
Sad spectacle

I am a fourth year political science student at Carleton University. My motivation for writing this article was the relationship I had with the brother

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Short of military action

The History of U.S relations with Iran since WWII is studded with incredible gaffes. Afraid of communist takeover and Soviet influence in Iran for much

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Perils of impatience

There has been no more urgent time to take action than now! As the U.S. continues to gain unprecedented power in the Middle East, its

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Some do’s and don’ts

Democracy is a relatively new system of government. Except for the brief existence of (partial) democracy in several Greek city-states some 2,400 years ago, there

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Element of surprise

In my paintings, I am interested in relationships between colors and use them to express basic human emotions, or tragedy, doom and ecstasy. I believe

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Coke or Pepsi?

It was a cool Friday afternoon in Montreal, somewhere around the fall of 1987. I had taken the overnight train from Toronto to attend a friend’s

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The cure

Hi. My name is Sam. I am a mechanic. I have been bedridden for days now. I can’t walk, talk, or do anything else. All

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They knew

The final holiday as a couple without kids is an important one. Varinder, pregnant with our twins, is fast approaching her 30th week after which

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