Shooting at close range

Israeli soldier fires at Palestinian detainee

BBC: Israel's defence minister has condemned an incident caught on film in which a soldier seems to shoot a rubber bullet at a bound and blindfolded Palestinian. Ehud Barak said the case was "grave and wrong" and that the military would exact the full extent of the law. Footage released by human rights group B'Tselem on Sunday shows the detainee being held by one soldier as another fires at his legs at close range. The Palestinian man has said the rubber bullet hit his left big toe. The Israeli military originally said that the lieutenant colonel had been unaware of the incident and that the door of his patrol vehicle had blocked his line of sight. However, the footage appears to show him holding the Palestinian detainee's arm when the shot is fired. The Jerusalem Post also reports that the commander told the soldier: "Shoot him, shoot him." >>>




by Malekeh_ on

This is Zio-Nazism in action. They do it every day to millions. Just once caught on camera.