Farrokhzad: 'Sarbaaz'

Fereydoun Farrokhzad's tribute to soldiers




by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

First of all what made me angry is that when you quoted “And for those who became “shahid” and had other religions, I pray that Allah accepts them to paradise as Muslims”. So what you are saying that the rest are set to be sent to hell just because they are not Muslims??? As for your info I believe in god and the 5 prophets and that’s all there is to it. Unfortunately a lot of us have fallen into lies of other human beings and started to believe in imams and other followers.


to Kurdish Warrior

by Anonymous999999 (not verified) on

Okay here are your words: "shai crap non-sense". so you're insulting my religion and we have to live in the same country...how does that work? Please teach me...because i really want to respect you, but how can i? when you insult 30% of iranians that really believe in shia islam. i said 30% because majority of ranians (such as you) don't really believe in any religion...so please don't demand tolerance/respect/human-rights for iran, when you have not dealt with the hate that you have in your own heart...i never insulted sunni muslims or any other religion...shia's love Ali because he was an example of an excellent human being, with an excellent faith, excellent deeds, and excellent religious knowledge...do i now have to apologize for that? so, if i say that, sunni's never had the heart nor the intellect to understand Ali's greatness and differentiate him from Umar, uthman, and Abubakr, would you get insulted?


jang e dolat o araab.

by sarekar (not verified) on

و دولت ِ اسلامى با عرب ها جنگيد چون خود را از آنها مسلمان تر ميدونست،و اين جنگ به ما تحميل شد،توقع داشتى كه دولت بگه چون يك دولت ِ عرب و مسلمان به ما تجاوز كرده اشكال نداره؟اما حالا چى ميگيم كه عرب هايى كه جوان هاى ما رو كشتند،به عنوانِ برادر هاى عراقى در همه جاى ايران هستند و پذيرايى ميشن؟تمام ِ خسارت هايى كه به ما زدند هنوز در مناطق جنگى پاك نشده و جوان هاى ما با سينه سوخته در بيمارستان ها هنوز دارن جون ميدن اما دولت ِ عزيز ِ شما واسه عراقى ها خروار خروار پول ميفرسته.آقا من يكى از عرب ها بدم مياد.اسلام هم خودم انتخاب كردم،يعنى دوباره تحقيق كردم اسلام ِ واقعى رو و انتخاب اش كردم اما هنوز هم از عرب هايى كه اسلام را به ما با جنگ تحميل كردن متنفر هستم.مذهب تحميل شدنى نيست،انتخاب كردنى است.


dar iran hame sarekar hastand

by sarekar (not verified) on

ديگه خسته شدم از بس با يك زبان بيگانه با يك هموطن مسلمان صحبت كردم.قبل از اسلام،ايران بار ها مورد حملۀ دشمنان قرار گرفته ،فكر ميكنى در آن موقع سرباز ها با چه فريادى به جنگ ِ دشمن ميرفتن؟شايد ما به ۳۰۰ يونانى جنگ رو با ختيم چون يا على و يا حسين بلد نبوديم بگيم.واقعا كُرد ها و بلو چ هاى سنى چى بايد به شما بگن؟درضمن نگران ِ پول ِ نفت نباش،اون واسه ما كه حتى عزيزان ِ خود را در جنگ از دست داديم خرج نميشه،خوش به حال ِ فاحشه هاى آمريكا يه جنوبى و عزيزان ِ فلسطينى و عرب ِ.و در مورد نام ِ شهيد بايد بگم،اين روز ها حتى اگه كسى واسه تفريح بره مكه و تو راه كشته بشه به هر دليل بهش ميگن شهيد.ولى اين جوان ها كه براى ايران كشته شدن اول واسه ايران رفتن،اما با منطقِ شما كسانى كه مسلمان نبودند و در جنگ كشته شدن،شهيد نيستن....اين هم يك بى احترامى يه ديگه از طرف ما مسلمان ها به ديگر مذهب ها است.من يك مسلمان ِ شيعه و عاشق على و خدا هستم،اما با حرف هاى نه سنجيد ه باعثِ تفرقٌه نميخوام بشم،و ايران رو واقعا دوست دارم و عاشق كسانى هستم كه براى ايران زحمت ميكشند.بهر حال براى شما به عنوانِ يك انسان ِ متعهد و پاك احترام قائل هستم.هرچه باشه من شما رو قبل از اينكه با مذهب ِ تان قبول داشته باشم،به عنوان ِ يك هم وطن قبول دارم و دوست خواهم داشت حتى اگر يك صفحه با هم بحث كنيم..


And one more thing....

by Majid on

"Zabaan-e sabz sar-e sorkh meedehad bar baad".

And that's exactly what he had...... "zabaan-e sabz"

He was THE epidemi of this poem!


