
IRI Cover Girl

Iranians gone nuts


more from Darius Kadivar


by persian (not verified) on



IRI girl

by shamsi (not verified) on

I am so sorry if she calls herself an Iranian girl, she is insulting the name of God,
this flag has nothing to do with the government or any one else for that matter.
She should be ashamed of herself.


free download ebook

by mohammad (not verified) on

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What time is it in France?!

by Anonymouse on

DK you sound drunk tonight?!

Darius Kadivar

My Excuses to the Girl on the Picture ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Mind you its a 1975 fashion you are wearing not 1979 ...


Right Back Where We Started From (1975) Lyrics:

Ooo and it's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from

Do you remember that day
(That sunny day)
When you first came my way
I said no one could take your place
And if you get hurt
(If you get hurt)
By the little things I say
I can put that smile back on your face

Ooo and it's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from

Ooo whooooo
A love like ours
(A love like ours)
Can never fade away
You know it's only just begun
You give me your love
(Give me your love)
I just can't stay away, no no
I know that you're the only one

Ooo and it's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from, oh whooooo oh who ohhhhhhh

Ooo whooooo
You give me your love
(Give me your love)
I just can't stay away, no no
I know that you're the only one

Ooo and it's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from

It's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from

It's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We got to get right back to where we started from

It's alright and it's comin' 'long
We got to get right back to where we .........


melli poosheh baazandeh

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

melli poosheh baazandeh would've been a more accurate caption


lovely label

by Anonnymous (not verified) on

"IRI Cover Girl" is a lovely label. Thanks JJ for the good taste. Ensha allah next time she will put on a ROSARI to make it complete match for the label.


How about these women?

by Anonymouse on

Marhaba JJ.  I knew I had seen pictures like this before.  Here are some more.  Are these all "IRI cover girls"?  Fucking "IRI" is a word invented in this website.  We used to call it the "regime". 












and many many many more. are they "IRI cover girls" too? did you ask her? or do you like them to be IRI cover girl?  As Austin Powers would say, does that make you howrny?!

How about "IRI angels"? who called Dixie Chics "Saddam angels"? whoever called this woman an "IRI cover girl" is of the same cloth.



Critical Regions

by Level of Significance (not verified) on



Critical Regions

by Level of Significance (not verified) on

Null Hypothesis...
Alternative Hypothesis...
Standard Error
Measure of Centeral tendencies
Sample distribution of sample MeanS


Hajiagha will give one of his balls to have this woman!

by Anonymouse on

Isn't that right Haji?  If she says yes he'll add a small finger too to make it final.  Our dear Haji thinks saying she has a "damagh gonde" is a compliment since he likes damagh gondeh.


Full Circle

by Abol K Danesh (not verified) on

I Am A Blind Man

When I had vision
I showed the way
To the blinds
Now that I have lost
My vision
The blinds
Show me the way
Without expectation & promptly
This way I must say
The blindness
Is completely
Eradicated from the circles of friends
That I am part of it

--Abol Danesh

Darius Kadivar

n.zanincanadai1 HAS Pride & Prejudice LOL

by Darius Kadivar on



Personne ne vous oblige de me lire articles ou postings. Et vous vous n'avez aucun sens de l'humour sauf peut etre l'avantage de votre jeunesse ignorant. Je vous rassure cela ne durera pas. Je veux dire la jeunesse ...




by Hashan Danesh (not verified) on

... Baabaa joon az kay khaanomaa to hamoom zanonneh omoomee long bekhodeshoon meeebandand... ma ke pacheh boodeem hameesh-eh khanoomha tonekeh taneshoon mekardand bedoon-e peshtoon band...

Baabaa joon be een khanoom yekee begeh ke long maal-e mardaast...

...raashtee megan een kachalee reeshash to een khazhenneh hamooom omoomeehaaast...

Khoob haalaa beram ye bashtee bezanam haalam jaa beeyaad...een moshteamaaleeham nemeedonam cheraa emrooz zorresh kammeh... magah noon nakhordeh...


Si vous avez des problemes

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Si vous avez des problemes avec mon nom ici shootez moi un email et je vais vous expliquer tres clairement (certainment pas sympatiquement) ...

I think any imbicile knwos that hot water is not meant the way you suggest. I think my main problem with you is that you are middle aged and "appear" to try to be cool. eukh

Darius Kadivar

Pour n.zanincanadai1 ( Serious This time)

by Darius Kadivar on

I did not choose the following caption regarding Hot Water either ?


Nor do I use nicknames like most people.

Vous etes tres sympathique meme si vous vous trompez completement.





by looty (not verified) on

This cute smiley Kadivar(varoojak) has the role of intellectual Shaban Bi Mokh in this site. He wants to restore the Pahlavi dynasty.
Did you get it!

Darius Kadivar

Anonymous & n.zanincanadai Keep on Guessing ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Thank you Anaonymous for your kind comments.

Aristocrat ? Wow I like that ;0)

You have a choice between Judas :



Hyde :


Or Ben Hur:




And The Translation too :



Sorry Folks but I can't give out my hiding place to the IRI Agents. The poor fellows have a living to make.



