Total subjugation doctrine

These days Iranians are in a perplexingly funny situation. On the one hand we want, rather strongly, Saddam Hussein to go to “hell” — at least I do — given what he did to Iran. On the other hand, we also know that those who want to cast the proverbial “laser-guided smart” stones to remove the Iraqi segment of the “axis of evil” have a few sins of their own.

So, here are some of my thoughts on this subject, followed by two of my related poems.

I shared these thoughts recently in an on-line discussion among a group of Iranian-American civil rights and peace activists. The topic of the debate was what are we to do, now, given that a lot of us are unhappy with much of the policies of Iraqi, Iranian, AND American rulers.

As is the case with every other country on our fragile blue globe, so far as I can see, Iran's INDEPENDENCE and SURVIVAL, regardless of which “unelected tyrants” rule her today, is of paramount importance, if for no other reason than the historical fact that Iran's civilizations are among the oldest on earth–and thus, she shares in the responsibility to preserve cultural and biological life and consciousness in this small yet precious corner of OUR awe-full cosmos.

Like almost all other nations, Iran has been ruled by all kinds of “thugs” throughout her tortured history. I believe one should separate one's anger at today's “unelected rulers” of Iran from the kind of danger that would undermine the country's very independence and survival in the centuries and millennia to come.

Let me repeat so as to prevent misunderstanding: As hopefully all of you know, I would LOVE to see the “evil” Saddam Hussein of Iraq GONE — to “hell,” hopefully.

However, his removal seems to be a pretext, part of the “total subjugation — not 'pre-emption' — doctrine” that the right wingers in the US (as well as in Israel and elsewhere) have “pent up” for long in their chests, as the former U.S. President, Mr. Jimmy Carter recently put it.

The way I see it, there are 4 major actors, in conscious or implied alliance, in this dangerous threat to our planet:

1- The “military-industrial-media” complex, which wants un-hindered PERMANENT profits, regardless of consequence. They need “evil” enemies and continuous war for this. Therefore, they certainly see to it that conflicts and wars are both created and prolonged. This is why the U.N. is purposefully kept weak.

2- The “Sharonites” in Israel want to RULE the Middle East, which they want to destabilize, in order to re-build their “Greater Israel” including their “3rd temple” in the middle of the ensuing chaos. They also need enemies and wars for all this. So, they have no qualms about instigating anti-Semitism (and its twin anti-Islamism)–in fact they encourage it, because they are fed by it.

3- The So called “Christian” fundamentalists in the US who want to instigate an “Armageddon” war mainly between Moslems and Jews, centered in Jerusalem (using neutron bombs which “destroy infidel flesh” but leave buildings intact) so as to help the “second coming” of the Kingdom of Zion. In other words they “know” that they are “saved,” so they want to go “paradise” as soon as possible. They simply do not care about the “left-behind non-believers.”

To help their “God” reach their “loving” aims, these “evangelicals” purposefully instigate religious and ethnic hatred, racism, and war–anything to instigate and fester conflict. Of course, they believe that their “loving King of Kings” will see to it that everything else “worthy of saving” is taken care of.

In this “holy prophecy” they are joined, in moronic compounded doubly-blind ignorance, by fundamentalists of almost all other tribalistic religions and cults, including the not-so-secretive-anymore “Hojjatieh” crowd in Iran, the ones who purposefully try to make things so bad as to “force” the PERMANENT appearance of the blessed Mahdi, who is so loving that he cannot tolerate too much injustice, so he will be “forced” to “save” humanity, due to his immense mercy. This same “hope for the ultimate salvation” exists, in a superficially different unfolding process, even among fundamentalist Hindus, and among all other tribalistic ideological “religions”.

In the same way that the so-called “defenders of Israel” openly instigate conflict and anti-Semitism, the above-referenced fundamentalist “Christians,” “Moslems,” “Hindus,” etc… do their best to do things in order to encourage “anti-Christ,” “anti-Islam,” “anti-Hindu,” etc… action and hatred, in order to gain “legitimacy” and in order to push things toward becoming “intolerably” bad, so that the real “candidates for salvation” (real “friends” of their respective “savior”) can be distinguished from “hell-bound non-believers and hypocrites.”

4- The regional unelected rulers, who need the “Satanic” U.S., Israel, etc… in order to justify their repressive rule and continued power and plunder.

However, the “shelf-life” for these tyrants (per Kissinger doctrine, the parent of the above-referenced “wolfpack” doctrine of today) has elapsed, so they need to be replaced with new “democracy-loving” puppet dictators.

These rulers, therefore, also need to fan the fires of conflict or to make superficial “democratic” gestures, to please their masters. For example, look at the recent “democratic” developments and the creation of a “parliament” in Bahrain–predictably cheered on by that famous defender of “democracy” in the Middle East, the “objective” champion of Zionist-prescribed “human rights”, Mr. Thomas Friedman.