Even if he was.....

by Majid on

Anyone's sexual orientation is HIS/HER business, just like his/her belief ! and it's a low ticket and a cheap shot to praise or condemn someone for those issues.

That said, I wish we had more of these brave, outspoken, broadminded and patriotic fellows like late F. Farrokh zaad .

RIP  F. Farrokh zaad. you've done your part and then some.


May he rest in peace

by ramintork on

He was a remarkable man. I went to the Albert Hall concert where he was the host back in the 80s.

He was such a pro, and one of a kind.



To Anonymous999999999999999

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Please stop this Shia crap nonsense..For the Iraq war many Kurds lost their lives defending Iran, not becuase of some religion but of the love for their country. Almost all Kurds are Sunni, and most of them are not even religious (mazhabi)..Don't think little, think BIG.


people that disrespect the man!!!

by Anonymous9999999999 (not verified) on

i don't know and i don't care to know if he was homosexual...but he took steps to serve his people and country with love...if he had right intentions then i hope that god forgives what ever shortcomings he had...and homosexuality is not is one's hands...just be thankful that you didn't end up with such bad luck...or else you would be chasing guys too...so, please think logically instead of bringing people down...i only dislike him for his continuous/unconstructive criticism of the islam government when we were fighting the arabs..


to sarekar!!!

by Anonymous999999999999 (not verified) on

First of all I hope that you're not really "sarekar" in Iran because that would mean that the oil money is being spend on you coming here to posting comments on iranian.com. that is said, first of all you're saying that religion is a private thing and it is no ones business how you express your love to your god...yes, i agree...but then you go on and call my religion, an arab religion...then people like you demand that all religions must be respected when people like you have no clue how to respect one's religion...and some one said that we would have had "Yaa zartosht or Yaa kourosh instead of ya hossein if they weren't Moslem", i don't believe that would have happen because there is not such a thing in the religion of zortoshty...becoming a "shahid" in the path of "Allah" is something that only Islam advocates, not even our sister religions such as Judaism or Christianity...so NO, i doubt we would win the iran-iraq war if we were not shia-muslims brought up with Iranian culture. And for those who became “shahid” and had other religions, I pray that Allah accepts them to paradise as Muslims.


and yess you are wrong!

by sarekar (not verified) on

ppl could have say Yaa zartosht or Yaa kourosh instead of ya hossein if they weren't muslem,so your logic is kinda wrong,DON'T forget that we had many young zartoshti ,armani,aashoori,yahoodi soldiers who were killed,for the same reason as others...so we aaalll love Iran and die for it...I lost my brother and two cousins in a war that we could have won if they'd finished it soonerrrrr!.doing nothing is much better than ruining your country just because you wanted to visit Karbala...


to 99999999~

by sarekar (not verified) on

first of all I'm so happy that you are thinking about what you've done for your homeland,this is S/t that most of religious ppl do not thing about as they always are sure that god looooveeesss them,just because they go to masjed and listen to EMAAM(BUUUTTT just because YOU didn't do anything useful for your country you shouldn't talk for everyone,as you don't know aaalll the ppl who visit this site,right?) ...secondly,I still think that your religion has nothing to do with your nation.religion is a very very private relationship between you and god.it's the way you worship your god and make love with him/her,so I HATE those who wanna show it like a porn star,I hate those who always wanna make a connection between EVERYTHING and REIGION...Farrokhzad was an artist,poet,singer and the best showman that iran ever had,aaannnndddd He loved his country aaaannnnd he did many good things for it and HE DIED for it...aand we are not in a place to judge him that GOD will liked him or not...that is verrry private thing between he and the god(I'm sure god is not like those crul BAGHAALS with a scale infront to weigh little things though)GOD loves beauty and Farrokhzad was beautiful.at the end,I still believe that islam belongs to arabs because we had our own religion and they FORCED us to became muslems.it wasn't optional at all.


I've met him

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

Perfectly pleasant man and his boyfriend was a sweety too. Just that the dog wouldn't eat my cooking and sneered at it, but I don't blame the dog, my concoction was awful!
Yadesh bekheir....


Khoda rahmatet koneh Aghaye

by Anonymous4 (not verified) on

Khoda rahmatet koneh Aghaye Farrokhzad.
Roohat shaad.


Meaningful Discussion

by Abol Danesh, (not verified) on

...these discussions are futile unless we all get together drink good wine and great meal all night long ...and during the feast begin to discuss and debate these things until the dawn...

"Aftaabbeh lagan haft dast.... shaam naahaar heechee"


maybe i am wrong!!

by Anonymous99999999999999999 (not verified) on

i used to hate this man because he critisized IR-Iran. but after readying the good things he had done for iran and iranian, i must say, he is probably a better person that i am, because i have done nothing for my country! but i still hate you ppl that think islam belong to arabs, then i guess christianity belongs to jews or what ever race jesus was from...stop this crap...don't ever forget how people went and gave their live for their country in iran-iraq words, most of them were chanting ya hossein, ya ali...what have you done for your country?


