
Business as Usual

Sanctions are a controversial tool of foreign policy. There are plenty of people who question their efficacy. But the Iranian case may be closer to

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Mixed and matched

To have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as we both shall live. I do He does We did Now all that

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The world’s end?

This poem was emailed to on September 18, 2001 The world came to an end a moment ago. But here in this bit of

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Mashad fair

Last month's International Food and Tourism Expo at the Mashad fair grounds. (22 total) (22 total)

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Priceless at a price

I just noticed a banner advertisement on the site that advertises a June 1st fundraising show in my neck of the woods, Washington D.C.

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Traces on the sand

I look at you With my hands Watchful Over you Here I am Thinking again Feeling motherhood At the center Forever I will watch over

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