
Like a movie star

Excerpt from a letter by best-selling author Nicholas Lore after returning from his first visit to Iran in 1995. At that time, very few Americans

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What goes around…

I remember as a kid going to a music store called Sonny (that's right, with two Ns) in Tehran. The one I frequented was on

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Houston, we have a diva!

Like thousands of other Iranians from across Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and other southern U.S. states, on September 3rd, I showed up at Houston's Compaq Center

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Doctor… Doctor…

I was in Los Angles attending a seminar. It was a week-long event which ended at in the early afternoon on a Friday. Maziyar, my

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Welcome home?

Look out the window. That must have been a beautiful tree there long ago. Grandfather would have greatly cherished it. Now tilt your head. You

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Requiem in Cairo

It was a very, very hot day in Cairo. Leaving my hotel room at the El-Gezira Sheraton my mood was sombre. Getting into the taxi

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In good hands

I was not sure what I was going to see this time in Yazd. The Yazd of my childhood looked and felt dry as I

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