He helped a lot of people

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Years ago, I knew this young Iranian man, who told me his story of how he had been captured by the Turkish police in Turkey, and not being in legal immigration status, and was held in prison there. He talked about the daily beatings by the Turkish soldiers. He said that no one from his family knew where he was. But because he was Iranian, someohow his name had made it on the list of Iranian prisonees in Turkey. One day he received a leter from Fereydoun Farrokhzzad, tellng him that Farrolhzad was there to help him. He corresponded with Farrokhzad for two months until he was released. He never saw Farrokhzad (who at the time was living in Europe). He told me that had it not been for Farrokzad's selfless moral support and encouragement, he would have committed suicide. Apparently, I later found out, Farrokhzad had done similar work for many Iranian refugees and others. Our country needed more people like him. For those who criticze him, they simply just don't know him.


Ebi, Thanks for bringing

by ahvazi on


Thanks for bringing the issue of the POWs. He went and visited the POWs in Iraq and gave them gifts, sat with the kids talked to them.

A great Iranian patriot.

Roohesh shaad.


ebi amirhosseini

Zendehyaad Farrokhzaad

by ebi amirhosseini on

Ebi Amirhosseini

How many Iranian artists / Honarmand can you name,who have done one percent of charity work he has done for Iranian kids;whether when he was in Iran,or when he was on exile!?

Has anybody ever appreciated what he did for Iranian POWs,especially the kids ? to be honest with you I havn't,have you?

Let's be fair,Gay or straight;he was a real human being who cared for humanity.

God bless his soul.



by Majid on

I'm sure GOD will have mercy on people who killed him and GOD is THE only one to judge them, only we have to arrange the meeting!



by JAVIDIRAN (not verified) on

I use to adore this man as a kid..he was funny and kind and now as an adult he has my highest respect...He was a true patriot and was murdered by mullahs.for being outspoken...

To John Carpenter III: you should be ashamed of yourself for talking bad behind a dead man!

May his soul rest in peace and may God have mercy on people who killed him...


To: John Carpenter III

by farrad02 on

The fact that Farokhzad was gay was never disputed by him or his family but being gay doesn't make him filthy (as you suggest)!

Your non-sense is typical trash coming from intolerant backwards who do not tolerate anything they can not understand! 

You know and we know that you have NO PROOF for what you say here about Farokhzad's so-called bad behaviours. And we both know you do NOT have a doctor friend who knew Farokhzad or any other famous or important friend. You are just a sad liar!


God bless his soul

by Dariush (not verified) on

It was a beautiful song. It took me back to the battle fields. He compliments the soldiers in his song and some of you people want them dead for saving your land. Who are you people? You can't possibly be Iranian!


Khoda rahmatesh koneh. In my

by Sh (not verified) on

Khoda rahmatesh koneh.
In my darkest hours of need in the 80's, out of the blue he called me!
Someone had told him we desperately needed help (not financially)and he called.
He was a brave man.
He made me laugh when all I could do was worry and cry.(I was 21)
When initially he introduced himself over the phone, in his own very special manner, I couldn't believe my ears!
Unfortunately he wasn't able to help us at the time.

Roohet shaad!


I Never Forget ..

by Shaer on

The Wonderful "Mikhak Noghreii" Show That We Watched As Kids ..

Very "Talented" Man ..

May His Soul Rest In Peace .. :)


dorood vs. laanat

by Anonymouskk (not verified) on

Dorood bar Irani, Dorood bar Farrokhzad, Dorood bar aanan ke janeh khod ra fadayeh Iran kardand, dorood bar rooheh Kourosh ...

laanat bar Akhoond, laanat bar eslamgara, laanat bar hezbollahi, laanat bar rooheh Khomeini ...


He was a beautiful person

by Mitra from khuzistan (not verified) on

He was a beautiful person with lots of love for our homeland. May he rest in peace. Shame on anyone supporting IRI and Mullahs.
Down with Islamic Rep. Of Iran. Down with Mullahs and their supporters. May GOD bless IRAN and the childern of Iran, our motherland.



A brave man

by IRANdokht on

F. Farokhzad was an outspoken man who loved his country to death. He was feared by the radicals who murdered him in a brutal way.

No wonder all the negativity comes only from the anonymous comments, it's definitely shameful to slam such man.

Roohash shaad



Give you a break?

by Anti everything (not verified) on

Anyone who is anti Islamic Republic is a TRUE Iranian and a TRUE Patriot.


great man

by MRX1 (not verified) on

a great man, a true patriot and humanist, a very good show man as well. Roohash shad.