TV news tirade

Iran hostage crisis & frustrated American news anchor

NBC's Jessica Savitch goes on tirade rehearsing news about Iran and the hostage crisis in 1980.


more from Darius Kadivar

PMS jes

by honbon (not verified) on

it was fine jessica honey, it was fine, it wasn't too fast girl, you did a good job sweetie...

man PMS is a horrible thing...


>sefid , ghatesh kon

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

I can see the coke in her nose.


Lots of things have changed since then...

by Anonymous truthful (not verified) on

Crimes of shah were petty crimes compared to those of IRI, by factors of between 100 to 1000 times less damaging to iran and iranians. They may have looked significant in 1979 when the criminal ugly faces of mullas, whom shah tried unsuccessfully to place under tight leash, were unknown to people, but no more.

The only MAJOR crime of shah was to hand in the country to mullas.

May god bless reza shah though whose MAJOR contribution was to get rid of sex and opium addict ghajar kings who lost a third of iran so easily. Once there was a row between iran and france, it is said that reza shah referred to france as ghajar's private whore house thereafter. No matter how much infinite descendants of corrupt ghajar bash pahlavis to make ugly ghajar look good, they cannot dispute that the best days of iran in at least last 100 years were under mohammad reza shah overall, despite his controversial reign.


najjar III

by maziar58 (not verified) on

please go to your najjari trade and nail few more to your brain....
this whole mess was planned & executed by west so all the free oil comes here & all the rusted smith & wessons & ....shipped to middle east for a long times.


wow, what a fake accent...

by Anonym-us (not verified) on

Notice how she switches on this fake accent when she is on air! She is has the southern accent and vocabulary, as in "this is prime time televisions folks!" And she tries to hide it. Reminds me of Hannibal the Cannibal and agent Starling, where he tells her that her that she is trying to cover up her pure West Virginia accent.


The Shah was wrong... he should have returned to Iran for trial

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

the Shah was an idiot.

All the Iranians wanted was for the Shah to return and stand trial.

the Shah ruined Iran's reputation by stealing money from the Iranian treasury and abandoning Iran.

If the Shah had returned the American hostages would have been released.

The Shah would also have to return all the money he stole.

After the trial the Shah would have been executed.

That would have been the best ending to the Revolutionary story.


Very Funny

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

For once Kadivar has posted something useful. This is frigging funny!!


Eshgal nadareh!

by piccolina on

She was probably high on drugs when she was broadcasting this piece, and she died a miserable death.


See; //


"On October 3, 1983 Savitch anchored a mid-evening news update called
NBC News Digest, during which she was possibly under the influence of drugs. She slurred some words and skipped
others entirely. Savitch had been suspected of abusing drugs in the past, and
this 43-second performance, broadcast live and seen by millions of viewers
across the United States, seemed to confirm those suspicions.[1][2]"


"Savitch and Fischbein were trapped inside as water poured in. A local resident
found the wreck at about 11:30 that night. Fischbein's body was still strapped
behind the wheel, with Savitch and her dog in the rear. After the subsequent
autopsies, the Bucks County coroner ruled that both had died from
asphyxiation (by drowning). He noted that Fischbein was apparently
knocked unconscious in the wreck but Savitch had struggled to escape."



ha ha

by AnonymousArdeshir keyvan (not verified) on

It seems everything was screwed up in that era!