
(A Persian college student laments about her American ex-boyfriend)

When will I forget

When will I forget how you looked and felt

How you looked at me, and I could see, that you saw me

As your exotic, erotic, enticing, inviting

When will I forget that night

Oon shab that I cried in your arms

When I told you, what I had told no one

When I opened my being, my heart, my self

When I let you go everywhere; my physical, my emotional

When will I forget that look, that needed no words

That I thought said, I'm yours alone

Aay dard, dard meekoneh (oh the pain)

When will I forget your side of my bed

Your legs keeping my cold feet warm and safe

Your arm cushioning my neck

Your arms, your arms, your hands

Aay Khodaa komak (oh God, help)

When will I forget that space between your pecks

That my cheeks fit into so well, during those cold

days that I took solace in your embrace

When will I forget how you said, “azeezam”?

Aay faraamoush, zootaar
Aay Khodaa komak

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