Nazanin Aristocracy is big in our culture.

by Anonymouse on

Or at least it was.  Remember Dae Jan Napoleon? There are many who believe in doing things a certain way with a stiff upper lip, and luxury and taste for fine things. What I mean by a fair analysis is as long as someone is willing to understand that some things happened for a reason.  Mr. X or Mrs X or you can write about Khomeini, it's not a complex story.  If you dismiss Khomeini altogether and say he is devil, well you are blind and making it simple.  On the other hand, if you're willing to look deeper then you have to accept some of the outcome and go from there.  You can't stop halfway and say no I don't want to hear anymore, my aristocracy doesn't allow me ;-)


Nazanine ahh I see what you mean.

by Anonymouse on

Yes I agree with you.  As far as Mr. Kadivar I do have a lot of respect for him because he does provide some good and entertaining information.  But I also have some criticism for him too which I've said in the past.  Some of which you've described here. At one point he stated that one day he'd like to read a fair analyis about Khomeini and his place in history, which is good if he means it.  I think he is an Aristocrat (not a bad word) and part of his views are because of it.  He can't see everything without the lens of his aristocracy. 

Darius Kadivar

n.zanincanadai Do You want some Namak ?

by Darius Kadivar on


Here for Satrapi:


Here for Dark Ages:


Noosheh Jan & with your Permission LOL !


Nazanin what did Marjane wrote in half her book?

by Anonymouse on

I am going to read her book one day but what do you mean "you miss half of what her book is about."?  Persepolis was very good and as far as I can tell I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I blogged about it too.  But I'd be interested to know what you mean half her book was no cool or something like that.

I think this is a cool picture and she has more balls than many men who are criticizing her.  After all she is wearing that in some western country. Women who have more "balls" than her wear it in Tehran ;-)

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

What Do I care what you do for a living ? Good for you if you are happy and thriving back home. One doesn't necessarily feel wet when one is swimming in a pool do they ?

Just Make sure the swimming pool is not filled with Blood ...

As for who am I ?

I hope I am YOUR Biggest Nightmare ... LOL 

Darius Kadivar

n.zanincanadai1 : Er ... Dark Ages

by Darius Kadivar on

Er ... Yes I claim we live in the Dark Ages under the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Until further notice ...


new leader!

by sinam (not verified) on

she only wants to give us the feeling of F..ing the islam. Rep., if you pay and F..her.
we all complain about having no leader for movement against those monsters, i think she is one. she has improved her sence for economy and politics in a sexy way( almost like khatami).I vote for her in the next elections, join us:-)


To the caption writer: JJJ

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

To the caption writer:
JJJ was that you? Enghad bored shodi?

Mr. Kadivar:
Ok well great.
Now you want to claim things? Azizam, you can't claim anything, it's not for you to claim ...It's a fact that it's the current Iranian flag it's not a claimable thing.
But don't you worry, in 50 years, hopefully less, you or someone else will come along, change the sign on the flag (and the name of all the streets).


To the nutcases here, and I don't mean myself

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on


You people DO realize that she is sporting the Iranian national flag (calm your horses siaasi people, this IS the national flag of Iran wether you like it or not) probably at some sporting event and probably in support of the Iranian national team?
Are we back in the dark ages!! Oh yes yes where the fudge is her PEECHEH?! How dare she???
It looks like she is wearing a bikini top under the flag maybe with a bikini bottom or jeans or something. In any case, the best expression that comes to mind is "BE TO CHE????"
This is so hypocritical. There are articles here about women's freedom and all that BS and you people aren't even ready to LOOK at something that can't even be seen through a flag.
Mr Kadivar, the caption is wrong. I beg to differ. Go support marjane satrapi who is cool all of a sudden but PLEASE make sure that you miss half of what her book is about.

Darius Kadivar

Dear ramintork I didn't call her anything

by Darius Kadivar on

I did not call her anything the "IRI Cover Girl" caption is not mine. I do think its nuts to claim its our flag though but that is my personal assessment. Otherwise I think she looks very pretty cute even in that dress.


Borat would say: "very nice,

by sinaa (not verified) on

Borat would say:

"very nice, how much????"


Please show more sense of responsibility towards another Iranian

by ramintork on

Mr Kadivar,

We don't know the circumstances by which this woman was wearing this dress and was photographed.

We all know that IRI Islamists do not turn their flag to a strapped summer dress and she is not promoting the Islamic dress code, so it is wrong to call her an IRI cover girl.

Perhaps she is innocently going to a fancy dress or an Iranian football match somewhere in a Europe, or USA, or even going to a protest, we simply don't know.

Many people wear flags in football matches, perhaps this photo was taken in her family home and might have been done as a private joke, we simply do not know, so she hasn't gone nuts.

Why the IRI flag as a non-Islamic summer dress? Perhaps as a protest she has turned it to a contradiction of it's repressive values, again we do not know?

Are we going to publish the private photos of any Iranian and turn this publication to a freek circus where other Iranians send insults, sexist remarks to an innocent fellow Iranian?

I support the "nothing is sacred" editorial policy, but would imagine that long term writers such as yourself would show more sense of responsibility towards a fellow Iranian even a stranger.