In search of …

These fictional personal ads appeared in the October 1995 issue of Second Generation, a magazine published in Washington, DC, for Iranian-Americans.

If you are looking for clay to mold, look no further. Petite Iranian dooshizeh from a good family looking for a REAL MAN. I will wear what you like, say what you like, and do what you like. With no ambitions of my own, I am ready to give you as many healthy sons as you would like. If you are my MAN, write to 2G Attn: Dooshizeh.

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I am a 5'2″ engineer, with steady income. No significant debts. Own nice car and house. Will allow you to redecorate. My mom and her friends think that I am a good catch. If you are into leading a quiet life, write to 2G Attn: Wild Man.

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Gorgeous 25-year-old looking for a man in need of an arm piece. I am blond (Clairol #45), have green eyes (negotiable if you are willing to pay for new contacts) and anorexic. If you are into Benz and Tiffany; know your Piaget from your Cartier (and can afford both); write to 2G Attn: Material Girl.

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Classically handsome Iranian man with Italian heritage in search of a young, inexperienced girl. If you are into open relationships (with or without your knowledge), lies (told expertly), long nights staying awake wondering where I am (spice to any relationship), you are the one for me. If you are interested in meeting the only model that turned Calvin down, write to 2G .: Giovanni.

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