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All I remember from my childhood are bombings, mortars, red and yellow sirens and Oshin (the Japanese TV series) besides the police stopping cars to search them and smell my dad's mouth.

I was born in 1982 in Isfahan where I spent most of my life. I always ponder what my generation and I have been through despite of our young lives: from war to the conflicts with the police and pressure groups, etc.

When I moved from Tehran to Vancouver, Canada, a year and half ago I thought I'm walking to land of glory where prosperity and liberty is awaiting me. It was not so!

Although we did not have financial problems, I found out a bitter fact: I am not welcomed anywhere. In Iran, I was one of few people against the death penalty and in favor of free relationships between men and women — even before marriage. I also believe in abortion rights.

I was not a popular person in terms of my political and social views. They would rather consider me a villain and a person corrupted by Western culture.

So I thought I would be welcomed in Western countries. Perhaps, I was not in much trouble for my ideas but the problem was that I wasn't cool. I wasn't much of a athletic or outgoing person.

I've spent most of my free time studying Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Anatole France, etc. Me, my ideas, my efforts — nothing of mine has been welcomed in this North American country.

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