: Iran of the Islamic Republic.



I Wonder

by Abarmard on

Who works for who!!