Now, given all this, it does not matter what tribalistic posture some Arabs have adopted toward Iran in the past (among other ignorant ill motives), fueled by the U.S. orchestrated Iraqi war against Iran, which included, as we know now for sure, the U.S. GOVERNMENT giving chemical and biological weapons to Saddam Hussein to use against Iran and the Iraqi Kurds–pleasing to Turkey's pro-West “democratic” dictators.

Ultimately, what matters, then, is Iran's independence and survival, no matter who are her today's “unelected” rulers.

Let us not forget that Iran owes, in part, its continued existence (as the only nation in her region of the world which maintained its “independence” continuously throughout history–at least nominally) to one of the most “mentally disturbed” vicious rulers she ever witnessed. His name was Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar–no relations to yours truly, but a distant relative to the ancestors of the beloved tennis champion, Andre Aggasi.

Let us then distinguish Iran's needs of today for better governance from her need for dignified independence and survival as a country and culture in the centuries to come, which is intimately connected to the SURVIVAL of OUR fragile Earth.

Long live life and the continued evolution of consciousness!

As promised above, below is two of my latest poems in relation to what came above. I hope you enjoy them.

Monday, September 30, 2002

(Completed Tuesday, October 1, 2002)

Tucson, Arizona


By Moji Agha

I am a “terrorist-looking” walking poet.

My “Axis of Evil”

deep deep within

fills my “Satanic Verses”

with blinding rage

and slams them


into towers of indifference and arrogance

in suicidal desperate attempts

to reduce suffering.

My “remotely-controlled” verses

before slamming into

the twin “trading” towers of

wake up–PLEASE

become stones

cast by those “good” verses

who “think” they have no sins.

My “stoned” verses

all 1000 of them

are axe-loving philosophers

who feel desperately sorry

for these “good” verses

who are killing

while sleep walking

our blue-skinned

and brown-eyed


Don't worry though

soon my “walking” verses

will kick their ass!


Friday, October 11, 2002
(Completed Tuesday, October 15, 2002)
Tucson, Arizona

By: Moji Agha


I am an even-handed poet

a commanding verse-master.

I command my verses

my “benevolent” predators

to redefine civilization

to decisively explore

to “pre-emptively” dominate

to velvet-fully subjugate

to softly rape






as they advance

to the farthest frontiers

of the “civilization”

of despair

of paralyzing doubt

to the convenient and unconscious zone

in which the simmering

the festering

the decaying

of decency

is celebrated as “civilization”

as the vacuum of preciousness

the absence of care

the hegemonic re-birth of

newly-rehearsed determinations

to be the cruelest

ever ever ever

is “proudly” conquered

for ever ever ever

and shame

is repressed

into the invisible caves

of victor-drafted history

deep deep deep.

I tell my verses

to get drunk

with the wine of blinding power

and never never never again

be paralyzed

with the agony

of needing to wonder

painfully painfully painfully

if power-infested intentions

and actions

are just.

Oh NO!

I have resolved

before the “Congress”

of selfish perversity

from now on

and for ever ever ever

to be a definitely decisive “civilized” poet

determined never never never again

to allow my pointing index fingers

to explore

in the depth of digital soul-sky

its own index of “evil”

deep deep deep

within the sinful caverns

of this shadow bazaar

where the hottest commodities

are smiling unaware scapegoats

in the grandest ever sale

of conscience.

This carefully indexed

“good vs. evil” bazaar

this “us vs. other” market

of deceptive mirrors

has of late been witnessing

wild and unpredictable fluctuations

in the high volume rush liquidations

of decency

where the most profitable bids

belong to those fingers

who are past being

merely manipulative digits

and have now evolved

to become average indexes

of average indexes

of average indexes

of average indexes,

so that no individual finger

no lonely digit

can ever ever ever

have the desire

or even the ability

to become aware

of its own individually custom-tailored


deep deep deep

within prideful destruction.

This robotically indexed bazaar

of “satanic verses”

is where smooth laser-guided

genocide of love

has been digitized

with cruel sleep-walking precision

totally even-handedly.

Long ago

the agonized “holy” eyes

of square-headed

frustrated human beings

who called themselves “Muslims”

interpreted verses of love

to mean

the chopping off

of self-unaware digits

of average-loving indexes

in order to create

even-handed commanding poets.

This is how

the mother-of-all-dastardly-acts

of bazaar-pleasing poetry

has been able to find refuge,




submerged in the ocean

of cruel ignorance

deep deep deep

far far far

in the remotest caves

of even the most perverse


This is how I became

such a fabulously even-handed verse-master


absolutely nothing precious.

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