
Kamran Rastesgar has performed with and composed music for various musical ensembles and groups of diverse genres and styles, from experimental and independent rock to Middle Eastern ensembles of various configurations.

“Kashan” is a musical collection for soundtracks, including one for “Like Twenty Impossibles”, a short film about a group of Palestinian artists navigating both emotional and political boundaries as they attempt to reach Jerusalem. The film will be showing at the New York Film Festival (October 10-11) accompanying Gus Van Zant's “Elephant”, winner of the 2003 Palm d'Or at Cannes.

Kamran is currently a member of the New York-based Sorush Ensemble, and composes music for film and other media. He has composed soundtracks for short films such as the philistine films' productions: “Like Twenty Impossibles”, “The Satellite Shooters” and “Roads and Radio Waves” as well as having collaborated on Scott Theissen's soundtrack to the independent feature “Planet Manson” (1997).

In addition to his work in music, Kamran is carrying out doctoral studies in comparative literature at Columbia University —

Tracks from “Kashan” in RealAudio

Like twenty impossibles
Wedding song
Funeral song
Gasping, dancing

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