No commUNITY

As a proud, concerned, and somewhat involved Iranian-American I must say that I was disappointed, to say the least to see that the lack of UNITY in our commUNITY still has such a heavy existance at such a crucial point and time for our beloved country.

This morning on Washington's Capital Hill at the “Peaceful Demonstrations in Support of the Democratic Student Movement in Iran”, the red white and green shone from three blocks away there were flags and flyers everywhere in sight, what was missing was an actual turnout.

Although it did take me 25 minutes to find a parking spot, it clearly had no relation to my fellow Iranians having taken up any spots. Congressman Sherman was one of few congress members that actually showed up as promised, spoke a few words yet still managed to pronounce Iran three different ways in his speech. One step at a time I guess but, in reality what can we expect from non-Iranians when our own people are so disconcerned.

My guesstimate of the total Iranians that came to show their support from the tens of thousands who live in the Washington DC Metro area, would have to be 200-300 heads. This emotional crowd stood outside on the lawn of the dome and endured the blistering 93 degree East Coast heat, chanting for freedom and democracy with all their hearts. I personally commend those of you who did take the time out to come out and speak your minds but, if we as Iranians want to see things happen – we have to make them happen.

We are on the verge of reform, let's give it a push and make it really happen rather than just sit still and merely talk, wish, and hope for reform.There is no use in bashing the Islamic regime while sitting at home drinking tea or sipping wine. We need to get up and get out of our warm seats, and support one another if we really want this change to happen. Some of us have fallen so deeply in our life routines that we've become lazy and oblivious to our land and its future. This is the time to make your voice(s) heard.

Take a moment to ask yourself how fair this really is. These deprived and fed up Iranian students, these youths who have voluntarily taken on the responsibility need our support. There has been minimal bloodshed thus far but, there will be more. Once this regime is over thrown, can we as Iranian-Americans hold our heads up high and hed back for a visit or even with a one-way ticket in hand?

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