We can’t stop the change that is happening, but we can help it go down the right path
Our parents’ generation had a question, or a dream: how to build a utopia. Different groups had different answers to that question; some thought the answer is Communism, or as a friend of mine always corrects me, Marxist-Leninism. Some thought the path to Utopia was going through the gates of civilization. Some thought religion was the only way to redemption. Some mixed up a couple of these and came up with new ideas, like Islamic Marxism! There was a common question that people were trying to answer, and even though they had different answers to it, they had something in common: believing in Utopia
Only Iranians in Iran have to steer their path to democracy
The Mojahedin (MEK), Saltanat Talab monarchists, the Tudeh Party, etc. — would like to believe that they are the ones who after thirty years of impatiently waiting, now finally have a chance to go back and rule. They have lived in foreign lands and witnessed the Western democracy in action, and have access to foreign capital as well as free media which can be beamed to Iran—so they are the ones, they hope, who are best positioned to win power after the Akhoonda. In my opinion, none of them are fit for this purpose
Photo essay: Wide spectrum of opposition protests in New York
by Asterio Tecson
Photo essay: Iranian protest photos at the UN
Daria Pirnia >>>
Photo essay: New York during Ahmadinejad visit
by Victor Ma
در دوران میانسالی دچار توهماتی هستم که لازمه تحققشان نیروی جسمانی دوران پیش است
شوتها در 20 سالگی و حتا 30 سالگی هم، وقتی شلیک میشوند، مانند گلوله سوت میکشند، اما در حوالی 48 بیشتر در هوا پرسه میزنند. و در نزدیکی 60 سالگی تنها با آهی کوتاه از خیر همه چیز میگذرند. به همین دلیل میتوان به راحتی شمار افراد شرور و غیرقانونی را که هر تیم به نسبت بیکلاسیاش از آنها بهره میبرد، شناسائی نمود. مسابقهها از لس آنجلس باید به جای دیگری منتقل شوند چون انگیزهی بازیکنان برای باخت، با هر برد، بیشتر میشود: استراحت در سواحل جنوب کالیفرنیا + چلو کباب.
Shahrokh Moshkin-Ghalam's "Omar Khayam"
A wine color silk fabric hanging on the back curtain with golden calligraphy of Omar Khayam’s poetry, hundreds of vines hanging from the ceiling all over the stage with a discrete lighting on each leaf and grape, candles surrounding the stage… Paradise on earth was the scenery of this Persian ballet called Omar Khayam presented at the majestic Palace of Fine Arts of San Francisco on September 12th 2009. The choreographer and dancer Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam was the Iranian poet and philosopher Omar Khayam himself traveling through time and space, both physically and by the spirit expressed in his movements
I am setting out to write a book that opens up like a flower
I am uninterested in writing a book that introduces Iranians to Western audiences, because I think the need is greater for Western audiences to be introduced to themselves. This is not as offensive a statement as it might seem. Any writer has to be interested in introducing his or her readers to themselves. It is supposed to be an intimate relationship, not one in which a shared intellectual interest is the thing keeping it going. I would rather that Western audiences and I have all kinds of trouble, the kind in which I am saying that I know what is really going on inside them
Photo essay: Visiting Faramarz Khodayari at KUSF radio
Nazy Kaviani >>>
From new book, "Conspiracy for Greatness: Mastery of Love Within!"
For many years, I was fascinated by our ability as a human race to shift our thinking. One of the main elements that define us from other species is this ability to “think,” and to decide and redirect our minds to what we always knew we could do! Look at our collective recorded human history, and you will find all those wonderful, brilliant and fascinating human beings who directed their thinking to an area or topic, producing unprecedented results, incredible inventions and so many amazing creations that we can barely keep count. Now, you and I are taking advantage of the outcome of those brilliant thinkers!
What makes us be late? Is it a cultural thing?
Majid and his wife Goli are planning an Iranian Dinner party (Mehmooni). As is the case, they have to deal with the date, time, guest list, and all the details that go along with such a party. The guest list starts with eight but somehow they end up with a list of over thirty people. Having such a large number of people at the house requires lots of cooking and cleaning; neither Majid nor his wife Goli are up to the task, so they agree the food will be catered.The date is set for Saturday night and the time is set to be at 7 p.m. Dinner will be served at 8 p.m., and if all goes as planned, the party should end at midnight. So they hope
حزب توده با خیانت، جمهوری اسلامی با جنایت - قسمت اول
فیلم "دزدان دریایی کارائیب" را به خاطر آورید و کشتی "مروارید سیاه" را ایران فرض کنید، و همه مان را نفرین زدههای ابدی! به گناه حرکتی که در ابتدا عشق و گرمی به وجودمان داد، و به لعنتی تاریخی یا جبری جغرافیایی، که از آغاز جنبش مان را محکوم به شکست نمود. حالا، چه مثل نود و پنج در صدی که در ایران هستند و بر آن "کشتی سیاه" زجر میکشند و برای اربابانش فعلگی میکنند، و چه مانند پنج در صدی که اینور آب به زور و زحمت لقمه نانی در میآورند؛ مذاق جملگی تلخ است و طعم شیرینی و عشق نمیبیند. پس، از عشق نمینویسم؛ چون در دل نسل ما سالهاست که مرده و پوسیده است.
Iranian-American has eye on Atlanta’s City Council seat
If asked, Bahareh Azizi would be quick to tell you that “tolerance” and “acceptance” are two of her personality traits that she values the most. Having received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology, this successful Iranian American scientist has now turned her sights on politics. In July of this year, Azizi announced that she will be running for the District 6 seat in Atlanta’s City Council. According to Azizi, “I believe in Atlanta, and I know that we can work towards moving her one step closer to reaching her true potential.”